[[2013, 'Patric', 'M', 1356], [2013, 'Helena', 'F', 202], [2013, 'Patric', 'F', 6],[1993, 'Patric', 'F', 7]......]
这是def list_of_names()
{ .. ’Patric’:[... , (1993, 0, 7), (2013, 1356, 6), ... ], ... }.
def name_Index(names):
d = dict()
L = readNames() #the list with from previous def which outputs different names and info as above
newlist = []
for sublist in L:
答案 0 :(得分:1)
from collections import defaultdict
def list_of_names():
return [[2013, 'Patric', 'M', 1356],
[2013, 'Helena', 'F', 202],
[2013, 'Patric', 'F', 6],
[1993, 'Patric', 'F', 7]]
def name_Index():
tmp = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(lambda: [0,0]))
for year, name, sex, N in list_of_names():
i = 0 if sex == 'M' else 1
tmp[name][year][i] += N
d = {}
for name, entries in tmp.items():
d[name] = [(year, M, F) for (year, (M,F)) in entries.items()]
return d
print name_Index()
答案 1 :(得分:1)
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from itertools import groupby
data = [[2013, 'Patric', 'M', 1356],
[2013, 'Helena', 'F', 202],
[2013, 'Patric', 'F', 6],
[1993, 'Patric', 'F', 7]]
names = defaultdict(list)
datum = namedtuple('datum', 'year gender number')
for k, g in groupby(data, key=lambda x: x[1]):
for l in g:
year, name, gender, number = l
names[k].append(datum(year, gender, number))
final_dict = defaultdict(list)
for n in names:
for k, g in groupby(names[n], lambda x: x.year):
males = 0
females = 0
for l in g:
if l.gender == 'M':
males += l.number
elif l.gender == 'F':
females += l.number
final_dict[n].append((k, males, females))
答案 2 :(得分:0)
from collections import defaultdict
names = [ [2013, 'Patric', 'M', 1356],
[2013, 'Helena', 'F', 202],
[2013, 'Patric', 'F', 6],
[1993, 'Patric', 'F', 7] ]
def name_Index(data):
# name => year => sex
d = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: {'F': 0, 'M': 0}))
for year, name, sex, births in data:
d[name][year][sex] += births
# if you are fine with defauldict result: return d
# else collect results into tuples:
result = {}
for name, data in d.items():
result[name] = [(year, c['M'], c['F']) for year, c in data.items()]
return result
print name_Index(names)
# {'Helena': [(2013, 0, 202)], 'Patric': [(1993, 0, 7), (2013, 1356, 6)]}
答案 3 :(得分:0)
def readNames ():
return [[2013, 'Patric', 'M', 1356], [2013, 'Helena', 'F', 202], [2013, 'Patric', 'F', 6],[1993, 'Patric', 'F', 7]]
class YearOb(object):
def __init__(self):
self.male = 0
self.female = 0
def add_birth_data(self, gender, birth_count):
if gender == "M":
self.male += birth_count
self.female += birth_count
class NameOb(object):
def __init__(self):
self.yearobs = dict()
def add_record(self, year, gender, birth_count):
if year not in self.yearobs:
self.yearobs[year].add_birth_data(gender, birth_count)
def get_as_list(self):
list_data = []
for year, yearob in self.yearobs.items():
list_data.append((year, yearob.male, yearob.female))
return list_data
def name_Index(names):
d = dict()
L = readNames() #the list with from previous def which outputs different names and info as above
newlist = []
for sublist in L:
name = sublist[1]
if name not in d:
d[name].add_record(sublist[0], sublist[2], sublist[3])
for name, nameob in d.items():
d[name] = nameob.get_as_list()
return d