Set objWSH = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strIP = ""
strFilePath = "C:\Users\adam\Documents\SQLite3\" & strIP & ".db"
Set objWinSCP = objWSH.Exec("cmd.exe cd C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP")
objWinSCP.StdIn.Write("winscp.exe /console /script=" & strIP & ".txt")
Do Until boolExist = True
boolExist = objFSO.FileExists(strFilePath)
WinSCP脚本只是让WinSCP从我的Nexus 7中提取文件。我已经在cmd中手动测试过了,它运行正常。但是,当我运行完整的VBScript时,文件永远不会被拉出。当调用Exec,然后使用StdIn.Write时,StdIn.Write会等待执行前一个Exec语句,对吗?如果它没有,那么我想这可能只是一个时间问题。老实说,我很难在StdIn.Write的细节上找到很多东西。我甚至看到人们建议使用StdIn.Writeline。虽然我不确定那里有什么区别。说实话,我之前只使用过一次或两次Exec方法。这仅适用于cmd中的一个命令调用。所以,我有点迷失在这里。
我还检查过以确保我有最新版本的Windows Script Host for Exec。我有Ver。 5.8,这是最新版本。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
' VB Script Document issues-with-exec-stdin-write_done
option explicit
On Error GoTo 0
Dim sResult: sResult = Wscript.ScriptName
Dim objWSH, oExec, cmdLine
Set objWSH = CreateObject( "Wscript.Shell")
cmdLine = "cmd.exe /K CD ""C:\Program Files\""&dir A*&pause"
' minimum:
' cmdLine = "cmd.exe /K"
Set oExec = objWSH.Exec( cmdLine)
' follows in next line: wait for StdOut stream (MyStd_IO function)
sResult = sResult & vbNewLine & MyStd_IO( "", "vesy...", 30)
cmdLine = "CD %userprofile%&dir a*&pause" & VbCrLf
' CD %userprofile% : a cmd command to run (an example)
' & : ampersand indicates multiple commands line
' dir a* : other, next cmd command to run (an example)
' & :
' pause : force (unique) determined string in StdOut stream
' :
' VbCrLf : tell "our command line ends" to command processor
' follows in next line: run some commands, collect StdOut stream
sResult = sResult & vbNewLine & MyStd_IO( cmdLine, "vesy...", 30)
' cmdLine : our (multiple commands) command line
' "vesy..." : PAUSE command standard output (ending in my language)
' 30 : time limit (in seconds) to wait for std. output
sResult = sResult & vbNewLine & MyStd_IO( "exit", "", 1)
Set oExec = Nothing
Wscript.Echo sResult
Function MyStd_IO( byval strCmd, byval strTxt, byval secsLimit)
' Provides access to the StdIn and StdOut (not StdErr) streams
' of a WshScriptExec Object (within a script run with Exec Method)
' Returns StdOut output stream of the oExec object
' Input parameters:
' strCmd : text to write to StdIn input stream of the oExec object
' : (no StdIn.Write if empty string)
' strTxt : text stating end of StdOut output stream of the oExec object
' : (no StdOut.Read if empty string). Language dependent,
' : defaults to English output of PAUSE command
' : "any key to continue..."
' secsLimit : time limit (in seconds) to wait for StdOut output stream
' : (waits infinite if zero)
MyStd_IO = "***" & vbTab & strCmd & vbNewLine
Dim ii : ii = 0 '' loop pass counter
If oExec.Status = 0 Then
Dim timeStart : timeStart = Now
MyStd_IO = MyStd_IO & vbNewLine
If strCmd = "" Then
oExec.StdIn.Write( strCmd)
End If
If strTxt = "" Then
' no
Do While True
ii = ii + 1
If Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream Then
MyStd_IO = MyStd_IO & oExec.StdOut.Read(1)
If InStr( MyStd_IO, strTxt) <> 0 _
Or InStr( MyStd_IO, "any key to continue...") <> 0 _
Then Exit Do
End If
WScript.Sleep 1
If secsLimit = 0 Or DateDiff( "s", timeStart, Now) < secsLimit Then
MyStd_IO = MyStd_IO & vbNewLine & "!!! MyStd_IO" & "!!! time limit !!!"
Exit Do
End If
If oExec.Status = 0 Then oExec.StdIn.Write( VbTab) 'any key to continue
End If
MyStd_IO = MyStd_IO & " WshScriptExec object status: WshFinished"
End If
MyStd_IO = vbNewLine & ii & "× " & MyStd_IO 'add
End Function