/////////////////////SECTION 1 - This code block returns the current users friends to the page. THIS IS NOT USED IN THE FILTER//////
var currentUser = Parse.User.current();
var FriendRequest = Parse.Object.extend("FriendRequest");
var queryOne = new Parse.Query(FriendRequest);
queryOne.equalTo("toUser", currentUser);
var queryTwo = new Parse.Query(FriendRequest);
queryTwo.equalTo("fromUser", currentUser);
var mainQuery = Parse.Query.or(queryOne, queryTwo);
mainQuery.equalTo("status", "Connected");
success: function(results) {
var friends = [];
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
imageURL: results[i].get('toUser').get('pic'),
username: results[i].get('toUser').get('username'),
userId: results[i].get('toUser').id,
status: results[i].get('status'),
// Saves the object so that it can be used below to change the status//
fetchedObject: results[i]
var select = document.getElementById("FriendsConnected");
$.each(friends, function(i, v) {
var opt = v.username;
var el = document.createElement("option");
el.textContent = opt;
el.value = opt;
_.each(friends, function(item) {
var wrapper = $('<div class="portfolio-item-thumb one-third"></div>');
wrapper.append('<img class="responsive-image friendImgOutline" src="' + item.imageURL + '" />' + '<br>');
wrapper.append('<div class="tag">' + item.username + '</div>');
wrapper.append('<div type="button" class="btn btn-danger mrs decline">' + 'Unfriend' + '</div>');
//The following lets the user accept or decline a friend request by changing the status the status from Pending to Declined/////
wrapper.children('.decline').click(function() {
$(".decline").click(function() {
item.fetchedObject.set("status", "Rejected");
$( "#containerFriends" ).load("friends.html #containerFriends" );
item.fetchedObject.save(null, {
success: function(results) {
error: function(contact, error) {
// The save failed.
// error is a Parse.Error with an error code and description.
alert("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
error: function(error) {
alert("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);