覆盖/工具提示在Emacs for Windows中是否正常工作?

时间:2010-04-08 15:20:48

标签: c# emacs

我在C#代码上使用Flymake,在Windows上使用emacs v22.2.1。

Flymake的东西对我来说一直很好。对于那些不知道的人,you can read an overview of flymake,但快速的故事是,flymake在后台重复构建您当前正在处理的源文件,以进行语法检查。然后,它会突出显示当前缓冲区中的编译器警告和错误。

Flymake最初不适用于C#,但是I "monkey-patched it" and it works nicely now。如果您在emacs中编辑C#,我强烈建议您使用flymake。

我唯一的问题是UI。 Flymake很好地突出显示错误和警告,然后使用包含完整错误或警告文本的工具提示插入“叠加”。如果我将鼠标指针悬停在代码中突出显示的行上,则会弹出 overlay 工具提示。

alt text http://i42.tinypic.com/qqu0ja.jpg

但是正如您所看到的, overlay 工具提示被剪切,并且无法正确显示。


覆盖工具提示是否可以在emacs for Windows中正常工作?


经过一些研究,我发现使用(tooltip-show really-long-string)



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


;; Reforms a single-line string ARG to a multi-line string with a max
;; of LIMIT chars on a line.
;; This is intended to solve a problem with the display of tooltip text
;; in emacs on Win32 - which is that the tooltip is extended to be very very
;; long, and the final line is clipped.
;; The solution is to split the text into multiple lines, and to add a
;; trailing newline to trick the tooltip logic into doing the right thing.
(defun cheeso-reform-string (limit arg)
  (let ((orig arg) (modified "") (curline "") word
        (words (split-string arg " ")))
    (while words
        (setq curline "")
        (while (and words (< (length curline) limit))
            (setq word (car words))
            (setq words (cdr words))
            (setq curline (concat curline " " word))))
        (setq modified (concat modified curline "\n"))))
    (setq modified (concat modified " \n")))

(defadvice tooltip-show (before
                         (arg &optional use-echo-area)
                         activate compile)
    (if (and (not use-echo-area)
             (eq major-mode 'csharp-mode))
        (let ((orig (ad-get-arg 0)))
          (ad-set-arg 0 (cheeso-reform-string 72 orig))


alt text http://i41.tinypic.com/1zoylg8.jpg

答案 1 :(得分:0)

当摆弄这个flymake的东西时,我的真正目标是在flymake显示错误时弹出一个“快速修复”菜单。如果单击ALT-Shift-F10或类似的东西,Visual Studio会执行此操作。

并且,在一些基本场景中,我得到了它的工作。 以下是用户体验:

步骤1:使用未解析的类型引用编写代码 - 在本例中为Stream。 Flymake标记了这个问题,如下所示:

alt text http://i41.tinypic.com/8xo29t.jpg



alt text http://i40.tinypic.com/mwryw0.jpg


alt text http://i39.tinypic.com/w1z4n5.jpg


  • 错误CS0246:找不到类型或命名空间“xxxx”
  • 错误CS1002:预期分号
  • 错误CS0103:当前上下文中不存在名称“标识符”。

诀窍再一次是建议。这次是flymake-make-emacs-menu fn。 flymake中的该函数准备直接传递给x-popup-menu的数据结构。建议(“后”建议)解析错误列表,查找已知的错误代码,如果找到,则“弹出”菜单中的“猴子补丁”,插入修复错误的选项。

;; The flymake-make-emacs-menu function prepares the menu for display in
;; x-popup-menu. But the menu from flymake is really just a static list
;; of errors.  Clicking on any of the items, does nothing. This advice
;; re-jiggers the menu structure to add dynamic actions into the menu,
;; for some error cases.  For example, with an unrecognized type error
;; (CS0246), this fn injects a submenu item that when clicked, will
;; insert a using statement into the top of the file. Other errors are
;; also handled.
;; This won't work generally.  It required some changes to flymake.el,
;; so that flymake-goto-next-error would go to the line AND column.  The
;; original flymake only goes to the line, not the column.  Therefore,
;; quickfixes like inserting a semicolon or a namespace in front of a
;; typename, won't work because the position is off.
(defadvice flymake-make-emacs-menu (after
                                    activate compile)
  (let* ((menu ad-return-value)
         (title (car menu))
         (items (cadr menu))

    (setq new-items (mapcar
                     '(lambda (x)
                        (let ((msg (car x)) missing-type namespace m2 m3)
                          (cond ((or (string-match "error CS0246:" msg)
                                     (string-match "error CS0103:" msg))

                                   (string-match "^\\(.+'\\([^']+\\)'[^(]+\\)" msg)
                                   (setq missing-type (substring msg
                                                                 (match-beginning 2)
                                                                 (match-end 2)))

                                   ;; trim the message to get rid of the (did you forget to ...?)
                                   (setq msg
                                         (substring msg
                                                    (match-beginning 1)
                                                    (match-end 1)))
                                   (setq namespace (csharp-get-namespace-for-type missing-type))
                                   (if namespace
                                       ;; the namespace was found
                                         (setq m2 (concat "insert   using " namespace ";"))
                                         (setq m3 (concat namespace "." missing-type))
                                         (list msg
                                               (list m2 'csharp-insert-using-clause-for-type missing-type)
                                               (list m3 'csharp-insert-fully-qualified-type namespace)
                                               (list "resolve this type reference manually")))
                                     ;; couldn't find the namespace; maybe it's just a typo
                                     (list msg
                                           (list "resolve this type reference manually")))))

                                ;; missing semicolon
                                ((string-match "error CS1002:" msg)
                                     (list msg
                                           (list "insert ; " 'insert ";"))

                                ;; all other cases
                                 ;; no quick fixes for this error
                                 (list msg
                                       (list "resolve this error manually"))))))
                     (cdr items)))

    ;; If there's only one menu item, it sometimes won't display
    ;; properly.  The main error message is hidden, and the submenu
    ;; items become the menu items. I don't know why.  Appending a list
    ;; of ("" nil) to the end, insures that the menu will display
    ;; properly.
    (setq new-items (append new-items (list (list "" nil))))

    ;; finally, set the return value
    (setq ad-return-value (cons title new-items))

    ;; (setq ad-return-value (list title
    ;;                             (list "item1" (list "choice 1.A" 1) (list "choice 1.B" 2))
    ;;                             (list "item2" (list "choice 2.A" 3) (list "choice 2.B" 4))
    ;;                             (list "item3")
    ;;                             ))




(defun csharp-insert-using-clause (namespace)
  "inserts a new using clause, for the given namespace"
  (interactive "sInsert using clause; Namespace: ")
    (let ((beginning-of-last-using (re-search-backward "^[ \t]*using [^ ]+;")))
      (insert (concat "using " namespace ";"))
