Hello World bootloader无法正常工作

时间:2010-04-13 15:34:57

标签: assembly x86 bootstrapping bootloader

我一直在完成教程on this webpage,它逐步创建一个显示Hello World的引导加载程序。

第二个教程(我们尝试输出“A”)可以很好地工作,但是第一个教程对我来说根本不起作用! (BIOS完全忽略了软盘并直接启动进入Windows)。这不是一个问题,但任何解释都会受到赞赏。

真正的问题是我无法获得第3个教程。而不是输出“Hello World”,我在屏幕的左下角得到一个不寻常的字符(和闪烁的光标)。它看起来有点像圆角矩形内的笑脸。有谁知道如何让Hello World显示它应该显示?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

你说“直接启动进入Windows”,所以我假设你使用的是物理PC。未来的注意事项:始终使用模拟器进行开发!这更容易。我喜欢Bochs for OSDeving,因为它有很好的调试功能。现在,了解可能的解决方案。

有很多错误的BIOS会破坏IBM PC的非正式规范,以获取0x7C00加载地址。


[BITS 16] ;tell the assembler that its a 16 bit code
[ORG 0x7C00] ;this tells the assembler where the code will be loaded at when it runs on your machine. It uses this to compute the absolute addresses of labels and such.

jmp word 0:flush ;#FAR jump so that you set CS to 0. (the first argument is what segment to jump to. The argument(after the `:`) is what offset to jump to)
;# Without the far jmp, CS could be `0x7C0` or something similar, which will means that where the assembler thinks the code is loaded and where your computer loaded the code is different. Which in turn messes up the absolute addresses of labels.
flush: ;#We go to here, but we do it ABSOLUTE. So with this, we can reset the segment and offset of where our code is loaded.
mov BP,0 ;#use BP as a temp register
mov DS,BP ;#can not assign segment registers a literal number. You have to assign to a register first.
mov ES,BP ;#do the same here too
;#without setting DS and ES, they could have been loaded with the old 0x7C0, which would mess up absolute address calculations for data. 


jmp word 0:0x7C04 ;# 0x7C04 is the address of the `flush` label 




mov ax,[mydata]

mydata: dw 500 ;#just some data


mov ax,[0x7C06] 



答案 1 :(得分:1)


[ORG 0x7C00]    ;Origin, tell the assembler that where the code will


 push cs
 pop ds


 [ORG 0x000]    ; switched to 0 since we are going to try to correct it ourself

 call nextinstruction
 nextinstruction:    ; get the return address of the call into dx
 pop dx              ; which is essentially the start of the code + 3 (3 bytes for the call instruction)
 MOV SI, HelloString ;Store string pointer to SI
 add si, dx          ; add IP from start of program
 sub si, 3           ; subtract the 3 the call instruction probably took
 push cs
 pop ds              ; make ds the same as cs.  
 CALL PrintString   ;Call print string procedure
 JMP $      ;Infinite loop, hang it here.


DS是一个细分受众群注册,您可能需要阅读Art of Assembly之类的内容以了解详情。
