
时间:2014-09-21 20:44:51

标签: php button drupal view user-profile


我使用Profile2模块创建了2种类型的用户(candite /雇主),我想在雇主简介的wiew页面中创建一个按钮。

enter image description here


function ab_candidate_app_profile2_view_alter($build) {

  $test = $build['field_company_name']['#object'];
    if($test->type == 'employer_'){

    // add the button here



编辑:当我做var_dump($ build)时,我得到下一个结果:

array (size=12)
  '#view_mode' => string 'account' (length=7)
  'field_company_name' => 
    array (size=16)
      '#theme' => string 'field' (length=5)
      '#weight' => int 0
      '#title' => string 'Name' (length=4)
      '#access' => boolean true
      '#label_display' => string 'above' (length=5)
      '#view_mode' => string 'account' (length=7)
      '#language' => string 'und' (length=3)
      '#field_name' => string 'field_company_name' (length=18)
      '#field_type' => string 'text' (length=4)
      '#field_translatable' => string '0' (length=1)
      '#entity_type' => string 'profile2' (length=8)
      '#bundle' => string 'employer_' (length=9)
      '#object' => 
          public 'pid' => string '6' (length=1)
          public 'type' => string 'employer_' (length=9)
          public 'label' => string 'Employer ' (length=9)
          public 'uid' => string '10' (length=2)
          public 'created' => string '1411278976' (length=10)
          public 'changed' => string '1411278976' (length=10)
          protected 'entityType' => string 'profile2' (length=8)
          protected 'entityInfo' => 
            array (size=22)
          protected 'idKey' => string 'pid' (length=3)
          protected 'nameKey' => string 'pid' (length=3)
          protected 'statusKey' => string 'status' (length=6)
          protected 'defaultLabel' => boolean false
          public 'field_company_name' => 
            array (size=1)
          public 'field_logo' => 
            array (size=1)
          public 'field_company_description' => 
            array (size=1)
          public 'field_country' => 
            array (size=1)
          public 'rdf_mapping' => 
            array (size=0)
          public 'entity_view_prepared' => boolean true
      '#items' => 
        array (size=1)
          0 => 
            array (size=3)
      '#formatter' => string 'text_default' (length=12)
      0 => 
        array (size=1)
          '#markup' => string 'adel' (length=4)
  'field_logo' => 
    array (size=16)
      '#theme' => string 'field' (length=5)
      '#weight' => int 2
      '#title' => string 'Logo' (length=4)
      '#access' => boolean true
      '#label_display' => string 'above' (length=5)
      '#view_mode' => string 'account' (length=7)
      '#language' => string 'und' (length=3)
      '#field_name' => string 'field_logo' (length=10)
      '#field_type' => string 'image' (length=5)
      '#field_translatable' => string '0' (length=1)
      '#entity_type' => string 'profile2' (length=8)
      '#bundle' => string 'employer_' (length=9)
      '#object' => 
          public 'pid' => string '6' (length=1)
          public 'type' => string 'employer_' (length=9)
          public 'label' => string 'Employer ' (length=9)
          public 'uid' => string '10' (length=2)
          public 'created' => string '1411278976' (length=10)
          public 'changed' => string '1411278976' (length=10)
          protected 'entityType' => string 'profile2' (length=8)
          protected 'entityInfo' => 
            array (size=22)
          protected 'idKey' => string 'pid' (length=3)
          protected 'nameKey' => string 'pid' (length=3)
          protected 'statusKey' => string 'status' (length=6)
          protected 'defaultLabel' => boolean false
          public 'field_company_name' => 
            array (size=1)
          public 'field_logo' => 
            array (size=1)
          public 'field_company_description' => 
            array (size=1)
          public 'field_country' => 
            array (size=1)
          public 'rdf_mapping' => 
            array (size=0)
          public 'entity_view_prepared' => boolean true
      '#items' => 
        array (size=1)
          0 => 
            array (size=13)
      '#formatter' => string 'image' (length=5)
      0 => 
        array (size=4)
          '#theme' => string 'image_formatter' (length=15)
          '#item' => 
            array (size=13)
          '#image_style' => string '' (length=0)
          '#path' => string '' (length=0)
  'field_company_description' => 
    array (size=16)
      '#theme' => string 'field' (length=5)
      '#weight' => int 3
      '#title' => string 'Description' (length=11)
      '#access' => boolean true
      '#label_display' => string 'above' (length=5)
      '#view_mode' => string 'account' (length=7)
      '#language' => string 'und' (length=3)
      '#field_name' => string 'field_company_description' (length=25)
      '#field_type' => string 'text_long' (length=9)
      '#field_translatable' => string '0' (length=1)
      '#entity_type' => string 'profile2' (length=8)
      '#bundle' => string 'employer_' (length=9)
      '#object' => 
          public 'pid' => string '6' (length=1)
          public 'type' => string 'employer_' (length=9)
          public 'label' => string 'Employer ' (length=9)
          public 'uid' => string '10' (length=2)
          public 'created' => string '1411278976' (length=10)
          public 'changed' => string '1411278976' (length=10)
          protected 'entityType' => string 'profile2' (length=8)
          protected 'entityInfo' => 
            array (size=22)
          protected 'idKey' => string 'pid' (length=3)
          protected 'nameKey' => string 'pid' (length=3)
          protected 'statusKey' => string 'status' (length=6)
          protected 'defaultLabel' => boolean false
          public 'field_company_name' => 
            array (size=1)
