
时间:2014-10-03 15:10:02

标签: orchardcms orchardcms-1.8

这方面的背景是在Azure网站(而不是云服务)上使用Azure数据库运行的Orchard 1.8.1。

我已经通过管理界面UI定义了一个ContentType。 'Class'类型是可创建的,不可绘制,包含Autoroute,Body和Title部分,以及Numeric和Taxonomy字段。分类法用其术语定义。



我已导出项目并审核了XML ......没有什么不同。以下是内容列表中显示的项目:

<Class Id="/alias=american-history" Status="Published">
  <NumericField.Credits Value="1" />
  <TaxonomyField.Dicipline Terms="/alias=subjects\/social-studies" />
  <BodyPart Text="&lt;p&gt;This American History course will integrate both Social Science skills with historical content of America and the United States from the early 1600s to the present, as well as education in government and economics. There is a strong emphasis on college preparation, civic participation, and integration with research and technology. Students use will a variety of resources and activities to explore major themes, including the changing face of American society and the United States&amp;rsquo; changing role in the world.&lt;/p&gt;" />
  <AutoroutePart Alias="american-history" UseCustomPattern="false" />
  <TitlePart Title="American History" />


<Class Id="/alias=economics" Status="Published">
  <NumericField.Credits Value="1" />
  <TaxonomyField.Dicipline Terms="/alias=subjects\/social-studies" />
  <BodyPart Text="&lt;p&gt;The introductory economics course has a strong emphasis on personal finance. Students learn the importance of budgeting and how, through a variety of financial instruments, to make money work for them. Students also learn how the stock market operates by participating in a virtual stock game. In this context, students are introduced to the concepts of stock ownership, the commodities market, supply and demand and the different types of business structures. Students learn how to complete various tax forms and the how's and why's of the American tax system. Students will read the book, Freakonomics, and gain insight on how to look at problems from an economic standpoint. Finally students learn about the different types of economic systems, the circular flow of money through the economy, and government intervention in our economy.&lt;/p&gt;" />
  <AutoroutePart Alias="economics" UseCustomPattern="false" />
  <TitlePart Title="Economics" />




- 迈克尔

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

你需要添加它的公共部分才能显示在内容列表中,因为它需要按日期排序,可能还有一些与拥有内容的安全相关的东西,虽然我不确定那个:)< / p>
