当我调用$ user = new User();对于用户表而不是表单字段值显示
public function actionCreate()
$request = Yii::app()->request;
$notify = Yii::app()->notify;
$user = new User();
if ($request->isPostRequest && ($attributes = (array)$request->getPost($user->modelName, array()))) {
$user->attributes = $attributes;
if (!$user->save()) {
$notify->addError(Yii::t('app', 'Your form has a few errors, please fix them and try again!'));
} else {
$notify->addSuccess(Yii::t('app', 'Your form has been successfully saved!'));
Yii::app()->hooks->doAction('controller_action_save_data', $collection = new CAttributeCollection(array(
'controller' => $this,
'success' => $notify->hasSuccess,
'user' => $user,
if ($collection->success) {
'pageMetaTitle' => $this->data->pageMetaTitle . ' | '. Yii::t('users', 'Create new user'),
'pageHeading' => Yii::t('users', 'Create new user'),
'pageBreadcrumbs' => array(
Yii::t('users', 'Users') => $this->createUrl('users/index'),
Yii::t('app', 'Create new'),
$this->render('form', compact('user'));
<?php echo $form->labelEx($user , 'first_name');?>
<?php echo $form->textField($user , 'first_name', $role->getHtmlOptions('first_name')); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($user , 'first_name');?>
但是当i $ role = new role();用户角色表获取错误
public function actionCreate()
$request = Yii::app()->request;
$notify = Yii::app()->notify;
$role = new Role();
if ($request->isPostRequest && ($attributes = (array)$request->getPost($role->modelName, array()))) {
$role->attributes = $attributes;
if (!$role->save()) {
$notify->addError(Yii::t('app', 'Your form has a few errors, please fix them and try again!'));
} else {
$notify->addSuccess(Yii::t('app', 'Your form has been successfully saved!'));
Yii::app()->hooks->doAction('controller_action_save_data', $collection = new CAttributeCollection(array(
'controller' => $this,
'success' => $notify->hasSuccess,
'user' => $user,
if ($collection->success) {
'pageMetaTitle' => $this->data->pageMetaTitle . ' | '. Yii::t('roles', 'Create new role'),
'pageHeading' => Yii::t('roles', 'Create new role'),
'pageBreadcrumbs' => array(
Yii::t('roles', 'Roles') => $this->createUrl('users_role/index'),
Yii::t('app', 'Create new role'),
$this->render('form', compact('role'));
<?php echo $form->labelEx($role, 'role_name');?>
<?php echo $form->textField($role, 'role_name', $role->getHtmlOptions('role_name')); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($role, 'role_name');?>