Web服务需要在众所周知的文本中看到坐标对的字符串。格式用逗号分隔。例如。 -2.780299 53.373266,-2.780606 53.372617,-2.782207 53.370392,-2.784552 53.362061
文本文件在此结构中。重申我需要一个字符串,其中只包含#34; 161"之后的坐标(以逗号分隔的对)。之前" pen"。虽然单词" Region"是161并不是一致的数字。是
Version 300
Charset "WindowsLatin1"
Delimiter ","
CoordSys Earth Projection 1, 104
Columns 1
id Char(10)
Region 1
-2.780299 53.373266
-2.780312 53.373235
-2.780535 53.372905
-2.780606 53.372617
-2.780844 53.372234
-2.781227 53.371664
-2.781239 53.371646
-2.781409 53.371407
-2.781779 53.3709
-2.782101 53.370549
-2.782204 53.370402
-2.782207 53.370392
-2.781142 53.37014
-2.780263 53.369894
-2.780314 53.369698
-2.780378 53.36953
-2.780453 53.369362
-2.780532 53.369223
-2.780611 53.369101
-2.780826 53.368803
-2.781468 53.367978
-2.781768 53.367608
-2.78184 53.367497
-2.781863 53.367458
-2.781806 53.367446
-2.781751 53.367435
-2.781712 53.367428
-2.781733 53.367398
-2.781753 53.367369
-2.781847 53.36723
-2.781949 53.367077
-2.781866 53.367046
-2.781492 53.366907
-2.781182 53.36682
-2.781269 53.366388
-2.780878 53.366173
-2.781063 53.365894
-2.781693 53.365255
-2.782277 53.364606
-2.782594 53.364311
-2.782652 53.364272
-2.782676 53.364242
-2.782687 53.364205
-2.78268 53.364158
-2.782643 53.364085
-2.782643 53.364035
-2.782943 53.363738
-2.783346 53.363266
-2.783736 53.362905
-2.784254 53.362383
-2.784552 53.362061
-2.784617 53.361959
-2.784113 53.361843
-2.783923 53.361764
-2.783968 53.361533
-2.783978 53.361504
-2.784358 53.361226
-2.784823 53.360723
-2.784833 53.360712
-2.785201 53.360193
-2.785831 53.359301
-2.785832 53.359301
-2.786182 53.358787
-2.786484 53.358288
-2.786318 53.35821
-2.787152 53.356913
-2.787255 53.356614
-2.787199 53.356333
-2.787559 53.356315
-2.790294 53.356237
-2.791854 53.35619
-2.792974 53.356147
-2.794152 53.356092
-2.794698 53.35605
-2.79521 53.356012
-2.795333 53.356006
-2.795732 53.355982
-2.79586 53.355973
-2.796257 53.355942
-2.797842 53.355898
-2.797931 53.355936
-2.798299 53.355921
-2.798399 53.355926
-2.798727 53.355937
-2.799055 53.355943
-2.799382 53.355944
-2.799711 53.355942
-2.799919 53.355939
-2.800248 53.355929
-2.800575 53.355915
-2.800901 53.355898
-2.802135 53.355819
-2.803302 53.355749
-2.804436 53.355658
-2.805646 53.355515
-2.807964 53.355207
-2.809126 53.355058
-2.809593 53.354684
-2.810372 53.354184
-2.81147 53.353449
-2.81147 53.353444
-2.811472 53.353428
-2.811474 53.353413
-2.811477 53.353397
-2.811481 53.353381
-2.811487 53.353365
-2.811492 53.35335
-2.811506 53.353325
-2.811538 53.35328
-2.811578 53.353237
-2.811617 53.353193
-2.811622 53.353188
-2.811663 53.353145
-2.811704 53.353101
-2.811749 53.353069
-2.811852 53.352994
-2.811875 53.352979
-2.811983 53.352906
-2.812094 53.352834
-2.812209 53.352764
-2.812324 53.352695
-2.812443 53.352629
-2.813163 53.352174
-2.81362 53.351928
-2.813782 53.352417
-2.814005 53.353349
-2.814147 53.354287
-2.814206 53.355228
-2.814183 53.356169
-2.814077 53.357109
-2.813889 53.358043
-2.813619 53.358971
-2.813268 53.359889
-2.812837 53.360795
-2.812327 53.361686
-2.81174 53.36256
-2.811077 53.363414
-2.81034 53.364247
-2.809531 53.365055
-2.808652 53.365837
-2.807706 53.366591
-2.806694 53.367313
-2.805621 53.368004
