declare @mainselectsql varchar(4000)= ''
declare @resultsql varchar(4000)= ''
declare @countsql nvarchar(4000)
declare @parm nvarchar(50) = '@max_count int output'
declare @totalcount int
/* This is my Main Query */
Set @mainselectsql = 'select *,case when [count] is not null and New_post <= 10 then 1 else 0 end as Total from
select row_number() over(order by p.created_date desc) as [New_post],p.post_id,title,p.created_date,[count]
from tbl_post p with (nolock)
left outer join (select top 4 post_id,count(post_id)[count]from tbl_post_track with (nolock) group by post_id order by count(post_id) desc) z
on z.post_id = p.post_id
) x'
SET @CountSQL = ' SELECT @max_Count = sum(Total)FROM ('+ @mainselectsql +')t'
/* I need to calculate count no of top_4_posts (outer join) has come under top_10_latest posts */
execute sp_executesql @CountSQL, @parm, @max_Count = @totalcount output;
/* Now I need to add the count to result set to display top_10 posts */
set @resultsql = 'select *,case when [count] is not null then ''Popular'' when New_post <= 10+'+conv**strong text**ert(varchar,@totalcount)+' then ''New'' else null end as Status
from (' + @mainselectsql + ')t
where 1=1'
exec (@resultsql)