对于我的插件,我想创建一个底部停靠的面板"这将显示信息。这样的例子就是Firefox自己的Web Console面板,可以在Web Developer Tools下切换。
答案 0 :(得分:4)
对于调查这样的内容,如果您尚未安装DOM Inspector插件,我会建议您使用getNotificationBox()
<iframe xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul" class="devtools-toolbox-bottom-iframe" height="436" tooltip="aHTMLTooltip" src="chrome://browser/content/devtools/framework/toolbox.xul"/>
后面插入<hbox class="browserSidebarContainer">
插入其中的gDevToolsBrowser.selectToolCommand(gBrowser, "webconsole");
* Creates an <iframe> based panel within the current tab,
* or opens a window, for use as an user interface box.
* If it is not a window, it is associated with the current
* browser tab.
* @param location
* Placement of the panel [right|left|top|bottom|window]
* The default location is "right".
* @param size
* Width if on left or right. Height if top or bottom.
* Both width and height if location="window" unless
* features is a string.
* Default is 400.
* @param id
* The ID to assign to the iframe. Default is
* "makyen-interface-panel"
* The <splitter> will be assigned the
* ID = id + "-splitter"
* @param chromeUrl
* This is the chrome:// URL to use for the contents
* of the iframe or the window.
* the default is:
* "chrome://browser/content/devtools/framework/toolbox.xul"
* @param features
* The features string for the window. See:
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window.open
* returns [splitterEl, iframeEl]
* The elements for the <splitter> and <iframe>
* Copyright 2014 by Makyen.
* Released under the MPL 2.0. http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
function createInterfacePanelIframe(location,size,id,chromeUrl,features) {
size = ( (typeof size !== "number") || size<1) ? 400 : size;
id = typeof id !== "string" ? "makyen-interface-panel" : id;
chromeUrl = typeof chromeUrl !== "string"
? "chrome://browser/content/devtools/framework/toolbox.xul"
: chromeUrl;
//Create some common variables if they do not exist.
// This should work from any Firefox context.
// Depending on the context in which the function is being run,
// this could be simplified.
if (typeof window === "undefined") {
//If there is no window defined, get the most recent.
var window=Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
if (typeof document === "undefined") {
//If there is no document defined, get it
var document = window.content.document;
if (typeof gBrowser === "undefined") {
//If there is no gBrowser defined, get it
var gBrowser = window.gBrowser;
//Get the current tab & notification box (container for tab UI).
let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab;
let browserForTab = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab( tab );
let notificationBox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox( browserForTab );
let ownerDocument = gBrowser.ownerDocument;
//Create the <iframe> use
//ownerDocument for the XUL namespace.
let iframeEl = ownerDocument.createElement("iframe");
iframeEl.id = id;
iframeEl.setAttribute("height", size.toString());
iframeEl.setAttribute("width", size.toString());
//Call createInterfacePanel, pass the size if it is to be a window.
let splitterEl;
if(location == "window" ) {
splitterEl = createInterfacePanel(location, size, size
,id + "-splitter", chromeUrl, features);
return [splitterEl, null];
} else {
splitterEl = createInterfacePanel(location, iframeEl, iframeEl
,id + "-splitter", chromeUrl, features);
return [splitterEl, iframeEl];
* Creates a panel within the current tab, or opens a window, for use as a
* user interface box. If not a window, it is associated with the current
* browser tab.
* @param location
* Placement of the panel [right|left|top|bottom|window]
* The default location is "right".
* @param objectEl
* The element of an XUL object that will be inserted into
* the DOM such that it is within the current tab.
* Some examples of possible objects are <iframe>,
* <browser>, <box>, <hbox>, <vbox>, etc.
* If the location="window" and features is not a string
* and this is a number then it is used as the width of the
* window.
* If features is a string, it is assumed the width is
* set in that, or elsewhere (e.g. in the XUL).
* @param sizeEl
* The element that contains attributes of "width" and
* "height". If location=="left"|"right" then the
* "height" attribute is removed prior to the objectEl
* being inserted into the DOM.
* A spearate reference for the size element in case the
* objectEl is a documentFragment containing multiple elements.
* However, normal usage is for objectEl === sizeEl when
* location != "window".
* When location == "window" and features is not a string,
* and sizeEl is a number then it is used as the height
* of the window.
* If features is a string, it is assumed the height is
* set in that, or elsewhere (e.g. in the XUL).
* @param id
* The ID to assign to the <splitter>. The default is:
* "makyen-interface-panel-splitter".
* @param chromeUrl
* This is the chrome:// URL to use for the contents
* of the window.
* the default is:
* "chrome://browser/content/devtools/framework/toolbox.xul"
* @param features
* The features string for the window. See:
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window.open
* returns
* if location != "window":
* splitterEl, The element for the <splitter>.
* if location == "window":
* The windowObjectReference returned by window.open().
* Copyright 2014 by Makyen.
* Released under the MPL 2.0. http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
function createInterfacePanel(location,objectEl,sizeEl,id,chromeUrl,features) {
//Set location default:
location = typeof location !== "string" ? "right" : location;
if(location == "window") {
if(typeof features !== "string") {
let width = "";
let height = "";
if(typeof objectEl == "number") {
width = "width=" + objectEl.toString() + ",";
if(typeof sizeEl == "number") {
height = "height=" + sizeEl.toString() + ",";
features = width + height
+ "menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,personalbar=no"
+ ",status=no,chrome=yes,resizable,centerscreen";
id = typeof id !== "string" ? "makyen-interface-panel-splitter" : id;
chromeUrl = typeof chromeUrl !== "string"
? "chrome://browser/content/devtools/framework/toolbox.xul"
: chromeUrl;
//Create some common variables if they do not exist.
