
时间:2014-09-29 13:18:07

标签: matlab vectorization

假设我有以下9 x 5矩阵:

myArray = [
   54.7    8.1   81.7   55.0   22.5
   29.6   92.9   79.4   62.2   17.0
   74.4   77.5   64.4   58.7   22.7
   18.8   48.6   37.8   20.7   43.5
   68.6   43.5   81.1   30.1   31.1
   18.3   44.6   53.2   47.0   92.3
   36.8   30.6   35.0   23.0   43.0
   62.5   50.8   93.9   84.4   18.4
   78.0   51.0   87.5   19.4   90.4


myLogicals = logical([
    0 1 0 1 1
    1 1 0 1 1
    1 1 0 0 0
    0 1 0 1 1
    1 0 1 1 1
    1 1 1 1 0
    0 1 1 0 1
    1 1 0 0 1
    1 1 0 0 1


starts = [2 5 8 10 15 23 28 31 37 40 43]; #%index start of each subset
ends =   [3 6 9 13 18 25 29 33 38 41 45]; #%index end of each subset



finalAnswers = NaN(11,1); 
for n=1:length(starts) #%i.e. 1 through the number of subsets
    finalAnswers(n) = max(myArray(starts(n):ends(n)));


74.4  68.6  78.0  92.9  51.0  81.1  62.2  47.0  22.5  43.5  90.4


编辑: 我对提出的解决方案做了一些测试。我使用的数据是1,510 x 2,185矩阵,有10,103个子集,长度从2到916不等,子集长度标准差为101.92。

我在tic;for k=1:1000 [code here] end; toc;中包装了每个解决方案,结果如下:

  • for循环方法--- Elapsed time is 16.237400 seconds.
  • Shai的方法--- Elapsed time is 153.707076 seconds.
  • Dan的方法--- Elapsed time is 44.774121 seconds.
  • Divakar的方法#2 --- Elapsed time is 127.621515 seconds.


  • 我还尝试通过将k=1:1000 for循环包裹在accumarray行周围来对Dan的方法进行基准测试(因为其余的可能是 理论上只运行一次)。在这种情况下,时间是28.2​​9 秒。
  • 对Shai的方法进行基准测试,同时保留lb = ...线 k循环,时间是113.48秒。
  • 当我运行Divakar的代码时,Non-singleton dimensions of the two input arrays must match each other.行出现bsxfun错误。 我"修复"这通过使用共轭转座(撇号 'trade_starts(1:starts_extent)上的运算符intv(1:starts_extent)) 调用bsxfun的代码行中的for。我'米 不确定为什么会出现这个错误...


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


%// OR: s_ind = zeros(size(myLogicals))

s_ind(starts) = 1;
labelled = cumsum(s_ind(:)).*myLogicals(:);        

这就是Shai的bwlabeln实现所做的事情(但这将是1 - 由 - numel(myLogicals)形状而不是形状size(myLogicals)


accumarray(labelled(myLogicals), myArray(myLogicals), [], @max)


result = accumarray(labelled+1, myArray(:), [], @max);
result = result(2:end)


答案 1 :(得分:1)


lb = bwlabeln( myLogicals, [0 1 0; 0 1 0; 0 1 0] );



props = regionprops( lb, myArray, 'MaxIntensity' );
finalAnswers = [props.MaxIntensity];

您可以使用regionprops获取每个子集的其他属性,但这不是一般的 如果您希望对每个地区应用更一般的功能,例如median,您可以使用accumarray

finalAnswer = accumarray( lb( myLogicals ), myArray( myLogicals ), [], @median );

答案 2 :(得分:1)


可以用来矢量化这个问题的方法之一是将子集转换为规则形状的块,然后找到元素的最大值 一次性的那些块。现在,转换为常规形状的块在这里有一个问题,即子集的长度不相等。为了避免这个问题,可以 从每个starts元素开始创建索引的2D矩阵,并延伸到子集长度的最大值。关于这一点的好处是,它允许 矢量化,但代价是更多的内存需求,这取决于子集长度的分散性。

