我更正了一个问题 - 我没有做精确的字符串匹配 - 我在元素中搜索模式,这是在数组中
array of strings:
[0] Red fox jumps over the fence
[1] Blue table
[2] Red flowers on the fence
我需要找到一个包含单词'table'的元素 - 在本例中是元素1
- 如果有任何事件,则在未切割的行数组中查找,然后进行粗暴搜索。我知道我可以加速这部分,但我没有对这种方法进行优化......
// sheets[i].buffer - contains a page of a text which is split into lines
// fullfunccall - is the pattern
// sheets[i].cells[k] - are the pointers to lines in a buffer
for( i=0; i<sheetcount; i++) {
if( i!= currsheet && sheets[i].name && sheets[i].name[0] != '\0') {
if( strstr(sheets[i].buffer, fullfunccall )) {
usedexternally = 1;
int foundatleastone = 0;
for( k=0; k<sheets[i].numcells; k++ ) {
strncpy_s(testline, MAX_LINE_SIZE, sheets[i].cells[k]->line, sheets[i].cells[k]->linesize);
testline[sheets[i].cells[k]->linesize] = '\0';
if( strstr(testline, fullfunccall )) {
if( dependency_num >= MAX_CELL_DEPENDENCIES-1) {
printf("allocation for sheet cell dependencies is insuficcient\n");
sheets[currsheet].cells[currcellposinsheet]->numdeps = dependency_num+1;
sheets[currsheet].cells[currcellposinsheet]->deps[dependency_num] = &sheets[i].cells[k];
if( foundatleastone == 0 ) {
printf("error locating dependency for external func: %s\n", fullfunccall );
答案 0 :(得分:2)
基于此,您可以预先计算一个散列表,该散列表将任何5个字符的子序列映射到它出现的大海捞针中的字符串。对于30000个字符串(每个200个字符),最多30000 *(200 - 5) )= 5.850.000个不同的5个字符的子串。如果你将它们中的每一个散列到16位校验和,你需要至少11MB的内存(对于散列键)以及一些指向子字符串发生的字符串的指针。
static const char *haystack[] = { "12345", "123456", "23456", "345678" };
12345 => haystack[0], haystack[1]
23456 => haystack[1], haystack[2]
34567 => haystack[3]
45678 => haystack[4]
答案 1 :(得分:2)
对于您正在处理的每张工作表,您可以按this article中所述构建后缀数组。在开始搜索之前,请阅读工作表,找到行开头(作为工作表缓冲区中的整数索引),创建后缀数组并按照文章中的描述对其进行排序。
"tab. And now ..."
"table and ..." 0x0100ab30
"table water for ..." 0x0100132b
"tablet computer ..." 0x01000208
"tabloid reporter ..."
这将为您提供一个指针列表,通过减去工作表缓冲区的基本指针,您可以获得整数偏移量。与行开头的比较将为您提供与这些指针对应的行号。 (行号已排序,因此您可以在此处进行二分搜索。)
内存开销是一个与表单缓冲区大小相同的指针数组,因此对于30,000个200个字符串的字符串,在64位计算机上大约为48MB。 (线索引的开销可以忽略不计。)
编辑:这个想法似乎运作良好。我已经实现了它,并且可以在不到一秒的时间内在text file of nearly 600k上扫描大约130,000个单词的字典:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define die(...) exit((fprintf(stderr, "Fatal: " __VA_ARGS__), \
putc(10, stderr), 1))
typedef struct Sheet Sheet;
struct Sheet {
size_t size; /* Number of chars */
char *buf; /* Null-terminated char buffer */
char **ptr; /* Pointers into char buffer */
size_t nline; /* number of lines */
int *line; /* array of offset of line beginnings */
size_t naux; /* size of scratch array */
char **aux; /* scratch array */
* Count occurrence of c in zero-terminated string p.
size_t strcount(const char *p, int c)
size_t n = 0;
for (;;) {
p = strchr(p, c);
if (p == NULL) return n;
return 0;
* String comparison via pointers to strings.
int pstrcmp(const void *a, const void *b)
const char *const *aa = a;
const char *const *bb = b;
return strcmp(*aa, *bb);
* Pointer comparison.
int ptrcmp(const void *a, const void *b)
const char *const *aa = a;
const char *const *bb = b;
if (*aa == *bb) return 0;
return (*aa < *bb) ? -1 : 1;
* Create and prepare a sheet, i.e. a text file to search.
