
时间:2014-09-23 16:25:19

标签: javascript plugins heatmap








 /*slide controls for opacity - currently on canvas object*/
          if( testID == 'oSlider' ) {
          var oHandle = ui.values[0]
          var opacityNum = (oHandle/100)

          if( comboBox === 'A' ) {
         ( aHeat._leaflet_id ).css({ "opacity":opacityNum });
          else if( comboBox === 'B' ) {
         ( bHeat._leaflet_id ).css({ "opacity":opacityNum });





function addDataSet() {

var dataSourceCmb = document.getElementById("dataSourceCmb").value;

        /* A-canvas Add --- Start */    
        if(dataSourceCmb === 'A') {

            if(typeof(aHeat)==='undefined' || aHeat.undefined===true)
            aHeat = L.heatLayer(aPoints,{maxZoom:13,radius:10,blur:5,gradient: {0.2: "#FF00FF",.4: "#00FFFF" , 0.6: "#00FF00", 0.8: "#FFFF00", 1.0: "#FF0000"} })
            .addTo(map), draw= true;

                $(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).each(function(i, obj){

                    console.log("A Canvas Before Add:  " + $(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).attr('id'));

                    if ($(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).attr('id') != true) {

                     console.log("A Canvas After Add:  " + $(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).attr('id'));




        /* A-canvas Add --- End */ 

        /* B-canvas Add --- START */     
        else if(dataSourceCmb === 'B') {
            if(typeof(bHeat)==='undefined' || bHeat.undefined===true) {    
            bHeat = L.heatLayer(bPoints,{maxZoom:13,radius:10,blur:5,gradient: {0.2: "#FF00FF",.4: "#00FFFF" , 0.6: "#00FF00", 0.8: "#FFFF00", 1.0: "#FF0000"} })
            .addTo(map), draw= true;

                 $(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).each(function(i, obj){

                console.log("B Canvas Before Add:  " + $(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).attr('id'));

                 if ($(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).attr('id') != true) {

                console.log("B Canvas After Add:  " + $(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).attr('id'));
                   /* console.log($(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).attr('id'));*/



        /* B-canvas Add --- End */     

        /* C-canvas Add --- START */         
        else if(dataSourceCmb === 'C') {
            if(typeof(cHeat)==='undefined' || cHeat.undefined===true ){    
            cHeat = L.heatLayer(cPoints,{maxZoom:13,radius:10,blur:5,gradient: {0.2: "#FF00FF",.4: "#00FFFF" , 0.6: "#00FF00", 0.8: "#FFFF00", 1.0: "#FF0000"} })
            .addTo(map), draw= true;

                 $(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).each(function(i, obj){

                console.log("C Canvas Before Add:  " + $(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).attr('id'));

                 if ($(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).attr('id') != true) {

                console.log("C Canvas After Add:  " + $(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).attr('id'));
                   /* console.log($(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).attr('id'));*/



        /* C-canvas Add --- End */

                        $(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).each(function(i, obj){

                        if ($(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).attr('id') != true) {
                            console.log("no canvas id set for canvas: "+i);
                        else {
                            console.log($(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')).attr('id')+" canvas no: "+i);


                        console.log("aCanvas width: " + document.getElementById("aCanvas").width)
                        console.log("bCanvas width: " + document.getElementById("bCanvas").width)
                        console.log("cCanvas width: " + document.getElementById("cCanvas").width)


当设置aCanvas时,它会失败$(document.getElementsByTagName(' canvas'))。attr(' id')!= true test,但我得到一个宽度我制作的不透明度滑块控制不透明度。但是,当设置bCanvas时;它重新命名aCanvas,并且在两个画布上都没有进行id测试,并给出了bCanvas的宽度。然后不透明度滑块会抱怨aCanvas为null并且不设置任何值。




            /* adjust intesity, radius, blur based on zoom-level; it should be more intense at higher zoom levels */
            /* maxZoom: the lower the number the more intense (gives the zoom level to be the maximum intensity */    
            /* radius: the radius of each point; the more they overlap the more intense the color */
            /* blur: the amount of blurring to each point to allow for more overlap; the larger the more blur */

    $(document).ready(function() {

      $( ".slider-vertical" ).each(function(){

          $this = $(this);

          orientation: "horizontal",
          range: "min",
          min: 0,
          max: 100,
          values: [60],
          slide: function( event, ui ) {
            $(this).parent().find(".amount").html(  ui.values[0] );
              var testID = $(this).attr('id')

              var dataSourceCmb = document.getElementById("dataSourceCmb").value

/*slide controls for radius  (range 0.55-50.55) */

/*slide controls for maxZoom/aka Intensity (range 4-24) */

/*slide controls for blur*/

              /*slide controls for opacity - currently on canvas object*/
              if( testID == 'oSlider' ) {

              var oHandle = ui.values[0]
              var opacityNum = (oHandle/100)
                  if( dataSourceCmb === 'A' ){
                  else if( dataSourceCmb === 'B' ){
                  else if( dataSourceCmb === 'C' ){

/* slide controls for hue */


        $( "#amount" ).html( $( ".slider" ).slider( "values",0 ) );





<div id="sliderControls" class="leaflet-control">
    <div id="rParent" class="slider-vertical">
          <b style="margin-left:100px">Radius:</b>
          <span id="radius" class="amount">0</span>
          <div id="rSlider" class="slider"></div> 

    <div id="iParent" class="slider-vertical">
          <b style="margin-left:100px">Intensity:</b>
          <span id="intensity" class="amount">0</span>
          <div id="iSlider" class="slider"></div> 