这种矢量化技术的另一个问题是它可能导致最终子集的超限索引创建。 为避免这种情况,可以考虑两种可能的方法 -

  1. 通过扩展输入数组使用更大的输入数组,使得子集长度加上起始索引的最大值仍然位于 扩展阵列。

  2. 使用原始输入数组进行启动,直到我们处于原始输入数组的限制范围内,然后对其余子集使用原始循环代码。我们可以将它称为混合编程,只是为了拥有一个简短的标题。这将节省我们在创建扩展阵列时的内存要求,如前面的其他方法所述。

  3. 接下来列出了这两种方式/方法。


    [m,n] = size(myArray); %// store no. of rows and columns in input array
    intv = ends-starts; %// intervals
    max_intv = max(intv); %// max interval
    max_intv_arr = [0:max_intv]'; %//'# array of max indices extent
    [row1,col1] = ind2sub([m n],starts); %// get starts row and column indices
    m_ext = max(row1+max_intv); %// no. of rows in extended input array
    myArrayExt(m_ext,n)=0; %// extended form of input array
    myArrayExt(1:m,:) = myArray;
    %// New linear indices for extended form of input array
    idx = bsxfun(@plus,max_intv_arr,(col1-1)*m_ext+row1); 
    %// Index into extended array; select only valid ones by setting rest to nans
    selected_ele = myArrayExt(idx);                  
    selected_ele(bsxfun(@gt,max_intv_arr,intv))= nan;
    %// Get the max of the valid ones for the desired output
    out = nanmax(selected_ele);   %// desired output


    %// PART - I: Vectorized technique for subsets that when normalized
    %// with max extents still lie within limits of input array
    intv = ends-starts; %// intervals
    max_intv = max(intv); %// max interval
    %// Find the last subset that when extended by max interval would still
    %// lie within the limits of input array
    starts_extent = find(starts+max_intv<=numel(myArray),1,'last');
    max_intv_arr = [0:max_intv]'; %//'# Array of max indices extent
    %// Index into extended array; select only valid ones by setting rest to nans
    selected_ele = myArray(bsxfun(@plus,max_intv_arr,starts(1:starts_extent)));
    selected_ele(bsxfun(@gt,max_intv_arr,intv(1:starts_extent))) = nan;
    out(numel(starts)) = 0; %// storage for output
    out(1:starts_extent) = nanmax(selected_ele); %// output values for part-I
    %// PART - II: Process rest of input array elements
    for n = starts_extent+1:numel(starts)
        out(n) = max(myArray(starts(n):ends(n)));


    在本节中,我们将比较两种方法和原始循环代码之间的性能。在开始实际基准测试之前,让我们设置代码 -

    N = 10000; %// No. of subsets
    M1 = 1510; %// No. of rows in input array
    M2 = 2185; %// No. of cols in input array
    myArray = rand(M1,M2);  %// Input array
    num_runs = 50; %// no. of runs for each method
    %// Form the starts and ends by getting a sorted random integers array from
    %// 1 to one minus no. of elements in input array. That minus one is
    %// compensated later on into ends because we don't want any subset with
    %// starts and ends as the same index
    y1 = reshape(sort(randi(numel(myArray)-1,1,2*N)),2,[]);
    starts = y1(1,:);
    ends = y1(1,:)+1;
    %// Remove identical starts elements
    invalid = [false any(diff(starts,[],2)==0,1)];
    starts = starts(~invalid);
    ends = ends(~invalid);
    %// Create myLogicals
    myLogicals = false(size(myArray));
    for k1=1:numel(starts)
    clear invalid y1 k1 M1 M2 N %// clear unnecessary variables
    %// Warm up tic/toc.
    for k = 1:100
        tic(); elapsed = toc();

    现在,安慰剂代码可以让我们获得运行时 -

    disp('---------------------- With Original loop code')
    for iter = 1:num_runs
        %// ...... approach #1 codes
    %// clear out variables used in the above approach
    %// repeat this for approach #1,2


    在您的评论中,您提到使用1510 x 2185 matrix,因此,让我们使用大小为100002000的大小和子集进行两次大小写运行。

    案例1 [输入 - 1510 x 2185矩阵,子集 - 10000]

    ---------------------- With Original loop code
    Elapsed time is 15.625212 seconds.
    ---------------------- With Approach #1
    Elapsed time is 12.102567 seconds.
    ---------------------- With Approach #2
    Elapsed time is 0.983978 seconds.

