不幸的是,我必须在VBA for Excel中完成所有操作,但是我想弄清楚是否有一种方法可以采用任何其他语言的无符号整数,做一些事情(添加,乘法)等等,它作为VBA中的double
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Public Function CDblToLng(num As Double) As Long
Dim DblBytes As clsByteSet
Set DblBytes = New clsByteSet
DblBytes.fromDouble num
Dim SignMask As clsByteSet
Dim ExponentMask As clsByteSet
Dim MantissaMask As clsByteSet
Set SignMask = New clsByteSet
Set ExponentMask = New clsByteSet
Set MantissaMask = New clsByteSet
SignMask.fromCustomBytes &H80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
ExponentMask.fromCustomBytes &H7F, &HF0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
MantissaMask.fromCustomBytes 0, &HF, &HFF, &HFF, &HFF, &HFF, &HFF, &HFF
Dim negative As Byte
negative = DblBytes.Clone.AND_ByteSet(SignMask).ShiftRight(63).toByte
Dim ExponentInteger As Integer
ExponentInteger = DblBytes.Clone.AND_ByteSet(ExponentMask).ShiftRight(52).toInteger - 1023
Dim LongNumber As Long
LongNumber = DblBytes.Clone.AND_ByteSet(MantissaMask).ShiftRight(52 - ExponentInteger).toLong
If negative Then
If ExponentInteger = 31 Then
CDblToLng = (Not (LongNumber Or &H80000000)) + 1
CDblToLng = (Not (LongNumber Or 2 ^ ExponentInteger)) + 1 'Or (IIf(negative, -1, 1) * 2 ^ ExponentInteger)
End If
If ExponentInteger = 31 Then
CDblToLng = LongNumber Or &H80000000
If ExponentInteger <= 30 Then
CDblToLng = LongNumber Or 2 ^ ExponentInteger
CDblToLng = LongNumber
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Option Compare Database
'Updated to be a Fluent Interface
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "Kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (dest As Any, source As Any, ByVal length As Long)
Private m_arrBytes() As Byte
Public Function Resize(n As Long) As clsByteSet
ReDim m_arrBytes(0 To n - 1)
End Function
Public Function fromCustomBytes(ParamArray bytes()) As clsByteSet
ReDim m_arrBytes(0 To UBound(bytes))
For i = 0 To UBound(bytes)
m_arrBytes(i) = CByte(bytes(i))
Set fromCustomBytes = Me
End Function
Public Function fromDouble(Dbl As Double) As clsByteSet
ReDim m_arrBytes(0 To 7)
For i = 0 To 7
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(m_arrBytes(i)), ByVal CLng(VarPtr(Dbl) + (7& - i)), 1
Set fromDouble = Me
End Function
Public Function fromLong(lng As Long) As clsByteSet
ReDim m_arrBytes(0 To 3)
For i = 0 To 3
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(m_arrBytes(i)), ByVal CLng(VarPtr(lng) + (3& - i)), 1
Set fromLong = Me
End Function
Public Function fromInteger(intgr As Integer) As clsByteSet
ReDim m_arrBytes(0 To 1)
For i = 0 To 1
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(m_arrBytes(i)), ByVal CLng(VarPtr(intgr) + (1& - i)), 1
Set fromInteger = Me
End Function
Public Function fromByte(b As Byte) As clsByteSet
ReDim m_arrBytes(0 To 1 - 1)
m_arrBytes(0) = b
Set fromByte = Me
End Function
Public Function fromBytes(b() As Byte) As clsByteSet
ReDim m_arrBytes(LBound(b) To UBound(b))
For i = LBound(b) To UBound(b)
m_arrBytes(i) = b(i)