    <div id="bParent" class="slider-vertical">
          <b style="margin-left:100px">Blur:</b>
          <span id="blur" class="amount">0</span>
          <div id="bSlider" class="slider"></div> 

    <div id="oParent" class="slider-vertical">
          <b style="margin-left:100px">Opacity:</b>
          <span id="opacity" class="amount">0</span>
          <div id="oSlider" class="slider"></div> 

    <div id="hParent" class="slider-vertical">
          <b style="margin-left:100px">Hue:</b>
          <span id="hue" class="amount">0</span>
          <div id="hSlider" class="slider"></div> 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

事实证明,答案是更多层次的分离和正确的操作顺序。在将每个画布添加到地图后,我必须为每个画布添加ID,因为leaflet-heat.js不是传统图层。相反,它是一个类,不包括从leaflet访问setOpacity()方法,并将热图的每个实例创建为相同的画布,没有id或能够设置id。然后我可以在运行时调用canvas id的更改。由于我通过滑块控制不透明度,我还包括滑块头脚本和正文html,以帮助将来可能想要做同样事情的人。


    function addDataSet() {

    var dataSourceCmb = document.getElementById("dataSourceCmb").value;

            /* permit Add --- Start */    
            if(dataSourceCmb === "Permits") {

                if(typeof(PermitHeat)==="undefined" || PermitHeat.undefined===true)
                PermitHeat = L.heatLayer(PermitsPoints,{maxZoom:13,radius:10,blur:5,gradient: {0.2: "#FF00FF",.4: "#00FFFF" , 0.6: "#00FF00", 0.8: "#FFFF00", 1.0: "#FF0000"} })
                .addTo(map), draw= true;

            /* permit Add --- End */ 

            /* rig Add --- START */     
            else if(dataSourceCmb === "Rigs") {
                if(typeof(RigHeat)==="undefined" || RigHeat.undefined===true) {    
                RigHeat = L.heatLayer(RigsPoints,{maxZoom:13,radius:10,blur:5,gradient: {0.2: "#FF00FF",.4: "#00FFFF" , 0.6: "#00FF00", 0.8: "#FFFF00", 1.0: "#FF0000"} })
                .addTo(map), draw= true;
            /* rig Add --- End */     

            /* branch Add --- START */         
            else if(dataSourceCmb === "Branches") {
                if(typeof(BranchHeat)==="undefined" || BranchHeat.undefined===true ){    
                BranchHeat = L.heatLayer(BranchesPoints,{maxZoom:13,radius:10,blur:5,gradient: {0.2: "#FF00FF",.4: "#00FFFF" , 0.6: "#00FF00", 0.8: "#FFFF00", 1.0: "#FF0000"} })
                .addTo(map), draw= true;
            /* branch Add --- End */

        var theCanvases = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas");

        /* setting canvas Ids */

         for (var i=0; i < theCanvases.length; i++) {   
           /* console.log("Type of attr id: " + typeof($(document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")).attr("id")) ); */

            var myCanvas = theCanvases[i];
            var attr = $(myCanvas).attr("id");


           /* console.log( myCanvas );*/
            /* console.log( attr ); */

            if( typeof(attr) === "undefined") {

            /*console.log("this attr id: " + $(myCanvas).attr("id"));*/

                if(dataSourceCmb === "Permits") {
                else if(dataSourceCmb ==="Rigs") {
                else if(dataSourceCmb ==="Branches") {







            /* adjust intesity, radius, blur based on zoom-level; it should be more intense at higher zoom levels */
            /* maxZoom: the lower the number the more intense (gives the zoom level to be the maximum intensity */    
            /* radius: the radius of each point; the more they overlap the more intense the color */
            /* blur: the amount of blurring to each point to allow for more overlap; the larger the more blur */

    $(document).ready(function() {

      $( ".slider-vertical" ).each(function(){

          $this = $(this);

          orientation: "horizontal",
          range: "min",
          min: 0,
          max: 100,
          values: [60],
          slide: function( event, ui ) {
            $(this).parent().find(".amount").html(  ui.values[0] );
              var testID = $(this).attr('id')

              var dataSourceCmb = document.getElementById("dataSourceCmb").value

              /*slide controls for radius  (range 0.55-50.55) */

              /*slide controls for maxZoom/aka Intensity (range 4-24) */

            /*slide controls for blur*/

              /*slide controls for opacity - currently on canvas object*/
              if( testID == 'oSlider' ) {

              var oHandle = ui.values[0]
              var opacityNum = (oHandle/100)
                  if( dataSourceCmb === 'Permits' ){
                  else if( dataSourceCmb === 'Rigs' ){
                  else if( dataSourceCmb === 'Branches' ){

             /*slide controls for hue*/


        $( "#amount" ).html( $( ".slider" ).slider( "values",0 ) );




html body slider div:

    <div id="sliderControls" class="leaflet-control">

        <div id="oParent" class="slider-vertical">
              <b style="margin-left:100px">Opacity:</b>
              <span id="opacity" class="amount">0</span>
              <div id="oSlider" class="slider"></div> 



<div id="datasourceContent" class="leaflet-control">
        <h1 class="header">Data Sets</h1>
        <div class="ui-widget">
            <label>Choose a Dataset:</label>
            <select id="dataSourceCmb" >
                <option value="">Select one...</option>
                <option value="Permits">Permits</option>
                <option value="Rigs">Rigs</option>
                <option value="Branches">Branches</option>

        <div class="btn-group">
            <button id="addDataBtn" type="button" onClick="addDataSet()">
                <span></span>Add Dataset to Map</button>

            <button id="removeDataBtn" type="button" onClick="removeDataSet()">
                <span></span>Remove Dataset from Map</button>
