this is a string (with comment), this is another string without comment, and this is a string (with one comment, and another one)
this is a string (with comment),
this is another string without comment,
and this is a string (with one comment, and another one)
Function commentFixer(s As String, t As String) As String
't = token to be replaced, eg a comma
Dim regEx As New RegExp
Dim match As String
regEx.Global = True
p = "(\([^()]*\)*)"
'match all commented substrings
regEx.Pattern = p
'below obviously doesn't work, as the match itself is not accepted as a character. Any way to deal with this ?
match = "$1" 'How can I store this in a variable to perform a replacement on the result ?
dim r as string 'replacement value
r = Replace(match, t, "|")
commentFixer = regEx.Replace(s, r)
End Function
Sub TestMe()
s = commentFixer("this is a string (with comment), this is another string without comment, and this is a string (with one comment, and another one)", ",")
Debug.Print s
'expected result : this is a string (with comment), this is another string without comment, and this is a string (with one comment| and another one)
End Sub