
时间:2014-09-24 09:02:03

标签: lua luajit



function hook(event)
  if prof_enabled then

--(in main context)
debug.sethook(hook, "cr")

所以问题是,如果prof_enabled = false并且始终设置了钩子,我是否应该期待显着的性能损失?我不期待确切的答案,而是一些见解(也许,例如lua翻译器会优化它吗?)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


-- set up profiling

local profile = {}

-- stub function to profile an existing function

local function make_profile_func (fname, f)
  profile [fname] = { func = f, count = 0 }

  return function (...)
     profile [fname].count = profile [fname].count + 1
     local results = { f (...) }  -- call original function
     return unpack (results)  -- return results
  end -- function
end -- make_profile_func

function pairsByKeys (t, f)
  local a = {}
  -- build temporary table of the keys
  for n in pairs (t) do
    table.insert (a, n)
  table.sort (a, f)  -- sort using supplied function, if any
  local i = 0        -- iterator variable
  return function () -- iterator function
    i = i + 1
    return a[i], t[a[i]]
  end  -- iterator function
end -- pairsByKeys

-- show profile, called by alias

-- non-profiled functions
local npfunctions = {
  string_format = string.format,
  string_rep = string.rep,
  string_gsub = string.gsub,
  table_insert = table.insert,
  table_sort = table.sort,
  pairs = pairs,


function show_profile (name, line, wildcards)

  print (npfunctions.string_rep ("-", 20), "Function profile - alpha order",
         npfunctions.string_rep ("-", 20))
  print ""
  print (npfunctions.string_format ("%25s %8s", "Function", "Count"))
  print ""
  for k, v in pairsByKeys (profile) do
    if v.count > 0 then
      print (npfunctions.string_format ("%25s %8i", k, v.count))
    end -- if
  end -- for
  print ""

  local t = {}
  for k, v in npfunctions.pairs (profile) do
    if v.count > 0 then
      npfunctions.table_insert (t, k)
    end -- if used
  end -- for

  npfunctions.table_sort (t, function (a, b) return profile [a].count > profile [b].count end )

  print (npfunctions.string_rep ("-", 20), "Function profile - count order",
         npfunctions.string_rep ("-", 20))
  print ""
  print (npfunctions.string_format ("%25s %8s", "Function", "Count"))
  print ""
  for _, k in ipairs (t) do
      print (npfunctions.string_format ("%25s %8i", k, profile [k].count))
  end -- for
  print ""

end -- show_profile

-- replace string functions by profiling stub function

for k, f in pairs (string) do
  if type (f) == "function" then
    string [k] = make_profile_func (k, f)
  end -- if
end -- for

-- test

for i = 1, 10 do
  string.gsub ("aaaa", "a", "b")
end -- for
for i = 1, 20 do
  string.match ("foo", "f")
end -- for

-- display results
show_profile  ()

在这个特定的测试中,我调用了string.gsub 10次,string.match调用了20次。现在输出是:

--------------------    Function profile - alpha order  --------------------

                 Function    Count

                     gsub       10
                    match       20

--------------------    Function profile - count order  --------------------

                 Function    Count

                    match       20
                     gsub       10


我在MUSHclient forum的帖子中对此进行了调整,我也得到了精确的时间。



for k, f in pairs (string) do
  if type (f) == "function" then
    string [k] = make_profile_func (k, f)
  end -- if
end -- for
