
时间:2014-10-02 14:47:21

标签: powershell active-directory



  1. 该脚本返回从所有域控制器检索到的请求属性。我想只想为每个人输入,其中“LastLogonDate”具有最新值。
  2. 我不知道如何使用随机数量的密钥来构建属性哈希表。
  3. 关于我应该如何处理这些问题的任何想法?感谢。


        [string]$DomainName = "company.local",
        [string[]]$SearchPath = 'OU=people,DC=company,DC=local',
        [string[]]$OutputProperties = 'Name,lastlogondate'
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    $props = @{}
    $temp = New-Object 'System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext'("domain","$DomainName")
    $dcs = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DomainController]::FindAll($temp)
    Foreach ($ou in $SearchPath) {
        $users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $ou -Properties $OutputProperties.Split(",") -Server $DomainName | Select $OutputProperties.Split(",")
        $time = 0
        Foreach ($dc in $dcs) {
            Foreach ($user in $users) {
                If ($user.LastLogonDate -gt $time) {
                    $time = $user.LastLogonDate
                $props.'LogonTime' = $time
                New-Object Psobject -Property $props

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

在我的评论中,假设最终证明手段合理。我们可以使用一些简单的cmdlet来处理数据,而不是尝试确定循环内部的最新时间。我认为你现在这样做的方式是比较所有用户之间的时间,而不是你想要的。我提出以下内容。高于此代码的所有内容我都保持不变(对于测试我编辑了param s)

$data = Foreach ($ou in $SearchPath) {

    Foreach ($dc in $dcs) {

    $users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $ou -Properties $OutputProperties.Split(",") -Server $dc | Select $OutputProperties.Split(",")

        Foreach ($user in $users) {
            $props.'LogonTime' = $user.LastLogonDate
            $props.'Domain Controller' = $dc
            New-Object Psobject -Property $props
$data | Group-Object Name | ForEach-Object{$_.Group | Sort-Object LogonTime | Select-Object -Last 1}

我将Get-ADUser移到了dc循环中,以便我们查询所有请求用户的所有dc(因为LastLogon时间戳可能不同)。我删除了If语句和$ time的引用,因为我们将要处理。你可以把它拿出去,但我为Domain Controller添加了一个属性用于测试,因为我很好奇。将这些结果捕获到变量$data中。每个用户选择$data组。对于每个组,对登录时间进行排序,然后选择最后一个最近的登录时间。最后一行来自此SO question



Foreach ($user in $users) {


答案 1 :(得分:0)


    [string]$DomainName = "domain.local",
    [string[]]$SearchPath = 'OU=container,dc=domain,dc=local',
    [string[]]$OutputProperties = @("Name","lastlogondate","samaccountname")

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

If(!($OutputProperties -contains "lastlogondate")){$OutputProperties += "lastlogondate"} 
$temp = New-Object 'System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext'("domain","$DomainName")
$dcs = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DomainController]::FindAll($temp)

$dcs | ForEach-Object{
    ForEach($singleOU in $SearchPath){
        $arguments = $singleOU,$OutputProperties,$_
        [void](Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
                Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $args[0] -Properties $args[1] -Server $args[2]
                } -ArgumentList $arguments)

While((Get-Job -State 'Running').Count)
    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200

Get-Job | Receive-Job| Group-Object Name | ForEach-Object{$_.Group | Sort-Object lastlogondate | Select-Object $OutputProperties -Last 1}


答案 2 :(得分:0)

我喜欢使用Job的想法,但却无法使用它进行错误处理。由于我们仍然有这么多的Server 2003 DC,我只是采用了最初的想法。这是最后的脚本。感谢您的反馈。

    Searches ActiveDirectory and returns a user-specified list of properties
    This script takes a user-specified list OUs and a user-specified list of desired properties.
    Author: Mike Hashemi
    V1 date: 15 August 2014
    V2 date: 6 October 2014
        - Converted the main part of the script, into a function.
        - Added routie to gather all DCs in a domain, for the ability to return LastLogonDate.
    Default value is 'company.local'. This parameter represents the DNS domain name, of the domain.
    Default value is 'OU=people,DC=company,DC=local'. This parameter represents a comma-separated list of OUs to search.
.PARAMETER OutputProperties
    Default value is 'Name,Enabled,LastLogonDate'. This parameter represents a comma-separated list of properties to return.
    This example get's a list of all users in 'OU=people,DC=company,DC=local' and outputs the Name, Enabled, and LostLogonDate attributes.
    .\get-ADUserProperties-Parameterized.ps1 -SearchPath 'OU=people,DC=company,DC=local','OU=managers,DC=company,DC=local'
    This example get's a list of all users in the 'OU=people,DC=company,DC=local' and 'OU=managers,DC=company,DC=local' OUs and outputs the 
    Name, Enabled, and LostLogonDate attributes.
    .\get-ADUserProperties-Parameterized.ps1 -SearchPath 'OU=people,DC=company,DC=local' -OutputProperties Name,telephoneNumber | Export-CSV c:\users.csv -NoTypeInformation
    This example get's a list of all users in the 'OU=people,DC=company,DC=local' OU and outputs the Name and Telephone Number attributes. 
    The output is exported to a CSV.
    [string]$DomainName = 'managed.local',

    [string[]]$SearchPath = 'OU=people,DC=company,DC=local',

    [string[]]$OutputProperties = 'Name,Enabled,LastLogonDate'

Function Get-TheUsers {
    #Create the hash table, for later.
    $props = @{}

    Try {
        #The next two lines get the list of domain controllers, using the supplied DNS domain name.
        Write-Verbose ("Getting domain controllers from {0}" -f $DomainName)
        $temp = New-Object 'System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext'("domain","$DomainName")
        $dcs = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DomainController]::FindAll($temp)
    Catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
        Write-Error ("Unable to connect to remote domains. Please run the script from a DC in {0}. " -f $DomainName)
    Catch {
        Write-Error ("There was an unexpected error. The message is: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)

    Foreach ($ou in $SearchPath) {
        Write-Verbose ("Getting users in {0}" -f $ou)
        Foreach ($dc in $dcs) {
            If ($dc.OSVersion -like '*2003*') {
                Write-Warning ("Skipping {0}, because it is not a Server 2008 (or higher) DC." -f $dc)
            Else {
                Write-Verbose ("Searching {0} on {1}." -f $ou,$dc)
                Try {
                    $users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $ou -Properties $OutputProperties.Split(",") -Server $dc -ErrorAction Stop | Select $OutputProperties.Split(",")
                Catch [Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADIdentityNotFoundException] {
                    Write-Error ("Unable to search {0}. It appears to be a non-existent OU. The specific error message is: {1}" -f $ou, $_.Exception.Message)

                Foreach ($user in $users) {
                    ForEach($property in $OutputProperties.Split(",")) {
                        $props.$property = $user.$property
                    New-Object Psobject -Property $props

Try { 
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop
Catch [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] {
    Write-Error ("Unable to load the required module. The specific message is: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)

$data = Get-TheUsers

#Takes the output of the Get-ADUser query and groups by the first property in $OutputProperties, then uses the LastLogonDate property (if present)
#to sort again and select only the last (most recent) entry.
Write-Verbose ("Sorting data.")
$data | Group-Object Name | ForEach-Object {$_.Group | Sort-Object LogonTimeDate | Select-Object -Last 1}