以下代码一直有效,直到我转移到Asp.net Framework 4.5。
var dateAndPort = (from c in context.CruiseCalendar
where c.ShipId == sourceId
&& c.CruiseDayDate >= dateRange.Start
&& c.CruiseDayDate <= dateRange.End
select new DateAndPort
Date = c.CruiseDayDate,
DestinationId = c.ListingId
var shipRendezvous = (from r in context.CruiseCalendar
where (dateAndPort.Any(d => d.Date == r.CruiseDayDate
&& d.DestinationId == r.ListingId))
select r).GroupBy(x => x.CruiseDayDate) //Groups by date
.Where(x => x.Count() >= shipCount) // if shipCount for dateAndPort > 0 only rendezvous will be returned
.SelectMany(x => x)
.OrderBy(r => r.CruiseDayDate)
return shipRendezvous;
现在,这会在执行第二个查询时抛出错误(var shipRendezvous =)。错误已完整:
无法转换类型 &#39; {System.Linq.IQueryable {1}} 1 [[Seven.Domain.CustomTypes.DateAndPort, Seven.Domain,Version =,Culture = neutral, 公钥=空]]&#39 ;. LINQ to Entities仅支持转换EDM 原始或枚举类型。
(我用.ToList()贴了第一个查询,现在得到这个错误: 无法创建类型&#39; Seven.Domain.CustomTypes.DateAndPort&#39;的常量值。在此上下文中仅支持原始类型或枚举类型。)