$.validator.addMethod("uniqueUserName", function(value, element) {
type: "POST",
url: "php/get_save_status.php",
data: "checkUsername="+value,
success: function(msg)
// if the user exists, it returns a string "true"
if(msg == "true")
return false; // already exists
return true; // username is free to use
})}, "Username is Already Taken");
username: {
required: true,
uniqueUserName: true
答案 0 :(得分:61)
rules: {
email: {
required: true,
email: true,
remote: {
url: "check-email.php",
type: "post",
data: {
username: function() {
return $("#username").val();
答案 1 :(得分:59)
。另请参阅此帖子:How can I get jQuery to perform a synchronous, rather than asynchronous, Ajax request?
function myValidator() {
var isSuccess = false;
$.ajax({ url: "",
data: {},
async: false,
function(msg) { isSuccess = msg === "true" ? true : false }
return isSuccess;
从jQuery 1.8开始,使用async:false和jqXHR($ .Deferred) 弃用;您必须使用success / error / complete回调选项 而不是jqXHR对象的相应方法,如 jqXHR.done()或不推荐使用的jqXHR.success()。
答案 2 :(得分:11)
我花了很长时间才弄清楚如何将包含页面中元素值的jsonified字符串放入远程请求中 - 这是多小时组合并尝试多次搜索结果的结果。
已弃用, remote:
$("#EmailAddress").rules("add", {
required: true,
remote: function () { // the function allows the creation of the data string
// outside of the remote call itself, which would not
// return a current value from the form.
var emailData = "{'address':'" +
$('#SignupForm :input[id$="EmailAddress"]').val() +
var r = {
url: "foobar.aspx/IsEmailAvailable",
type: "post",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
cache: false,
data: emailData,
dataFilter: function(response) {
this.email_run = true; //fix for race condition with next button
return isAvailable(data); //return true or false
return r;
messages: {
remote: "* Email in use"
<input id="EmailAddress" required name="Email" type="email" placeholder="Email Address*" runat="server"/>
public static object IsEmailAvailable(string address){...}
function isAvailable(data) {
var response = JSON.parse(getJsonObject(data));
return (response.isAvailable === "True") ? true : false;
//transform response string to a JavaScript Object()
function getJsonObject(data) {
var msg = eval('(' + data + ')');
if (msg.hasOwnProperty('d'))
return msg.d;
return msg;
答案 3 :(得分:0)
下面是一个实用程序函数,该函数允许对“ jquery.validate.js”库使用“异步”验证。此功能会在用户击键之间产生延迟,否则验证功能“ validFunc”将被称为“ all time”,这在某些情况下效果不佳,对于在“服务器端” /“后端”执行验证的功能尤其有问题(ajax调用基本上是)。这样,仅当用户在一段时间内停止键入时才调用“ validFunc”验证功能,这也允许在用户键入时进行“实时”验证(jqv设置为"onkeyup": true
重要提示:涉及“ jqvAsyncValid”功能使用的验证应始终是最后一项,以避免由于异步而与其他冲突。
"rules": {
"field_name": {
"required": true,
"maxlength": 12,
"minlength": 4,
// NOTE: Validation involving the use of the "jqvAsyncValid" function. By Questor
"my_custom_ajax_validation": true
// NOTE: Adds the custom validation "my_custom_ajax_validation". By Questor
$.validator.addMethod("my_custom_ajax_validation", function (value, element) {
return jqvAsyncValid(element, "my_custom_ajax_validation", myValidationFunc, this);
}, "My error message!");
// NOTE: My validation function. By Questor
function myValidationFunc(domElement) {
if (someFuncWithAjaxCall(domElement.value) == "ALL_RIGHT!") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// NOTE: Global "json" variable that stores the "status" ("isValid") and cycle control
// ("toCtrl") of asynchronously validated elements using the "jqvAsyncValid" function.