Set fromBytes = Me
End Function
Public Property Get bytes() As Byte()
bytes = m_arrBytes
End Property
Public Property Get bytesbyte(index As Long) As Byte
bytesbyte = m_arrBytes(index)
End Property
Public Function Clone() As clsByteSet
Set Clone = New clsByteSet
Clone.fromBytes m_arrBytes
End Function
Public Function toBytes() As Byte()
ReDim toBytes(LBound(m_arrBytes) To UBound(m_arrBytes))
For i = LBound(m_arrBytes) To UBound(m_arrBytes)
toBytes(i) = m_arrBytes(i)
End Function
Public Function toByte() As Byte
Dim b As Byte
b = m_arrBytes(UBound(m_arrBytes))
toByte = b
End Function
Public Function toInteger() As Integer
Dim intgr As Integer
For i = 0 To 1
CopyMemory ByVal CLng(VarPtr(intgr) + (1& - i)), ByVal VarPtr(m_arrBytes(i + UBound(m_arrBytes) - 1)), 1
toInteger = intgr
End Function
Public Function toLong() As Long
Dim lng As Long
For i = 0 To 3
CopyMemory ByVal CLng(VarPtr(lng) + (3& - i)), ByVal VarPtr(m_arrBytes(i + UBound(m_arrBytes) - 3)), 1
toLong = lng
End Function
Public Function toDouble() As Double
Dim Dbl As Double
For i = 0 To 7
CopyMemory ByVal CLng(VarPtr(Dbl) + (7& - i)), ByVal VarPtr(m_arrBytes(i + UBound(m_arrBytes) - 7)), 1
toDouble = Dbl
End Function
Public Function toString() As String
Dim strOutput As String
Dim i As Long
If UBound(m_arrBytes) > 0 Then
strOutput = right("0" & Hex(m_arrBytes(0)), 2)
i = 1
While i <= UBound(m_arrBytes)
strOutput = strOutput & " " & right("0" & Hex(m_arrBytes(i)), 2)
i = i + 1
End If
toString = strOutput
End Function
'* Bitwise Boolean *
Public Function XOR_ByteSet(bs As clsByteSet) As clsByteSet
For i = 0 To UBound(bs.bytes)
m_arrBytes(i) = m_arrBytes(i) Xor bs.bytes(i)
Set XOR_ByteSet = Me
End Function
Public Function AND_ByteSet(bs As clsByteSet) As clsByteSet
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(bs.bytes)
m_arrBytes(i) = m_arrBytes(i) And bs.bytesbyte(i)
Set AND_ByteSet = Me
End Function
Public Function OR_ByteSet(bs As clsByteSet) As clsByteSet
For i = 0 To UBound(bs.bytes)
m_arrBytes(i) = m_arrBytes(i) Or bs.bytes(i)
Set OR_ByteSet = Me
End Function
'* Shifts and Rotates *
Public Function ShiftRight(length As Long) As clsByteSet
'Inefficient because it performs two operations: shift bytes then shift bits
If length > UBound(m_arrBytes) + 1 Then
End If
Dim shiftbits As Byte
Dim shiftbytes As Long
shiftbytes = length \ 8
shiftbits = length Mod 8
Dim i As Long
If shiftbytes > 0 Then
For i = UBound(m_arrBytes) To shiftbytes Step -1
m_arrBytes(i) = m_arrBytes(i - shiftbytes)
For i = shiftbytes - 1 To 0 Step -1
m_arrBytes(i) = 0
End If
If shiftbits > 0 Then
For i = UBound(m_arrBytes) To 1 Step -1
m_arrBytes(i) = ShiftByteRight(m_arrBytes(i), shiftbits) Or ShiftByteLeft(m_arrBytes(i - 1), 8 - shiftbits)
m_arrBytes(0) = ShiftByteRight(m_arrBytes(i), shiftbits)
End If
Set ShiftRight = Me
End Function
Public Function ShiftLeft(length As Long) As clsByteSet
'Inefficient because it performs two operations: shift bytes then shift bits
If length > UBound(m_arrBytes) + 1 Then