-2.804489 53.36866
-2.803301 53.369279
-2.802059 53.369861
-2.800769 53.370403
-2.799433 53.370904
-2.798055 53.371362
-2.796638 53.371777
-2.795187 53.372147
-2.793705 53.372471
-2.792197 53.372749
-2.790666 53.372979
-2.789118 53.37316
-2.787556 53.373294
-2.785984 53.373378
-2.784407 53.373413
-2.782829 53.373399
-2.781254 53.373335
-2.780299 53.373266
Pen (2,2,16711680)
Brush (5,16711680)
Center -2.797227 53.362684
Function GetPolyFromMIF(ByVal strMIF As String) As NBN.Polygon
Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(strMIF)
Dim sLine As String = sr.ReadLine
Dim iCoords As Integer
Dim iCoord As Integer
Dim sCoords() As String
Dim dblEasting As Double
Dim dblNorthing As Double
Dim coords() As NBN.Coordinate
Dim bPolyComplete As Boolean = False
Dim poly As NBN.Polygon = New NBN.Polygon
Do While Not sr.EndOfStream And Not bPolyComplete
If sLine.StartsWith("Region") Then
iCoords = Convert.ToInt16(sr.ReadLine)
ReDim coords(iCoords)
For iCoord = 1 To iCoords
sCoords = sr.ReadLine.Split(" ")
dblEasting = Convert.ToDouble(sCoords(0))
dblNorthing = Convert.ToDouble(sCoords(1))
coords(iCoord - 1) = New NBN.Coordinate
coords(iCoord - 1).x = dblEasting
coords(iCoord - 1).y = dblNorthing
poly.srs = NBN.SpatialReferenceSystem.osgb_BNG
Dim boundary As NBN.PolygonBoundary = New NBN.PolygonBoundary
boundary.Ring = coords
poly.Boundary = boundary
bPolyComplete = True
sLine = sr.ReadLine
End If
Return poly
End Function
答案 0 :(得分:0)
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Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim lst As New List(Of CoordinateSet)
Using sr As New System.IO.StreamReader("c:\temp\coords.txt")
Dim line As String = sr.ReadLine
Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim coord As New CoordinateSet
While line IsNot Nothing
If coord.CoordSet IsNot Nothing Then
coord = New CoordinateSet
End If
If IsMatch(line.Trim) Then
If coord.One Is Nothing Then
coord.One = line.Trim
ElseIf coord.Two Is Nothing Then
coord.Two = line.Trim
ElseIf coord.Three Is Nothing Then
coord.Three = line.Trim
ElseIf coord.Four Is Nothing Then
coord.Four = line.Trim
End If
End If
line = sr.ReadLine
End While
End Using
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("I found {0} coordinate pairs.", lst.Count))
End Sub
Private Function IsMatch(line As String) As Boolean
Dim reg As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("^[-]?[0-9]+[\.]+[0-9]+[ ][-]?[0-9]+[\.]+[0-9]+")
Return reg.IsMatch(line)
End Function
Public Class CoordinateSet
Implements ICloneable
Public Property One As String
Public Property Two As String
Public Property Three As String
Public Property Four As String
Public ReadOnly Property CoordSet As String
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(One) AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Two) AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Three) AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Four) Then
Return String.Format("{0} {1}, {2} {3}", One, Two, Three, Four)
Return Nothing
End If
End Get
End Property
Public Function Clone() As Object Implements ICloneable.Clone
Return MemberwiseClone()
End Function
End Class