
时间:2014-10-10 12:53:10

标签: java for-loop multidimensional-array



采取这个(尽管很差)的例子,我一直在努力帮助自己理解2D数组(以及其他考试材料)。假设您经营汽车经销商,并且您想订购汽车来填充您的库存。该程序以一个顶级abstract课程开始,该课程描述了您一般销售的汽车(在我的案例中是奥迪)。经销商提供4种型号的奥迪,A4A6A8R8。所有这些汽车(类)都从名为super的{​​{1}}继承方法。然后我想创建一个2D阵列来存储汽车库存。这将在我定义的另一个类中使用,包括Audisearch()delete()的方法。我们称之为sort()。经销商只能容纳每个型号中的3个,因此阵列类似于AudiDealership。 A4将填充第一行Audi[4][3],A6填充subscript 0等。如何设置subscript 1循环以从正确的行插入/删除?我显然不希望A4插入一行应该容纳A6,依此类推。

同样,我可以整天盯着代码并复制它,但我想理解 为什么 / 循环如何工作做。如果这个话题看似微不足道或被打死,我道歉,但是在发布这篇文章之前我所做的所有阅读都让我感到困惑。这个网站上的很多人都是你自己的优秀老师,所以我觉得有人可以用我能理解的方式解释这个。我的教授在这方面没有任何帮助,所以我正在使用外部手段来试图解决问题。我非常感谢任何建议或解释提前:)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

有助于将2D数组视为包含其他数组的数组。例如Cars[0][5]正在0处访问汽车数组,而实际汽车位于该阵列的第5位。 Cars[1][5]将访问位置1处的第二个汽车阵列,并且汽车位于位于位置1的阵列的5处。此代码可能有助于您理解它:

public class TwoDArray {

  public static void main(String[] args)
    Cars[][] cars; // declaring my 2D array.

    cars = new Cars[4][]; // making the x axis 4 cars wide.

    // now we will step along the x axis and create a Cars array in each slot.
    for ( int a = 0; a < cars.length; a++) // cars.length = how wide.
        cars[a] = new Cars[3]; // creating a new Cars[] in each slot of our 2D Car array @ position a.
                               //cars[a] = new 1D Cars array in slot a, length of 3.

    // Note that we could have also created our array like this.
    // Cars[][] cars = new Cars[4][3];

    for ( int x = 0; x < cars.length; x++) //stepping along the x axis. cars.length = how wide.
    {   //every time we step thru x we will execute this next loop.
        for ( int y = 0; y < cars[x].length; y++) // stepping along the y axis. cars[x].length = how long.
        { // this loop will cycle through the y axis each time we increment x
            cars[x][y] = new Cars( 2014, "someAudi", x + " " + y ); // creating a new car(s) @ x,y position.

    // now to just print them.

    for ( int x = 0; x < cars.length; x++) //stepping along the x axis again.
        for ( int y = 0; y < cars[x].length; y++) // stepping along the y axis.
            System.out.println(cars[x][y].getYear() + 
                    " " + cars[x][y].getModel() +
                    " " + cars[x][y].getName() +
                    " " + cars[x][y].getManufacturer()); // the super method.


    // To insert into your array, you simply need to provide the coordinates to insert the new Car(s) object.
    // This next line will insert a new Car into the array at position 1 and the number 2 element of that array.
    cars[1][2] = new Cars( 2014, "someAudi", "My Favorite Car!");

    System.out.println(); // Just adding a space between outputs.

    for ( Cars[] c: cars) //extracting each Cars array and name it c from the 2D Cars array named cars.
    {                     //basically stepping along the x axis and getting each array stored in x.

        for ( Cars car: c) // Now we are stepping along the y axis.
        {                  // We are getting each individual Cars object and naming it car
                           // from each Cars[] named c from our first loop.

            System.out.println(car.getYear() + 
                    " " + car.getModel() +
                    " " + car.getName() +
                    " " + car.getManufacturer()); // the super method.

    // NOTE* if you wish to insert a new element and do not have extra capacity then you will need to
    // create a larger array @ cars[x]. cars[x] = new Cars[newSize];. 

    // DELETION.

    // To delete an element you can just simply overwrite it. 
    // such as:        
    cars[1][1] = new Cars( 2014, "someAudi", "new Audi"); // Essentially we deleted and inserted a new object
                                                          // at position [1][1]. 

    // If you just want to completely remove the element then you will need to update the size of the array.