End If
Dim shiftbits As Byte
Dim shiftbytes As Long
shiftbytes = length \ 8
shiftbits = length Mod 8
Dim i As Long
If shiftbytes > 0 Then
For i = 0 To UBound(m_arrBytes) - shiftbytes
m_arrBytes(i) = m_arrBytes(i + shiftbytes)
For i = UBound(m_arrBytes) - shiftbytes To UBound(m_arrBytes)
m_arrBytes(i) = 0
End If
If shiftbits > 0 Then
For i = 0 To UBound(m_arrBytes) - 1
m_arrBytes(i) = ShiftByteLeft(m_arrBytes(i), shiftbits) Or ShiftByteRight(m_arrBytes(i + 1), 8 - shiftbits)
m_arrBytes(i) = ShiftByteLeft(m_arrBytes(i), shiftbits)
End If
Set ShiftLeft = Me
End Function
Public Function RotateRight(length As Long) As clsByteSet
'Inefficient because it performs two operations: shift bytes then shift bits
If length > (UBound(m_arrBytes) + 1) * 8 Then
length = length Mod (UBound(m_arrBytes) + 1)
End If
Dim shiftbits As Byte
Dim shiftbytes As Long
shiftbytes = length \ 8
shiftbits = length Mod 8
Dim i As Long
If shiftbytes > 0 Then
Dim temparr() As Byte
ReDim temparr(0 To shiftbytes - 1)
For i = 0 To shiftbytes - 1
temparr(i) = m_arrBytes(i + (UBound(m_arrBytes) - (shiftbytes - 1)))
For i = UBound(m_arrBytes) To shiftbytes Step -1
m_arrBytes(i) = m_arrBytes((i - shiftbytes))
For i = shiftbytes - 1 To 0 Step -1
m_arrBytes(i) = temparr(i)
End If
If shiftbits > 0 Then
Dim tempbyte As Byte
tempbyte = ShiftByteLeft(m_arrBytes(UBound(m_arrBytes)), 8 - shiftbits)
For i = UBound(m_arrBytes) To 1 Step -1
m_arrBytes(i) = ShiftByteLeft(m_arrBytes(i - 1), 8 - shiftbits) Or ShiftByteRight(m_arrBytes(i), shiftbits)
m_arrBytes(0) = ShiftByteRight(m_arrBytes(0), shiftbits) Or tempbyte
End If
Set RotateRight = Me
End Function
Public Function RotateLeft(length As Long) As clsByteSet
'Inefficient because it performs two operations: shift bytes then shift bits
If length > (UBound(m_arrBytes) + 1) * 8 Then
length = length Mod (UBound(m_arrBytes) + 1)
End If
Dim shiftbits As Byte
Dim shiftbytes As Long
shiftbytes = length \ 8
shiftbits = length Mod 8
Dim i As Long
If shiftbytes > 0 Then
Dim temparr() As Byte
ReDim temparr(0 To shiftbytes - 1)
For i = 0 To shiftbytes - 1
temparr(i) = m_arrBytes(i)
For i = 0 To UBound(m_arrBytes) - shiftbytes
m_arrBytes(i) = m_arrBytes((i + shiftbytes))
For i = 0 To shiftbytes - 1
m_arrBytes(i + UBound(m_arrBytes) - (shiftbytes - 1)) = temparr(i)
End If
If shiftbits > 0 Then
Dim tempbyte As Byte
tempbyte = ShiftByteRight(m_arrBytes(0), 8 - shiftbits)
For i = 0 To UBound(m_arrBytes) - 1
m_arrBytes(i) = ShiftByteLeft(m_arrBytes(i), shiftbits) Or ShiftByteRight(m_arrBytes(i + 1), 8 - shiftbits)
m_arrBytes(UBound(m_arrBytes)) = ShiftByteLeft(m_arrBytes(UBound(m_arrBytes)), shiftbits) Or tempbyte
End If
Set RotateLeft = Me
End Function
Private Function ShiftByteRight(ByVal data As Byte, length As Byte) As Byte
ShiftByteRight = data \ (2 ^ (length))
End Function
Private Function ShiftByteLeft(ByVal data As Byte, length As Byte) As Byte
ShiftByteLeft = (data And ((2 ^ (8 - length)) - 1)) * (2 ^ length)
End Function