在perl脚本中用VCG *替换VCG1或VCG2

时间:2014-09-23 03:25:25

标签: bash perl



G6N-D5C-?: (116.663, 177.052, 29.149) K87CD/E85CB/E94CB/H32CB/Q21CB
L12N-T11C-?: (128.977, 175.109, 174.412) K158C/H60C/A152C/N127C/Y159C(notH60C)
K14N-E13C-?: (117.377, 176.474, 29.823) I187CG1/V78CG2
A75N-Q74C-?: (123.129, 177.253, 23.513) V131CG1/V135CG1/V78CG1



use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;

open my $fh, '<', $ARGV[0];

while (<$fh>) {
    my @values = map { /.(\d+)(\w+)/; $1, $2 } split '/', (split)[-1];
    my ( $resid, $name ) = /^[^-]+-.(\d+)(\w+)-/;
    print "assign (resid $resid and name $name ) (";
    print join ( " or ", 
        map  { "resid $values[$_] and name $values[$_ + 1]" } 
        grep { not $_ % 2 } 0 .. $#values 
    print " ) 3.5 2.5 4.5 ! $_";


assign (resid 5 and name C ) (resid 87 and name CD or resid 85 and name CB or resid 94 and name CB or resid 32 and name CB or resid 21 and name CB ) 3.5 2.5 8.5 ! G6N-D5C-?: (116.663, 177.052, 29.149) K87CD/E85CB/E94CB/H32CB/Q21CB
assign (resid 11 and name C ) (resid 158 and name C or resid 60 and name C or resid 152 and name C or resid 127 and name C or resid 159 and name C ) 3.5 2.5 8.5 ! L12N-T11C-?: (128.977, 175.109, 174.412) K158C/H60C/A152C/N127C/Y159C(notH60C)
assign (resid 13 and name C ) (resid 187 and name CG1 or resid 78 and name CG2 ) 3.5 2.5 8.5 ! K14N-E13C-?: (117.377, 176.474, 29.823) I187CG1/V78CG2
assign (resid 74 and name C ) (resid 131 and name CG1 or resid 135 and name CG2 or resid 78 and name CG1 ) 3.5 2.5 8.5 ! A75N-Q74C-?: (123.129, 177.253, 23.513) V131CG1/V135CG1/V78CG1

  • 我需要帮助的是包含条目的行,这些条目以V开头,后跟2或3位数,CG1CG2!。例子是V78CG2或V135CG1。
  • 我需要限制相应的条目用通配符处理。也就是说我需要像下列这样的限制:

assign (resid 5 and name C ) (resid 87 and name CD or resid 85 and name CB or resid 94 and name CB or resid 32 and name CB or resid 21 and name CB ) 3.5 2.5 8.5 ! G6N-D5C-?: (116.663, 177.052, 29.149) K87CD/E85CB/E94CB/H32CB/Q21CB
assign (resid 11 and name C ) (resid 158 and name C or resid 60 and name C or resid 152 and name C or resid 127 and name C or resid 159 and name C ) 3.5 2.5 8.5 ! L12N-T11C-?: (128.977, 175.109, 174.412) K158C/H60C/A152C/N127C/Y159C(notH60C)
assign (resid 13 and name C ) (resid 187 and name CG1 or resid 78 and name CG* ) 3.5 2.5 8.5 ! K14N-E13C-?: (117.377, 176.474, 29.823) I187CG1/V78CG2
assign (resid 74 and name C ) (resid 131 and name CG* or resid 135 and name CG* or resid 78 and name CG* ) 3.5 2.5 8.5 ! A75N-Q74C-?: (123.129, 177.253, 23.513) V131CG1/V135CG1/V78CG1




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

以下是该脚本的修改版本,其中包含正在进行的操作的说明。 my @values = map { ... } split '/', (split)[-1];有点难以理解,所以我将分别解释:


'G6N-D5C-?: (116.663, 177.052, 29.149) K87CD/E85CB/E94CB/H32CB/Q21CB'

the array created by calling split:
'G6N-D5C-?:', '(116.663,', '177.052,', '29.149)', 'K87CD/E85CB/E94CB/H32CB/Q21CB'

第二个split切断/上的输入;作为输入,它使用由第一个split创建的数组中的最后一项 - 即(split)是“通过在空格上拆分$_创建的数组”的简写,以及{{1是数组的最后一个元素。




array created by calling `split "/"`
'K87CD', 'E85CB', 'E94CB', 'H32CB', 'Q21CB'

括号将结果捕获到只读变量/.(\d+)(\w+)/; # match any character (.) followed by one or more digits (\d) # followed by one or more alphanumeric (\w) characters. $1中。映射中的第二个语句将这些字符添加到由$2命令创建的数组中。默认情况下,perl将最后一个语句的结果放入数组中,因此您可以执行以下操作:


(模式匹配的“结果”实际上是$ 1和$ 2,因此将my @arr = (1, 2, 3, 4); my @two_times = map { $_ * 2 } @arr; # @two_times is (2, 4, 6, 8) 添加到$1, $2数组的语句@values并非绝对必要。)

因此@values = map { /.(\d+)(\w+)/; $1, $2 } @array会抓取@array中每个元素的匹配项并将其放入@values


要更改脚本以区别对待VnnCG1 / VnnCG2条目,我在map命令中添加了一行,找到与该模式匹配的任何残差并将其替换为VnnCG*。然后,我更改了匹配的正则表达式,以便它可以获取残留名称的相应部分,但不会获取不适当的数据(例如(notB28DG))。这是带有注释的新脚本:

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature ':5.10';
use autodie;

open my $fh, '<', $ARGV[0];

while (<$fh>) {

    # a brief guide to regexps:
    # \d     = digits
    # \w     = digits or letters or _
    # [ ]    = match any of the characters within these brackets
    # ( )    = capture the value in these brackets, save it to $1, $2, $3, etc.
    #        (brackets are also used for alternation, but not in this case)
    # *      = match 0 or 1 times
    # +      = match 1 or more times
    # \*     = match the character *
    # s/ / / = search and replace
    # /x     = ignore whitespace

    my @values = map {
        # find the pattern
        s/V     # V
        (\d+)   # one or more digits; the brackets mean we capture the value
                # and it gets saved in $1
        CG      # CG
        [12]    # either 1 or 2
        /V$1CG*/x; #replace with V $1 CG *

        # find the pattern
        /.       # any character
        (\d+)    # one or more digits; capture the value in $1
        ([A-Z][\w\*]*) # a letter followed by zero or more alphanum or * 
        /x;            # the value is captured in $2

        # put $1 and $2 into the array we're building
        $1, $2
        } split '/', (split)[-1];

    my ( $resid, $name ) = /^[^-]+-.(\d+)(\w+)-/;
    # compose the new string
    my $str = "assign (resid $resid and name $name ) ("
    . join ( " or ",
        map  { "resid $values[$_] and name $values[$_ + 1]" }
        grep { not $_ % 2 } 0 .. $#values
    . " ) 3.5 2.5 8.5 ! $_";
    # "say" prints out the string to STDERR and automatically adds a carriage return
    say $str;


foreach (@data) {
    my @values = map {
        s/V(\d+)CG[12]/V$1CG*/; /.(\d+)([A-Z][\w\*]*)/;
        } split '/', (split)[-1];
    my ( $resid, $name ) = /^[^-]+-.(\d+)(\w+)-/;
    say "assign (resid $resid and name $name ) ("
    . join ( " or ",
        map  { "resid $values[$_] and name $values[$_ + 1]" }
        grep { not $_ % 2 } 0 .. $#values
    . " ) 3.5 2.5 8.5 ! $_";