    案例2 [输入 - 1510 x 2185矩阵,子集 - 2000]

    ---------------------- With Original loop code
    Elapsed time is 3.045402 seconds.
    ---------------------- With Approach #1
    Elapsed time is 11.349107 seconds.
    ---------------------- With Approach #2
    Elapsed time is 0.214744 seconds.

    案例3 [更大输入 - 3000 x 3000矩阵,子集 - 20000]

    ---------------------- With Original loop code
    Elapsed time is 12.388061 seconds.
    ---------------------- With Approach #1
    Elapsed time is 12.545292 seconds.
    ---------------------- With Approach #2
    Elapsed time is 0.782096 seconds.

    请注意,运行次数num_runs是不同的,以使最快进近的运行时间接近1 sec


    所以,我想混合编程(方法#2)是要走的路!作为未来的工作,如果性能受到分散的影响并且将大多数分散子集(就其长度而言)的工作卸载到循环代码中,则可以将standard deviation用于分散标准。

答案 3 :(得分:0)


同时衡量vectorised&amp;各个平台上的for-loop代码示例(无论是&lt; localhost &gt;还是基于云计算)才能看到差异:

MATLAB:7> tic();max( myArray( startIndex(:):endIndex(:) ) );toc() %% Details
Elapsed time is 0.0312 seconds.                                   %% below.
                                                                  %% Code is not
                                                                  %% the merit,
                                                                  %% method is:

tic();                                                            %% for/loop
for n = 1:length( startIndex )                                    %% may be
    max( myArray( startIndex(n):endIndex(n) ) );                  %% significantly
end                                                               %% faster than
toc();                                                            %% vectorised
Elapsed time is 0.125 seconds.                                    %% setup(s)
                                                                  %% overhead(s)
%% As commented below,
%% subsequent re-runs yield unrealistic results due to caching artifacts
Elapsed time is 0 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0 seconds.

%% which are not so straight visible if encapsulated in an artificial in-vitro
%% via an outer re-run repetitions ( for k=1:1000 ) et al ( ref. in text below )


编辑: 删除了错误的代码,感谢Dan的通知。更加注意强调定量验证,这可能证明了矢量化代码可能(但并非在所有情况下都不需要更快)的假设并不是错误代码的借口,当然。

输出 - 定量比较数据:

虽然推荐,但没有IMHO公平的假设,memalloc和类似的开销被排除在体内测试之外。测试重新运行通常显示VM页面命中改进,其他缓存工件,而原始的第一个“原始”运行通常出现在实际代码部署中(当然,不包括外部迭代器)。因此,在您的真实环境中仔细考虑结果并重新测试(有时在更大的系统中作为虚拟机运行 - 这也使得一旦巨大的矩阵开始对实际内存访问造成伤害,必须考虑VM交换机制模式)。

在其他项目上,我习惯使用实时测试时间的[usec]粒度,但是需要考虑更多关于测试执行条件和O / S背景的关注



MATLAB:8> tic();   for k=1:1000                  % ( flattens memalloc issues & al )
>                      for n = 1:length( startIndex )
>                          max( myArray( startIndex(n):endIndex() ) );
>                      end;
>                  end; toc()
Elapsed time is 0.2344 seconds.
%%      time is 0.0002 seconds per k-for-loop <--[ ref.^ remarks on testing ]


MATLAB:9> tic();   for k=1:1000
>                      s_ind( size( myLogicals ) ) = 0;
>                      s_ind( startIndex ) = 1;
>                      labelled = cumsum( s_ind(:) ).*myLogicals(:);
>                      result = accumarray( labelled + 1, myArray(:), [], @max );
>                  end; toc()
error: product: nonconformant arguments (op1 is 43x1, op2 is 45x1)
%% [Work in progress] to find my mistake -- sorry for not being able to reproduce
%% Dan's code and to make it work
%% Both myArray and myLogicals shape was correct ( 9 x 5 )