          public 'field_logo' => 
            array (size=1)
          public 'field_company_description' => 
            array (size=1)
          public 'field_country' => 
            array (size=1)
          public 'rdf_mapping' => 
            array (size=0)
          public 'entity_view_prepared' => boolean true
      '#items' => 
        array (size=1)
          0 => 
            array (size=3)
      '#formatter' => string 'text_default' (length=12)
      0 => 
        array (size=1)
          '#markup' => string 'teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest' (length=23)
  'field_country' => 
    array (size=16)
      '#theme' => string 'field' (length=5)
      '#weight' => int 4
      '#title' => string 'Country' (length=7)
      '#access' => boolean true
      '#label_display' => string 'above' (length=5)
      '#view_mode' => string 'account' (length=7)
      '#language' => string 'und' (length=3)
      '#field_name' => string 'field_country' (length=13)
      '#field_type' => string 'list_text' (length=9)
      '#field_translatable' => string '0' (length=1)
      '#entity_type' => string 'profile2' (length=8)
      '#bundle' => string 'employer_' (length=9)
      '#object' => 
          public 'pid' => string '6' (length=1)
          public 'type' => string 'employer_' (length=9)
          public 'label' => string 'Employer ' (length=9)
          public 'uid' => string '10' (length=2)
          public 'created' => string '1411278976' (length=10)
          public 'changed' => string '1411278976' (length=10)
          protected 'entityType' => string 'profile2' (length=8)
          protected 'entityInfo' => 
            array (size=22)
          protected 'idKey' => string 'pid' (length=3)
          protected 'nameKey' => string 'pid' (length=3)
          protected 'statusKey' => string 'status' (length=6)
          protected 'defaultLabel' => boolean false
          public 'field_company_name' => 
            array (size=1)
          public 'field_logo' => 
            array (size=1)
          public 'field_company_description' => 
            array (size=1)
          public 'field_country' => 
            array (size=1)
          public 'rdf_mapping' => 
            array (size=0)
          public 'entity_view_prepared' => boolean true
      '#items' => 
        array (size=1)
          0 => 
            array (size=1)
      '#formatter' => string 'list_default' (length=12)
      0 => 
        array (size=1)
          '#markup' => string 'Malaysia (MY)' (length=13)
  '#pre_render' => 
    array (size=1)
      0 => string '_field_extra_fields_pre_render' (length=30)
  '#entity_type' => string 'profile2' (length=8)
  '#bundle' => string 'employer_' (length=9)
  '#theme' => string 'entity' (length=6)
  '#entity' => 
      public 'pid' => string '6' (length=1)
      public 'type' => string 'employer_' (length=9)
      public 'label' => string 'Employer ' (length=9)
      public 'uid' => string '10' (length=2)
      public 'created' => string '1411278976' (length=10)
      public 'changed' => string '1411278976' (length=10)
      protected 'entityType' => string 'profile2' (length=8)
      protected 'entityInfo' => 
        array (size=22)
          'label' => string 'Profile' (length=7)
          'plural label' => string 'Profiles' (length=8)
          'description' => string 'Profile2 user profiles.' (length=23)
          'entity class' => string 'Profile' (length=7)
          'controller class' => string 'EntityAPIController' (length=19)
          'base table' => string 'profile' (length=7)
          'fieldable' => boolean true
          'view modes' => 
            array (size=1)
          'entity keys' => 
            array (size=4)
          'bundles' => 
            array (size=2)
          'bundle keys' => 
            array (size=1)
          'label callback' => string 'entity_class_label' (length=18)
          'uri callback' => string 'entity_class_uri' (length=16)
          'access callback' => string 'profile2_access' (length=15)
          'module' => string 'profile2' (length=8)
          'metadata controller class' => string 'Profile2MetadataController' (length=26)
          'static cache' => boolean true
          'field cache' => boolean true
          'load hook' => string 'profile2_load' (length=13)
          'translation' => 
            array (size=0)
          'schema_fields_sql' => 
            array (size=1)
          'configuration' => boolean false
      protected 'idKey' => string 'pid' (length=3)
      protected 'nameKey' => string 'pid' (length=3)
      protected 'statusKey' => string 'status' (length=6)
      protected 'defaultLabel' => boolean false
      public 'field_company_name' => 
        array (size=1)
          'und' => 
            array (size=1)
      public 'field_logo' => 
        array (size=1)
          'und' => 
            array (size=1)
      public 'field_company_description' => 
        array (size=1)
          'und' => 
            array (size=1)
      public 'field_country' => 
        array (size=1)
          'und' => 
            array (size=1)
      public 'rdf_mapping' => 
        array (size=0)
      public 'entity_view_prepared' => boolean true
  '#language' => string 'en' (length=2)
  '#page' => null

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


<?php print render($user_profile); 

  $acount_id = $account_info->uid;

 // var_dump($account_info);die();

  echo '<a href="/jobPortal/Apply/'.$acount_id.'">Apply Now</a>';


C:\瓦帕\ WWW \ jobPortal \主题\ bartik \模板\

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我假设您需要在个人资料显示中添加一个按钮,而不是在Views模块中特别添加“视图”。在这种情况下,你必须使用 hook_node_view

这是一个例子 https://www.drupal.org/node/1993368#comment-7406538

或查看更详细的答案 Drupal 7 hook_node_view add a form to the content of a node。您可以在表单中添加一个按钮并在显示屏上调用。


