Google Map V2不允许绘制路线?

时间:2014-09-25 07:02:59

标签: android google-maps-android-api-2

我想在我目前的位置(像印多尔)和沙特阿拉伯之间画路线。 我能够在indore和delhi之间画路线,但不能从indore到沙特阿拉伯。

我尝试使用意图传递我的lat long和沙特阿拉伯的lat长,但谷歌地图应用程序显示没有路线。 我怎么能这样做?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


public void setRoute() {
    String url = getDirectionsUrl(origin, dest);
    DownloadTask downloadTask = new DownloadTask();

private String getDirectionsUrl(LatLng origin, LatLng dest) {
    // Origin of route
    String str_origin = "origin=" + origin.latitude + "," + origin.longitude;

    // Destination of route
    String str_dest = "destination=" + dest.latitude + "," + dest.longitude;

    // Sensor enabled
    String sensor = "sensor=false";

    // Mode travel
    //String mode = "mode=" + modeT; Uncomment this if you want choose a travel mode (driving, walking or transit)

    // Departure Time, its neccesary to public transport
    String departureTime = "";
    if (modeT.equals("transit")) {
        long seconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
        departureTime = "&departure_time=" + seconds;

    // Building the parameters to the web service
    String parameters = str_origin + "&" + str_dest + "&" + sensor + "&" + mode + departureTime;

    // Output format
    String output = "json";

    // Building the url to the web service
    String url = "" + output + "?" + parameters;

    return url;

 *  A method to download json data from url 
private String downloadUrl(String strUrl) throws IOException {
    String data = "";
    InputStream iStream = null;
    HttpURLConnection urlConnection = null;
    try {
        URL url = new URL(strUrl);

        // Creating an http connection to communicate with url
        urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

        // Connecting to url

        // Reading data from url
        iStream = urlConnection.getInputStream();

        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(iStream));

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

        String line = "";
        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

        data = sb.toString();


    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.d("Exception while downloading url", e.toString());
    } finally {
    return data;

 * Fetches data from url passed
private class DownloadTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {
    // Downloading data in non-ui thread
    protected String doInBackground(String... url) {

        // For storing data from web service
        String data = "";

        try {
            // Fetching the data from web service
            data = ActFullMapOne.this.downloadUrl(url[0]);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.d("Background Task", e.toString());
        return data;

    // Executes in UI thread, after the execution of
    // doInBackground()
    protected void onPostExecute(String result)

        ParserTask parserTask = new ParserTask();

        // Invokes the thread for parsing the JSON data


 * A class to parse the Google Places in JSON format 
private class ParserTask extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, List<List<HashMap<String, String>>>> {

    // Parsing the data in non-ui thread
    protected List<List<HashMap<String, String>>> doInBackground(String... jsonData)
        JSONObject jObject;
        List<List<HashMap<String, String>>> routes = null;

            jObject = new JSONObject(jsonData[0]);
            ApiDirectionsParser parser = new ApiDirectionsParser();

            // Starts parsing data
            routes = parser.parse(jObject);
        } catch (Exception e)
        return routes;

    // Executes in UI thread, after the parsing process
    protected void onPostExecute(List<List<HashMap<String, String>>> result) {
        ArrayList<LatLng> points = null;
        PolylineOptions lineOptions = null;
        //MarkerOptions markerOptions = new MarkerOptions();
        String distance = "";
        String duration = "";

        if (result.size() < 1) {
            Toast.makeText(ActFullMapOne.this.getBaseContext(), "No Points", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        // Traversing through all the routes
        for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++)
            points = new ArrayList<LatLng>();
            lineOptions = new PolylineOptions();

            // Fetching i-th route
            List<HashMap<String, String>> path = result.get(i);

            // Fetching all the points in i-th route
            for (int j = 0; j < path.size(); j++) {
                HashMap<String, String> point = path.get(j);
                if (j == 0) {
                    distance = point.get("distance");
                } else if (j == 1) {
                    duration = point.get("duration");
                double lat = Double.parseDouble(point.get("lat"));
                double lng = Double.parseDouble(point.get("lng"));
                LatLng position = new LatLng(lat, lng);

            // Adding all the points in the route to LineOptions

        // Drawing polyline in the Google Map for the i-th route
        if (polyline != null)

        polyline = ActFullMapOne.this.nMap.addPolyline(lineOptions);


编辑1 。我只是更好地阅读了你的帖子,我看到你只想在谷歌地图上打开路线。如果要在Google地图应用中显示路线,请使用以下方法:

public void goToNavigation() {
    Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("google.navigation:q=" + modLugar.latitud + "," + modLugar.longitud));
    startActivity(Intent.createChooser(i, "Elige una aplicación"));