
时间:2014-10-08 08:17:48

标签: node.js rust


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

据我了解,EventEmitter只是事件监听器支持的通用接口; "实施的对象"此接口提供了几种事件,客户端代码可以在其上放置侦听器回调。然后,当对象自行决定发出相应的事件时,将调用这些回调。由于JS是动态类型语言,因此这种界面非常自然地出现并且可以通过很多东西来实现。

首先,无论是在NodeJS还是在Rust中,你都可以"订阅" tasks / threads:你在一些对象上放置一个监听器回调,然后这个回调将从某个线程调用,甚至可能是当前的调用,但通常是订阅一个对象的线程和运行这个回调的线程是不同的。在NodeJS中有一个全局事件循环,它调用函数和外部事件监听器,而这些监听器又可以调用其他事件监听器,因此你不知道哪个线程将执行监听器。不是你应该关心 - 事件循环抽象隐藏了你的显式线程。

然而,Rust是一种适当的多线程语言。它不会在全局事件循环上运行(虽然通过libgreen仍然可以 - 在类似于Node中的事件循环中运行Rust程序;它将用于任务管理和I / O处理,但它将在不久的将来与libstd分开。默认Rust运行时libnative公开了用于创建本机抢占式调度线程和本机I / O的工具。这意味着哪个线程最终执行回调并不重要,您应该记住所有回调都将在拥有该对象的线程中执行,除非它创建专门用于事件处理的单独线程。



答案 1 :(得分:1)


  • 定义对象struct
  • 定义您的Listeners
  • 定义标准函数,我们称它们为Extensions
  • 通过执行EmitterExtensions选项添加到Self::Fn<Listener>


// 1. Define your object
pub struct Counter {
 count: i32,

// 2. (Optional), if do not want to use `#[derive(Debug)]` 
//    you can define your own debug/release format
impl std::fmt::Debug for Counter {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Counter `count` is: {}", self.count)

// 3. Define your Listeners trait 
trait EventListener {
     fn on_squared() {
        println!("Counter squared")
     fn on_increased(amount: i32) {
        println!("Counter increased by {}", amount)
     fn on_decreased(self, amount: i32);

// 4. Implement your Listeners trait to your object
impl EventListener for Counter {
    fn on_decreased(self, amount: i32) {
        println!("Counter reduced from {} to {}", &self.count, &self.count - amount)

// 5. (Recommended), Define your standard functions/Extensions/Emitters
//    trait signatures
trait EventEmitter {
    fn square(&mut self);
    fn increase(&mut self, amount: i32);
    fn decrease(&mut self, amount: i32);
    fn change_by(&mut self, amount: i32);

// 6. Implement your standard functions/Extensions/Emitters trait to your object
impl EventEmitter for Counter {
    fn square(&mut self) { 
        self.count = self.count.pow(2);
        Self::on_squared();      // This is Event Emitter, calling the Listner
    fn increase(&mut self, amount: i32) { 
        self.count = self.count + amount; 
        Self::on_increased(amount);   // This is Event Emitter, calling the Listner
    fn decrease(&mut self, amount: i32) {
        let initial_value = self.count;
        self.count = self.count - amount;
        Self::on_decreased(Self {count: initial_value}, amount);  // This is Event Emitter, calling the Listner
    fn change_by(&mut self, amount: i32) {
        let initial_value = self.count;
        self.count = self.count + amount;
        match amount {
            x if x > 0 => Self::on_increased(amount),   // This is Event Emitter, calling the Listner
            x if x < 0 => Self::on_decreased(Self {count: initial_value},  // This is Event Emitter, calling the Listneramount.abs()),
            _   => println!("No changes")

// 7. Build your main function
fn main() {
    let mut x = Counter { count: 5 };
    println!("Counter started at: {:#?}", x.count);
    x.square();   // Call the extension, which will automatically trigger the listner
    println!("{:?}", x);
    println!("{:?}", x);
    println!("{:?}", x);
    println!("{:?}", x);


Counter started at: 5
Counter squared
Counter `count` is: 25
Counter increased by 3
Counter `count` is: 28
Counter reduced from 28 to 26
Counter `count` is: 26
Counter reduced from 26 to 25
Counter `count` is: 25