使用“\ n”打印结构的2D数组的问题

时间:2014-10-11 00:03:35

标签: c arrays for-loop struct printf

我试图在盒子形式中使用printf打印2D结构阵列。每个结构都包含int和char值。当我尝试打印它们时,它打印int值就好了,但不是打印char值而是打印�。当我删除printf语句告诉他们在第二个for循环之后转到一个新行(printf(" \ n"))完成它打印就好了(除了它不是这样的事实在盒子形成。这是C的一些奇怪的夸克还是我忽略了什么?

for(int i = 0; i < States-1; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < 11; j++){
        printf("%d%c  ", mArray[i][j].state, mArray[i][j].action);


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#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "classes.h"

void corUsage(argc)
        if(argc == 1)
                printf("usage: ./tokenize tm_file\n");


int curState = 0;
char curAction = 0;

void maketok(char *str)

        char *ptr = str;
        ptr = strtok(str, "/");
        curState = atoi(ptr);
        ptr = strtok(NULL, " ");
        curAction = ptr;
//      printf("%d / %s",curState, curAction);

struct Matrix
        int state;
        char action;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    //opens the file given(argc[1])
    FILE *fp;
    fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");

    //checks for errors
    if(fp == NULL)
    {//error occured
    char buffer[256];//a buffer that holds stuff

    char *ptr = buffer;//a pointer to the buffer
    char *ptr2;//a pointer for MISC.

    int States;//The number of states
    int Start;//The starting state
    int Accept;//The ending state

    //this reads the first three lines of the tm.x file and stores
    //it in the variable above.
    ptr = fgets(buffer, 256, fp);
    ptr2 = strtok(ptr, " ");
    ptr2 = strtok(NULL, " ");
    States = atoi(ptr2);
    ptr = fgets(buffer, 256, fp);
    ptr2 = strtok(ptr, " ");
    ptr2 = strtok(NULL, " ");
    Start = atoi(ptr2);
    ptr = fgets(buffer, 256, fp);
    ptr2 = strtok(ptr, " ");
    ptr2 = strtok(NULL, " ");
    Accept = atoi(ptr2);

    struct Matrix mArray[States][12];//a 2D array that will be holding structs

    while((ptr = fgets(buffer, 256, fp)) != NULL)
            char *cur = strtok(ptr, " ");
            int idx = atoi(cur);
            char *buffer2[256];//a buffer for MISC data
            int co = 0;//counter vairable that tells how many things are in the line.
            for(cur = strtok(NULL, " "); cur != NULL; cur = strtok(NULL, " "))
                    buffer2[co] = cur;//possibily not co as index?
            for(int q = 0; q < 12; q++)
                    struct Matrix var;
                    var.state = 99;
                    var.action = "d";
                    mArray[idx][q] = var;
            /*for(int i = 0; i < co; i++)

                            printf("%d / %s", curState, curAction);
                            mArray[idx][i].state = curState;
                            mArray[idx][i].action = curAction;


            for(int i = 0; i < States-1; i++){
                    for(int j = 0; j < 11; j++){
                            printf("%d%c  ", mArray[i][j].state, mArray[i][j].action);



states 10
start  0
accept 9
0  0/0d  1/0d  2/1s  3/3s  4/2s  5/2s  6/5s  7/4s  8/4s  10/9d
1  0/9d  1/9d  2/1s  3/1s  4/1s  5/1s  10/9d
2  0/9d  1/9d  3/2s  4/2s  5/2s  10/9d
3  0/9d  1/9d  3/3s  4/3s  5/9d  10/9d
4  0/9d  1/9d  10/9d
5  0/9d  1/9d  7/6s  10/9d
6  0/6s  1/6s  2/6s  3/6s  4/6s  5/6s  6/6s  7/7s  8/6s  9/6s  10/9d
7  0/6s  1/6s  2/6s  3/6s  4/6s  5/6s  6/8s  7/7s  8/6s  9/6s  10/9d
8  0/9d  1/9d  10/9d

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



for(int q = 0; q < 12; q++)
                struct Matrix var;
                var.state = 99;
                var.action = "d";
                mArray[idx][q] = var;

我宣布var.action = "d";。 它应该只用var.action = 'd';单引号。
