
时间:2014-09-22 09:31:35

标签: android logging android-contacts


ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();
Cursor cursor = cr.query(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null);
String id = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts._ID));
getNameStructure(cr, id);

private void getNameStructure(ContentResolver cr, String id) {

    Cursor cursor = cr.query(ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI, null, ContactsContract.Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID + "= ?", new String[]{id}, null);

    int indexGivenName = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName.GIVEN_NAME);
    int indexFamilyName = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName.FAMILY_NAME);
    int indexDisplayName = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName.DISPLAY_NAME);

    if (cursor.moveToNext()) {
        String given = cursor.getString(indexGivenName);
        String family = cursor.getString(indexFamilyName);
        String display = cursor.getString(indexDisplayName);
        Log.d("Log", " given " + given + " family " + family + " display " + display);




given Vg family null display Vg //correct
given Xcy family null display Xcy //correct
given 2 family null display 536-55-55 //no corrent, i don`t know what is in given and family, but display is phone, but must be name "Note test con111"

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