传递数据时在jquery ajax上获取错误

时间:2014-10-10 06:33:39

标签: php jquery ajax

我使用jQuery Ajax上传图像,我也希望用Ajax数据传递用户ID,但是当Ajax运行时,我得到了下面的错误。我正在使用MVC结构。

Notice: Undefined index: userImage in/var/www/propio/application/models/user_model.php on line 544


    url: BASE_URL+"user/updateUserImage",
    type : "POST",
    data : new FormData(this) + '&id=' + <?php echo $user_id; ?>,
    contentType : false,
    cache : false,
    processData : false,
    success : function(data) {                  
        $('#loading-div').hide(); // Hide ajax loader
        if(data == "Error: Please upload your image."){
        }else if(data == "Error: File is too large. File must be less than 2MB."){
        }else if(data == "Error: Image must be in JPEG, JPG or PNG format."){
    error : function() {



public function updateUserImage(){

    // Load model, perform an action on the model
    $loadOffice = $this->loadModel('user_model');
    return $postData = $loadOffice->updateUserImage();



public function updateUserImage(){

    if($_FILES['userImage']['type'] =='image/jpeg' || $_FILES['userImage']['type'] =='image/jpg' || $_FILES['userImage']['type'] =='image/png' && $_FILES['userImage']['size'] < 20000){
        if(is_array($_FILES)) {
            if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userImage']['tmp_name'])) {

                define('DESIRED_IMAGE_WIDTH', 130);
                define('DESIRED_IMAGE_HEIGHT', 130);

                $timestamp = time();
                $source_path = $_FILES['userImage']['tmp_name'];
                $final_location = USER_PROFILE_UPLOAD_PATH.$timestamp.$_FILES['userImage']['name'];
                $final_location = strtolower($final_location); //Create image name with lower case

                $db_file_name = $timestamp.$_FILES['userImage']['name'];
                $db_file_name = strtolower($db_file_name); //Create image name with lower case

                * Add file validation code here
                list($source_width, $source_height, $source_type) = getimagesize($source_path);

                switch ($source_type) {
                    case IMAGETYPE_GIF:
                        $source_gdim = imagecreatefromgif($source_path);
                case IMAGETYPE_JPEG:
                        $source_gdim = imagecreatefromjpeg($source_path);
                case IMAGETYPE_PNG:
                        $source_gdim = imagecreatefrompng($source_path);

                $source_aspect_ratio = $source_width / $source_height;
                $desired_aspect_ratio = DESIRED_IMAGE_WIDTH / DESIRED_IMAGE_HEIGHT;

                if ($source_aspect_ratio > $desired_aspect_ratio) {

                    * Triggered when source image is wider
                    $temp_height = DESIRED_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
                    $temp_width = ( int ) (DESIRED_IMAGE_HEIGHT * $source_aspect_ratio);

                } else {

                    * Triggered otherwise (i.e. source image is similar or taller)
                    $temp_width = DESIRED_IMAGE_WIDTH;
                    $temp_height = ( int ) (DESIRED_IMAGE_WIDTH / $source_aspect_ratio);


                * Resize the image into a temporary GD image
                $temp_gdim = imagecreatetruecolor($temp_width, $temp_height);
                    0, 0,
                    0, 0,
                    $temp_width, $temp_height,
                    $source_width, $source_height

                * Copy cropped region from temporary image into the desired GD image

                $x0 = ($temp_width - DESIRED_IMAGE_WIDTH) / 2;
                $y0 = ($temp_height - DESIRED_IMAGE_HEIGHT) / 2;
                $desired_gdim = imagecreatetruecolor(DESIRED_IMAGE_WIDTH, DESIRED_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
                    0, 0,
                    $x0, $y0,

                * Render the image
                * Alternatively, you can save the image in file-system or database
                header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
                imagejpeg($desired_gdim, $final_location, 100);

                // Retrieve current user profile image
                $sql = "SELECT profile_picture FROM ".TABLE_USER_DETAIL." WHERE user_id=84";    
                $query = $this->db->prepare($sql);
                $result = $query->fetchAll();
                $current_picture = $result[0]->profile_picture; // Get admin current profile image

                $sql = "UPDATE ".TABLE_USER_DETAIL." SET profile_picture = :profile_picture WHERE user_id=84";
                $query = $this->db->prepare($sql);
                $updateProfile = $query->execute(array(':profile_picture' => $db_file_name));

                if($updateProfile && !empty($current_picture)) {
                    unlink(USER_PROFILE_UPLOAD_PATH.$current_picture); // Unlink old profile picture

                    <img src="<?php echo URL.$final_location; ?>" />

    }else if($_FILES['userImage']['name'] == ""){
        echo "Error: Please upload your image.";
    }else if($_FILES['userImage']['type'] =='image/jpeg' || $_FILES['userImage']['type'] =='image/jpg' || $_FILES['userImage']['type'] =='image/png' && $_FILES['userImage']['size'] > 20000){
        echo "Error: File is too large. File must be less than 2MB.";
        echo "Error: Image must be in JPEG, JPG or PNG format.";


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


    url: BASE_URL+"user/updateUserImage",
    type : "POST",
    data : {new FormData(this) + 'id:'<?php echo $user_id; ?>},
    contentType : false,
    cache : false,
    processData : false,
    success : function(data) {                  
        $('#loading-div').hide(); // Hide ajax loader
        if(data == "Error: Please upload your image."){
        }else if(data == "Error: File is too large. File must be less than 2MB."){
        }else if(data == "Error: Image must be in JPEG, JPG or PNG format."){
    error : function() {


答案 1 :(得分:0)

因为这是ajax中的文件字段所以你不能直接发送它而不是你应该使用ajaxform jquery插件,它可以发送包括文件在内的数据的技巧
