ims = []
然后,每次我的“模拟”运行时,如果frame number % frame "rate" == 0
步骤,代码消耗140到170MB的RAM。通过该步骤, 50帧消耗近1.4GB的RAM 。显然,这是非常有限的。 50帧是不错的,但我真的很喜欢350.这条路线可能是不可能的,但这表明内存使用纯粹是每帧大约24MB的ims数组。
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as anim
from numpy import *
from matplotlib import *
import time
# Defines the number of frames of animation to render.
outputframes = 50
# Defines the size of the canned simulation.
nx = 800
ny = 800
# Defines the number of actual simulation timesteps
nt = 100
# This gets the number of timesteps between outputframes.
framestep = 2
# For reporting.
framenum = 0
# Creates two steps, one for the stepped simulated step,
# and one for the prior state. There are two independently
# changing materials, each of which will have half the simulation
# space containing random values here, plus 10% overlap in the
# middle.
p1 = zeros((nx, ny, 2))
p1[360:800,:,0] = random.rand(440, ny)
p2 = zeros((nx, ny, 2))
p2[0:440,:,0] = random.rand(440, ny)
# Animation colormap setup
norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax = 1)
# And sets up two corresponding colormaps, one blue and one
# red for p1 and p2 respectively (goal is overlaid).
cmap1 = cm.Blues
cmap2 = cm.Reds
# Sets up an empty array to hold animation frames.
ims = []
# Sets up and uses ion to draw the figure without blocking.
fig = plt.figure()
# Run the simulation.
for t in range(nt):
# This looks to see how far we are, and if we're at a point
# where t is an even multiple of framestep, we should render
# a new frame.
if (t%framestep == 0):
print('Frame ' + str(framenum))
framenum = framenum + 1
# In here I did a bunch of stuff to get special colors in
# the colormap to get substrates and surfaces and other
# features clearly identified. I am creating a new frame1
# and frame2 object because in reality I will be doing a
# log plot math to convert to the graphic frame.
frame1 = p1[:,:,0]
# This part is necessary in my real program because
# I manually modify the colormap after it's created
# to include the above mentioned special colors.
frame1_colors = cmap1(norm(frame1))
# This is my (not quite right) attempt to do overlaid plots.
plt.imshow(frame1_colors, alpha = 0.5)
# Do the same for the second set of data.
frame2 = p2[:,:,0]
frame2_colors = cmap2(norm(frame2))
# The goal here was to take the combined output and make
# it into an animation frame to append to ims, the image
# array.
# This is where I start to run into problems. Without the
# ims.append, the program has constant memory usage. With
# it, I am using 1340MB by the 50th frame. This is the
# biggest issue. Even throwing away all other simulation
# data, this image array for animation is *enormous*.
# With the ims.append line replaced with the plt.imshow
# line alone, memory usage is much smaller, ranging from
# 140-170MB depending on execution point, but relatively
# constant.
ims.append([plt.imshow(frame2_colors, alpha = 0.5)])
# plt.imshow(frame2_colors, alpha = 0.5)
# Then try to draw updating animation to show progress
# using draw(). As best I can tell, this basically works,
# in that the plot is displaying with all components.
# I'll put in a timer so that this doesn't go too fast, since
# the actual calculation is very complex.
# Proxy for the actual calculation. Just overwrite with new
# random data in the overlapping ranges to show some change
# visually.
p1[360:800,:,1] = random.rand(440, ny)
p2[0:440,:,1] = random.rand(440, ny)
# In this version, it is trivial, but in the real simulation
# p1[:,:,1] does not end up equal to p1[:,:,0], so the following
# resets the simulation for the next timestep, overwriting the
# old values to avoid memory overflow from the p1 and p2 arrays
# being enormous.
# Copy new values into old values.
p1[:,:,0] = p1[:,:,1]
p2[:,:,0] = p2[:,:,1]
# This is just a repeat for the final frame.
frame1 = p1[:,:,0]
frame1_colors = cmap1(norm(frame1))
plt.imshow(frame1_colors, alpha = 0.5)
frame2 = p2[:,:,0]
frame2_colors = cmap2(norm(frame2))
# As above, the ims.append uses tons of memory, the imshow alone works well.
ims.append([plt.imshow(frame2_colors, alpha = 0.5)])
# plt.imshow(frame2_colors, alpha = 0.5)
anim = anim.ArtistAnimation(fig, ims, blit=True)
anim.save('test.mp4', fps=10, writer='avconv')
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