
时间:2014-09-21 17:32:05

标签: multithreading threadpool invoke


现在突然,应用程序在调用Me.Invoke(disposal)时开始挂起 - 在Public Sub wol_SearchCompleted()中。奇怪的是,有时我会逐步完成代码,它会挂在那条线上,有时它会完美运行。

Public Class frmMain

Private wolActiveThreads(Environment.ProcessorCount - 1) As ManualResetEvent 'I have tried setting this to wolActiveThreads(1) but there is no difference
Private adActiveThreads(Environment.ProcessorCount - 1) As ManualResetEvent

Private Sub GetMacAddresses(ByVal compCollection As ComputerCollection)
    If compCollection.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub

    'Work out how many threads to use and how many computers each thread will discover
    Dim numThreads As Integer = wolActiveThreads.Count - 1
    Dim remainder As Double = compCollection.Count Mod numThreads
    Dim numPerThread As Double = (compCollection.Count - remainder) / numThreads

    'Start the threads
    For i As Integer = 0 To numThreads - 1
        Dim startIndex As Integer = (i * numPerThread)
        Dim endIndex As Integer = startIndex + (numPerThread - 1)

        IIf(i = numThreads - 1, endIndex = endIndex + remainder, endIndex = endIndex) 'If this is the last thread add the remainder of computers which didn't devide equally

        Dim threadParams As Object
        threadParams = New Object() {compCollection, startIndex, endIndex} 'Create an object to pass the parameters

        Dim n As Integer = i
        wolInstances(n) = New WOL(wolActiveThreads(n))
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(New WaitCallback(AddressOf wolInstances(n).StartMACSearch), threadParams)


    'If the status dialog isn't displayed, display it
    If statusDialog Is Nothing Then
        statusDialog = New frmStatus
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub StatusDialogDisposal()

    'Wait for all of the ADSearcher class threads to finish
    For Each handle As WaitHandle In adActiveThreads
    'Wait for all of the WOL class threads to finish
    For Each handle As WaitHandle In wolActiveThreads

    If statusDialog IsNot Nothing Then 'If another thread hasn't already disposed of the dialog
        statusDialog.Close() 'Close the dialog
        statusDialog.Dispose() 'Dispose of the dialog
        statusDialog = Nothing 'Dereference the diposed dialog to prevent errors
    End If

End Sub

'[WOL Events]
Private Delegate Sub disposeStatus()
Public Sub wol_SearchCompleted()
    Dim disposal As New disposeStatus(AddressOf StatusDialogDisposal)
End Sub


Public Class WOL

Public Sub New(ByVal doneEvent As ManualResetEvent)

    'Add event handlers
    AddHandler Me.MACAddressFound, AddressOf frmMain.wol_MACAddressFound
    AddHandler Me.SearchCompleted, AddressOf frmMain.wol_SearchCompleted

    _doneEvent = doneEvent

End Sub

Public Sub StartMACSearch(ByVal parameters As Object)
    _doneEvent.Reset() 'Make sure the thread pool knows the thread is still working

    Dim computerList As ComputerCollection = parameters(0)
    Dim startIndex As Integer = parameters(1)
    Dim endIndex As Integer = parameters(2)

    macsFound = 0

    For i As Integer = startIndex To endIndex

    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Thread " + startIndex.ToString + " to " + endIndex.ToString + " is ending")

    RaiseEvent SearchCompleted()
    _doneEvent.Set() 'Signal that the thread is finished

End Sub

End Class

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