如何定义矢量,并使用C ++将对象存储在其中?

时间:2014-09-25 05:21:16

标签: c++ string vector



    //Message.h constructs the setup for email messages
#ifndef MESSAGE_H
#define MESSAGE_H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
//using namespace std;//should not use in header file.

//prototype functions
void viewInboxMessage();

class Message
    std::string address;
    std::string subject;
    std::string text;
    std::vector<Message> inbox;
    std::vector<Message> sent;

    Message()//default constuctor
        //set all member variables to NULL at start of program:
        vector<Message> inbox(0);
        vector<Message> sent(0);
        address = "";
        subject = "";
        text = "";      
    //contructor for message object
    Message(string address, string subject, string text);

    void setAddress(string addr);
    string getAddress();

    void setSubject(string subj);
    string getSubject();

    void setMessageText(string msgTxt);
    string getMessageText();    


    //This class instantiates a message object for populating the
//vector arrays.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include "Message.h"
using namespace std;

//Function Prototypes:
//Message inbox(string, string, string);
//Message sent(string, string, string);
void viewInboxMessage();

Message::Message(string address, string subject, string text)

void Message::setAddress(string addr)
    address = addr;
string Message::getAddress()
    return address;

void Message::setSubject(string subj)
    subject = subj;
string Message::getSubject()
    return subject;

void Message::setMessageText(string msgTxt)
    text = msgTxt;
string Message::getMessageText()
    return text;

//Main Menu option 1 selected:
// print list of all messages to the console
void viewInbox()
    cout << "You have " << inbox.size << " new messages.\n";
    std::cout << "Index      Subject" << '\n';

    for (size_t i = 0; i < inbox.size(); ++i)
        std::cout << i << "    : " << inbox[i].subject << '\n';

//write a function that will display as many case break switch choices
//as there are messages in the inbox

//print selected message to console:
void viewInboxMessage(size_t index)
    if (index < inbox.size())//error: identifier "inbox" is not defined.
        std::cout << "Message Number : " << index << '\n';
        std::cout << "sender: " << inbox[index].address << '\n';
        std::cout << "subject: " << inbox[index].subject << '\n';
        std::cout << "message: " << '\n';
        std::cout << inbox[index].text << '\n';

//Main Menu option 3 selected:
Message newMessage(string address, string subject, string compose)
    cout << "Please enter recipient email address.\n";
    cin >> address;
    cout << "Please enter a subject for your message.\n";
    cin >> subject;
    cout << "Go ahead and type your message, and hit send when you're finished.\n";
    cin >> compose;
    vector<Message> viewSent(0)++;//add composed message to sent messages list after user sends it.


    //This class contains the main function and the main menu.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

#include "Message.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
    //Message inbox[10];
    vector<Message> inbox;
    Message sent[10];
    string sender; 
    string subject;
    int numMessages;//number of messages in inbox
    int choice = 0;

    string verify = "Cartman2010";
    string userName;
    string address;
    string password;
    cout << "please enter your login username.\n";
    cin >> userName;
    cout << "please enter your email address.\n";
    cin >> address;
    cout << "please enter your password.\n";
    cin >> password;
    if (password != verify)
        cout << "Invalid password. Please re-enter your password.\n";
        cin >> password;

    cout << "Hello " << userName << " Welcome to your mailbox. Please select an option:\n";

    //After easy login and greeting, the user needs to select an option form the main menu:
    cout << "1. View Your Inbox\n";
    cout << "2. View Sent Messages\n";
    cout << "3. Send A Message\n";
    cout << "4. Quit\n";

    cin >> choice;
    switch (choice)
    case 1: Message viewInbox;//access messages (and number of messages) from vector inbox
    case 2: Message viewSent;//view the messages you've sent (and how many) from vector
    case 3: Message newMessage;
    case 4: exit();

    return 0;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


struct Message
    std::string address; // sender/recipient
    std::string subject;
    std::string text; // actual message

    // compose message functions here

class EmailServer
    std::vector<Message> inbox;
    std::vector<Message> sent;


    // mail server functions here ...

    // print list of all messages to the console
    void viewInbox()
        std::cout << "Index      Subject" << '\n';

        for(size_t i = 0; i < inbox.size(); ++i)
            std::cout << i << "    : " << inbox[i].subject << '\n';

    // print a specific message to the console
    void viewInboxMessage(size_t index)
        if(index < inbox.size())
            std::cout << Message Number: " << index << '\n';
            std::cout << "sender: " << inbox[index].address << '\n';
            std::cout << "subject: " << inbox[index].subject << '\n';
            std::cout << "message: " << '\n';
            std::cout << inbox[index].text << '\n';
