Python TypeError:使用Scipy.special.k0的ufunc'k0'

时间:2014-10-11 16:42:42

标签: python scipy typeerror bessel-functions


1)第一部分使用sympy来解决t并在t = 0时返回x0的值。



    from __future__ import division 
    import sympy as sy
    from sympy import besselk, log, nsolve
    import math
    import numpy as np
    import scipy.special as sp
    Tc = 9.2
    Tb = 5.2
    tb = Tb / Tc
    print 'Value of tb is:'+' '+ str(tb)
    L = 100*10**-9
    W = 100*10**-9
    n = 3*10**-6
    r1 = W / 2
    print 'value of r1 is:'+' '+ str(r1)
    x1 = r1 /n
    print 'value of x1 is'+ ' '+ str(x1)
    S = math.sqrt(3 / (1+ tb + tb**2))
    print 'value of S is:'+' ' + str(S)
    B = (math.pi / 2)*(1+(L/W))
    print 'value of B is:'+' ' + str(B)
    E = [x /10 for x in range (1, 2, 1)]
    x0 = sy.symbols('x0')
    i = (S*x0)*(1-tb**3)*besselk(0, x0) /  3*(log(x0/x1)+B) * besselk(0, S*x0)
    t = - i*( (log(x0/x1)*B)**2 - (log(x0/x1)+B)**2 )
    X0 = nsolve(t, E)
    G = sp.k0(X0)
    print 'value of x0 is:' +' '+ str(X0)


TypeError: ufunc 'k0' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

X0不是常规浮点值;它是来自mpf的{​​{1}} - 类型(包含在内容中)。 mpmath并不知道那是什么。改变这个:



G = sp.k0(X0)