
时间:2014-10-07 06:28:10

标签: php mysql database






    //$lockerid is pulled earlier in the code based on which locker number is associated with this user

    // Pull all of the items and their ids that are in this users locker
    $userlockerquery= mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT item_id FROM lockers WHERE user_id = '$profile_userid' AND locker_id ='$lockerid' ");

            $lockeritemdetails = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT brand FROM inventory WHERE id = '$indi_item' ");
            $brands=mysql_fetch_array($lockeritemdetails );
            echo '<div>'.$brandname.'</div>';




耐克 美洲狮 美洲狮 相反


逆 耐克 彪马

将ORDER BY标志添加到第二个查询没有帮助,所以我想我会尝试在这里询问一些想法。如果需要任何其他细节,请告诉我们!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


class MyLocker
            // Protected means that you can't use this variable outside of the functions/class
            // so you can not use $myLocker->_array; It will throw an error
            protected $_array;
            // Construct is basically used as an auto-function. It will execute automatically
            // when you create a new instance of the class so as soon as you do this:
            // $myLocker = new MyLocker($_locker); you initiate the __construct
            // When you label as public, you allow it to be used outside of itself
            public function __construct($_array)
                    // When you set this variable, it is now open to use in all
                    // other functions in this class.
                    $this->_array = $_array;

            // This is the method that will do everything
            public  function LockerContents()
                    // Loop through query. Since the $_array was set in the __construct
                    // it is available in this function as $this->_array
                    while($lockeritems = mysql_fetch_array($this->_array)){
                            // $brand is something we want to use in other functions but not
                            // outside the class so it is set here for use in the Fetch() function
                            $this->brand    =   $lockeritems['item_id'];
                            // We ant to use our Fetch() function to return our brand
                            $_brand         =   $this->Fetch();
                            // If brand available, set it to an array
                                $array[]    =   $_brand;
                    if(isset($array)) { 
                            // Sort the array
                            // Finally, we use the Display() function for the final output
                    else { ?>
                            <div>Locker is empty.</div><?php
            // Establish this as an in-class variable
            protected   $brand;
            // Establish this as a public function incase we want to use it by itself
            // To do so you would write $myLocker->Fetch(); outside of the class.
            // Since you need $brand for this function to work, you would need to turn
            // $brand from "protected" to "public" and write $myLocker->brand = 'whatever';
            // before you run the $myLocker->Fetch();
            public  function Fetch()
                    $query  =   mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT brand FROM inventory WHERE id = '".$this->brand."'");
                    $brands =   mysql_fetch_array($query);
                    // Return brand
                    return  (isset($brands['brand']))? $brands['brand']:"";

            protected   function Display($array)
                    if(is_array($array)) {
                            foreach($array as $object) { ?>
                                <div><?php echo $object; ?></div><?php

    // You should be using mysqli_ or PDO for your db connections/functions.
    $_locker    =   mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT item_id FROM lockers WHERE user_id = '$profile_userid' AND locker_id ='$lockerid' ");

    // If there are more than 0 rows, create locker.
    if(mysql_num_rows($_locker) > 0) {
            // Create new instance of the locker app
            $myLocker   =   new MyLocker($_locker);
            // Display the results