// By Questor
var jqvAsyncVState = {};
// NOTE: A utility function that allows the use of asynchronous validations with
// "jquery.validate.js". This function creates a delay between one user keystroke and
// another otherwise the validation function "validFunc" will be called "all time"
// which is not very performative in some circumstances and especially problematic
// for functions that perform validations on the serverside/backend (ajax calls basically).
// In this way the "validFunc" validation function is only called when the user stops
// typing for a certain period of time, which also allows a "realtime" validation
// as it occurs while the user is typing. By Questor
// [Ref .: https://jqueryvalidation.org/ ]
//. domElement - DOM element informed by jqv in the "addMethod" for the anonymous
// function;
//. asyncRuleNm - Validation name added via "addMethod";
//. validFunc - Function that will do the validation. Must have the signature
// "funcName(domElement)" returning "true" for valid and "false" for not;
//. jQValidInst - Instance of the current jqv within "addMethod". It is usually
// denoted by "this";
//. toInMsecs - "Timeout" in "milliseconds". If not informed the default will be
// 1500 milliseconds. Be careful not to use a very short timeout especially in
// "ajax" calls so as not to overload the serverside/backend.
// Eg.: `return jqvAsyncValid(element, "my_custom_ajax_validation", myValidationFunc, this);`.
function jqvAsyncValid(domElement, asyncRuleNm, validFunc, jQValidInst, toInMsecs) {
if (typeof toInMsecs === "undefined" || toInMsecs === "") {
toInMsecs = 1500;
var domEKey = jQValidInst.currentForm.id + domElement.name;
// NOTE: The validation messages need to be "displayed" and "hidden" manually
// as they are displayed asynchronously. By Questor
function errMsgHandler() {
if (jqvAsyncVState[domEKey]["isValid"]) {
// NOTE: If the current error message displayed on the element was that
// set in the rule added via "addMethod" then it should be removed since
// the element is valid. By Questor
// [Ref.: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11652922/3223785 ,
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/11952571/3223785 ]
if (jQValidInst.errorMap[domElement.name] == $.validator.messages[asyncRuleNm]) {
var iMsgNow = {};
iMsgNow[domElement.name] = "";
} else {
var iMsgNow = {};
// NOTE: If the element is invalid, get the message set by "addMethod"
// for current rule in "$.validator.messages" and show it. By Questor
iMsgNow[domElement.name] = $.validator.messages[asyncRuleNm];
if (!jqvAsyncVState.hasOwnProperty(domEKey)) {
// NOTE: Set the global json variable "jqvAsyncVState" the control attributes
// for the element to be asynchronously validated if it has not already been
// set. The key "domEKey" is formed by the "id" of the "form" that contains
// the element and the element's "name". By Questor
jqvAsyncVState[domEKey] = {
"toCtrl": null,
"isValid": undefined
var useOnKeyup = true;
// NOTE: The "onblur" event is required for "first validation" that only occurs
// in a "blur" event - this is inherent to jqv - and for situations where the
// user types very fast and triggers "tab" and the event "onkeyup" can not deal
// with it. By Questor
domElement.onblur = function (e) {
jqvAsyncVState[domEKey]["isValid"] = validFunc(domElement);
useOnKeyup = false;
if (useOnKeyup) {
// NOTE: The strategy with the event "onkeyup" below was created to create
// a "delay" between a "keystroke" and another one otherwise the validation
// function "validFunc" will be called "all time" which is not very performative
// in some circumstances and especially problematic for functions that perform
// serverside/backend validations (ajax calls basically). In this way the
// "validFunc" validation function is only called when the user stops typing
// for a certain period of time ("toInMsecs"). By Questor
domElement.onkeyup = function (e) {
// NOTE: Clear the "toCtrl" if it has already been set. This will
// prevent the previous task from executing if it has been less than
// "toInMsecs". By Questor
// NOTE: Make a new "toCtrl" set to go off in "toInMsecs" ms. By Questor
jqvAsyncVState[domEKey]["toCtrl"] = setTimeout(function () {
jqvAsyncVState[domEKey]["isValid"] = validFunc(domElement);
}, toInMsecs);
return jqvAsyncVState[domEKey]["isValid"];