    // You can define a new array to hold the values of the old array minus the element that should be deleted.
    Cars[] newArray = new Cars[cars[2].length - 1]; // We will use the array stored in cars[2] for this example.
                                                    // we set the length to one less to completely get rid of the
                                                    // old element.    

    int deleteThisPosition = 1; // We will use this variable to store the position that will be deleted from
                                // the array stored in cars[2].

    int newArrayPosition = 0; // We will use this to increment our position in the new array along with `a`
                              // in the next for loop.

    for ( int a = 0; a < cars[2].length; a++)
        if ( a == deleteThisPosition) // if it reaches this position we will advance `a` and exclude it from
             a++;                     // our new array.

        newArray[newArrayPosition] = cars[2][a]; // we will store the value @ position `a` from the array in cars[2]
                                                 // into our newArray @ position `newArrayPosition`.                                     

        newArrayPosition++; // incrementing our variable to stay parallel with the array in cars[2]. 

    //Now we can just assign the newArray to cars[2]. You will notice that Car `2 1` is no longer present.
    cars[2] = newArray;

    System.out.println(); // Just adding a space between outputs.

    for ( Cars[] c: cars) 
        for ( Cars car: c) 
            System.out.println(car.getYear() + 
                    " " + car.getModel() +
                    " " + car.getName() +
                    " " + car.getManufacturer()); // the super method.




public abstract class Audi { 

  public String getManufacturer() { return "Audi"; } // method from this super class.



public class Cars extends Audi{ //extending Audi.

  private String model;
  private String name;
  private int year;

  Cars(int year, String model, String name)
    this.year = year;
    this.model = model;
    this.name = name;

  public String getName() { return name; }    

  public String getModel() { return model; }

  public int getYear() { return year; }




enter image description here

注意每辆车名称中的模式,即唯一列。它对应于我们如何逐步完成循环。我们从x开始,每个x我们循环y。 x + " " + y是我们在上面的代码中为每辆车命名的方式。



答案 1 :(得分:1)


StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();

    for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < table[i].length; j++) {


array image

代码直接进入第一行。这是i值。 当你想循环遍历行的每一列时, 你需要知道要遍历它的行的长度。

所以你从第一行开始,然后直接到表[i] .length的结尾。 在第一行中,第一个长度是table [0] .length。 这个长度为3,因为每行有3列。

entry point

我们现在已经完成了第一行的循环,我们到了第二行。 通过进入第二行,我增加1。 所以我们的指针现在显示在第2行(表[i] .length中的 i 现在为1,因为它总是从0开始),依此类推。

我们的指针遍历每一行,这就是它的工作原理。 对于每一个新行, i 的指针增加1(在for循环中为 i ++ )。

enter image description here

一行中的每个新列 j 增加, i 保持不变。 i 仅在您输入新行时发生变化。 j 通过输入新列进行更改。




如果您想获得第4行中第3列的值: enter image description here

您想要的价值在这里:table[3][2]; 记住数组总是从0开始计数。)

答案 2 :(得分:1)

Audi[4][3] cars = ... // your 2D array of all cars




转换为cars[0]持有Audi[] with A4 instancescars[1]持有Audi[] with A6 instances等。


 Audi[] A4s = cars[0];
 Audi[] A6s = cars[1];


 Audi A4_1 = A4s[0];
 Audi A4_2 = A4s[1];
 Audi A4_3 = A4s[2];



 for (int specificCarIndex = 0; specificCarIndex < 3; specificCarIndex++) {
      // Here A4s[specificCarIndex] contains an object of concrete Audi car of model A4



  for (int carModelIndex = 0; carModelIndex < 4; carModelIndex++) {
      // Here cars[carModelIndex] holds an array of specific Audi model as you mentioned before

cars[carModelIndex]基本上是Audi[] A4s carModelIndex == 0Audi[] A6s carModelIndex == 1,依此类推。


 for (int carModelIndex = 0; carModelIndex < 4; carModelIndex++) {
     for (int specificCarIndex = 0; specificCarIndex < 3; specificCarIndex++) {
         // Here cars[carModelIndex][specificCarIndex] holds an object of type Audi which refers to a specific car
         // If double index seems difficult, consider this:
         // Audi[] audis = cars[carModelIndex] (array like A4s, A6s...)
         // Audi audi = audis[specificCarIndex] (specific car)
         // Just as in the examples before for-loops.