
时间:2014-09-22 20:11:22

标签: php html templates twig



        array('components_id'=>2,'name'=>'First Link','newwindow'=>0),
        array('components_id'=>3,'name'=>'Second Link','newwindow'=>0),
        array('components_id'=>7,'name'=>'Third Link','newwindow'=>1),
        array('components_id'=>8,'name'=>'Forth Link','newwindow'=>0)


    <li class="first active"><a href="index.php?cid=2">First Link</a></li>
    <li><a href="index.php?cid=3">Second Link</a></li>
    <li><a href="index.php?cid=7" target="_blank">Third Link</a></li>
    <li class="last"><a href="index.php?cid=8">Forth Link</a></li>


menu_main is an associated array containing active key and menu key.
menu is an associated array of containing name, components_id, and whether it should open a new window
    {% for item in menu_main.menu %}
    {% if item.components_id == menu_main.active %}
    {# How do I add first and last class?  Maybe using length? #}
    {% endif%}>
    <a href="{{ item[0] }}">{{item[1]}}{% if item.newwindow %} target="_blank" {% endif%}></a>
    {% endfor %}

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

这对你有用。 由于$ main_menu ['menu']数组是关联的,因此twig不会理解item [0]或item [1]

menu_main is an associated array containing active key and menu key.
menu is an associated array of containing name, components_id, and whether it should open a new window
    {% for item in menu_main.menu %}
    {% set classes = "" %}
    {% if item.components_id == menu_main.active %}
        {% set classes = classes~' active ' %}
    {% endif%}>
    {% if loop.first %}
        {% set classes = classes~' first ' %}
    {% elseif loop.last %}
        {% set classes = classes~' last ' %}
    {% endif %}
    <a class="{{ classes }}" href="index.php?cid={{ item['components_id'] }}">{{item['name']}}</a>
    {% endfor %}