Sheet *sheet_new(const char *fn)
Sheet *sheet;
FILE *f = fopen(fn, "r");
size_t n;
int last;
char *p;
char **pp;
if (f == NULL) die("Couldn't open %s", fn);
sheet = malloc(sizeof(*sheet));
if (sheet == NULL) die("Allocation failed");
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
sheet->size = ftell(f);
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
sheet->buf = malloc(sheet->size + 1);
sheet->ptr = malloc(sheet->size * sizeof(*sheet->ptr));
if (sheet->buf == NULL) die("Allocation failed");
if (sheet->ptr == NULL) die("Allocation failed");
fread(sheet->buf, 1, sheet->size, f);
sheet->buf[sheet->size] = '\0';
sheet->nline = strcount(sheet->buf, '\n');
sheet->line = malloc(sheet->nline * sizeof(*sheet->line));
sheet->aux = NULL;
sheet->naux = 0;
n = 0;
last = 0;
p = sheet->buf;
pp = sheet->ptr;
while (*p) {
*pp++ = p;
if (*p == '\n') {
sheet->line[n++] = last;
last = p - sheet->buf + 1;
qsort(sheet->ptr, sheet->size, sizeof(*sheet->ptr), pstrcmp);
return sheet;
* Clean up sheet.
void sheet_delete(Sheet *sheet)
* Binary range search for string pointers.
static char **pstr_bsearch(const char *key,
char **arr, size_t high)
size_t low = 0;
while (low < high) {
size_t mid = (low + high) / 2;
int diff = strcmp(key, arr[mid]);
if (diff < 0) high = mid;
else low = mid + 1;
return arr + low;
* Binary range search for line offsets.
static const int *int_bsearch(int key, const int *arr, size_t high)
size_t low = 0;
while (low < high) {
size_t mid = (low + high) / 2;
int diff = key - arr[mid];
if (diff < 0) high = mid;
else low = mid + 1;
if (low < 1) return NULL;
return arr + low - 1;
* Find occurrences of the string key in the sheet. Returns the
* number of lines in which the key occurs and assigns up to
* max lines to the line array. (If max is 0, line may be NULL.)
int sheet_find(Sheet *sheet, char *key,
int line[], int max)
char **begin, **end;
int n = 0;
size_t i, m;
size_t last;
begin = pstr_bsearch(key, sheet->ptr, sheet->size);
if (begin == NULL) return 0;
key[strlen(key) - 1]++;
end = pstr_bsearch(key, sheet->ptr, sheet->size);
key[strlen(key) - 1]--;
if (end == NULL) return 0;
if (end == begin) return 0;
m = end - begin;
if (m > sheet->naux) {
if (sheet->naux == 0) sheet->naux = 0x100;
while (sheet->naux < m) sheet->naux *= 2;
sheet->aux = realloc(sheet->aux, sheet->naux * sizeof(*sheet->aux));
if (sheet->aux == NULL) die("Re-allocation failed");
memcpy(sheet->aux, begin, m * sizeof(*begin));
qsort(sheet->aux, m, sizeof(*begin), ptrcmp);
last = 0;
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
int offset = sheet->aux[i] - sheet->buf;
const int *p;
p = int_bsearch(offset, sheet->line + last, sheet->nline - last);
if (p) {
if (n < max) line[n] = p - sheet->line;
last = p - sheet->line + 1;
return n;
* Example client code
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Sheet *sheet;
FILE *f;
if (argc != 3) die("Usage: %s patterns corpus", *argv);
sheet = sheet_new(argv[2]);
f = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (f == NULL) die("Can't open %s.", argv[1]);
for (;;) {
char str[80];
int line[50];
int i, n;
if (fgets(str, sizeof(str), f) == NULL) break;
strtok(str, "\n");
n = sheet_find(sheet, str, line, 50);
printf("%8d %s\n", n, str);
if (n > 50) n = 50;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) printf(" [%d] %d\n", i, line[i] + 1);
return 0;
答案 2 :(得分:0)