第43行:uNameExists = username.Text;
protected void UserExists(string uNameExists, string eNameExists)
uNameExists = username.Text;
eNameExists = email.Text;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["RegistrationConnectionString"].ConnectionString); //creates sql connection object to the database via connection string
conn.Open(); //Open Connection
string checkUser = "select count (*) from users where UserName='" + uNameExists + "'"; //UserName query
string checkEmail = "select count (*) from users where Email='" + eNameExists + "'"; //email query
SqlCommand commUser = new SqlCommand(checkUser, conn); //Command that allows connection
SqlCommand commEmail = new SqlCommand(checkEmail, conn); //Command that allows connection
int tempUser = Convert.ToInt32(commUser.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
int tempEmail = Convert.ToInt32(commUser.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
int intUserName;
int.TryParse(uNameExists, out intUserName);
int intEmailName;
int.TryParse(eNameExists, out intEmailName);
SqlDataReader sdrUser = commUser.ExecuteReader();
SqlDataReader sdrEmail = commEmail.ExecuteReader();
if (tempUser != 0 | tempEmail != 0 )
Response.Write("User name or password already exists. Please enter a new one.");
conn.Close(); //Close Connection