// This should work from any Firefox context.
// Depending on the context in which the function is being run,
// this could be simplified.
if (typeof window === "undefined") {
//If there is no window defined, get the most recent.
var window=Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
if (typeof document === "undefined") {
//If there is no document defined, get it
var document = window.content.document;
if (typeof gBrowser === "undefined") {
//If there is no gBrowser defined, get it
var gBrowser = window.gBrowser;
//Get the current tab & notification box (container for tab UI).
let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab;
let browserForTab = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab( tab );
let notificationBox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox( browserForTab );
let ownerDocument = gBrowser.ownerDocument;
//Create a Document Fragment.
//If doing multiple DOM additions, we should be in the habit
// of doing things in a way which causes the least number of reflows.
// We know that we are going to add more than one thing, so use a
// document fragment.
let docFrag = ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
//ownerDocument must be used here in order to have the XUL namespace
// or the splitter causes problems.
// createElementNS() does not work here.
let splitterEl = ownerDocument.createElement("splitter");
splitterEl.id = id ;
//Look for the child element with class="browserSidebarContainer".
//It is the element in procimity to which the <splitter>
//and objectEl will be placed.
let theChild = notificationBox.firstChild;
while (!theChild.hasAttribute("class")
|| !theChild.getAttribute("class").contains("browserSidebarContainer")
) {
theChild = theChild.nextSibling;
if(!theChild) {
//We failed to find the correct node.
//This implies that the structure Firefox
// uses has changed significantly and it should
// be assumed that the extension is no longer compatible.
return null;
let toReturn = null;
switch(location) {
case "window" :
return window.open(chromeUrl,"_blank",features);
case "top" :
if(sizeEl) {
//Inserting the document fragment results in the same
// DOM structure as if you Inserted each child of the
// fragment separately. (i.e. the document fragment
// is just a temporary container).
//Insert the interface prior to theChild.
toReturn = notificationBox.insertBefore(docFrag,theChild);
case "bottom" :
if(sizeEl) {
//Insert the interface just after theChild.
toReturn = notificationBox.insertBefore(docFrag,theChild.nextSibling);
case "left" :
if(sizeEl) {
//Splitter is second in this orientaiton.
//Insert the interface as the first child of theChild.
toReturn = theChild.insertBefore(docFrag,theChild.firstChild);
case "right" :
default :
//Right orientaiton, the default.
if(sizeEl) {
//Insert the interface as the last child of theChild.
toReturn = theChild.appendChild(docFrag);
return splitterEl;
网址都可以在Firefox中使用。 Firefox安装包含大量文件,包含三个文件 omni.ja 。这些文件位于&lt;安装目录&gt; /omni.ja ,&lt;安装目录&gt; /browser/omni.ja 和&lt;安装目录&gt; /webart/omni.ja 。 omni.ja 文件只是zip格式文件,扩展名已重命名。为了方便访问这些文件,我经常将它们解压缩到目录中(在Firefox安装目录树之外)。我发现当我想弄清楚是怎么做的时候,这样可以更容易地进行搜索和操作文件。
注意: toolbox-hosts.js 中的代码使用方法{{1}}来查找要追加的容器。没有关于该方法的文档,因此我使用了{{3}}。
答案 1 :(得分:2)
var browser = aDOMWindow.document.querySelector('#browser')
if (browser) {
var splitter = aDOMWindow.document.createElement('splitter');
var propsToSet = {
id: 'demo-sidebar-with-html_splitter',
//class: 'sidebar-splitter' //im just copying what mozilla does for their social sidebar splitter //i left it out, but you can leave it in to see how you can style the splitter
for (var p in propsToSet) {
splitter.setAttribute(p, propsToSet[p]);
var sidebar = aDOMWindow.document.createElement('vbox');
var propsToSet = {
id: 'demo-sidebar-with-html_sidebar',
//persist: 'width' //mozilla uses persist width here, i dont know what it does and cant see it how makes a difference so i left it out
for (var p in propsToSet) {
sidebar.setAttribute(p, propsToSet[p]);
var sidebarBrowser = aDOMWindow.document.createElement('browser');
var propsToSet = {
id: 'demo-sidebar-with-html_browser',
type: 'content',
context: 'contentAreaContextMenu',
disableglobalhistory: 'true',
tooltip: 'aHTMLTooltip',
clickthrough: 'never',
autoscrollpopup: 'autoscroller',
flex: '1', //do not remove this
style: 'min-width: 14em; width: 18em; max-width: 36em;', //you should change these widths to how you want
src: 'data:text/html,%3Chtml%3E%0A%3Cbody%3E%0A%3Ciframe%20width%3D%22520%22%20height%3D%22390%22%20src%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fweb2.0calc.com%2Fwidgets%2Fhorizontal%2F%22%20scrolling%3D%22no%22%20style%3D%22border%3A%201px%20solid%20silver%3B%20%22%3E%20%3C%2Fiframe%3E%0A%3Cbr%20%2F%3E%0A%3Ca%20href%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fweb2.0calc.com%2F%22%3EWeb%202.0%20scientific%20calculator%3C%2Fa%3E%0A%3C%2Fbody%3E%0A%3C%2Fhtml%3E' //or just set this to some url like http://www.bing.com/
for (var p in propsToSet) {
sidebarBrowser.setAttribute(p, propsToSet[p]);
可以复制粘贴到暂存器运行,但要从scrathpad运行,您必须先用var browser = aDomWindow.document.querySelector('#browser')
替换var browser = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser').document.querySelector('#browser')