需要使用程序集获取和设置日期时间(RTC)。我读到这一点来设置需要使用int 1ah
(func 05h
;program get (and set) current time and date (int 1ah)
.model tiny
org 100h ; СОМ-program
call show_time ; display curr time
mov ah,9
lea dx,promt ; show prompt to enter the new time
int 21h
lea si,hour ; read hours
call input ;
cmp cl,0ffh ; if error
jz endtime ; stop enter time
mov dl,':' ; add ":" after hours
mov ah,2
int 21h
lea si,min ; read mins
call input
mov ch,[hour]
cmp ch,23h ; if hours not more than 23
jg errortime ; if more - display error
mov cl,[min] ; if mins not more than 59
cmp cl,59h
jg errortime ; if more - display error
mov ah,03
int 1ah ; setup new time
call show_time ; display curr time
;--date operations
call show_date ; display curr date
mov ah,9
lea dx,promt2 ; show prompt to enter the new date
int 21h
lea si,day ; read date
call input
cmp cl,0ffh ; if error
jz enddate ; close program
mov dl,'.' ; add "." as separator
mov ah,2
int 21h
lea si,month ; read month
call input
cmp cl,0ffh ; if error
jz enddate ; close program
mov dl,'.' ; add "." as separator
mov ah,2
int 21h
lea si,century ; read century
call input
cmp cl,0ffh ; if error - close program
jz enddate
lea si,year ; read year, without separator
call input
mov dh,[month]
cmp dh,12h ; if month more than 12
jg errortime ; close program
mov dl,[day]
cmp dl,31h ; if days more than 31
jg errortime ; close program
mov ch,[century] ; load century in ch
mov cl,[year] ; load year in cl
mov ah,5
int 1ah ; setup new date
call show_date ; display the new date
errortime: ; if time/date was entered incorect then show error msg
lea dx,ertime
mov ah,9
int 21h
ret ; and close program
;---input proc. Entered number stored in [si] (in BCD format).
mov cx,2 ; enter 2 symbols
mov bx,0 ; number will be created in bx
mov ah,01h
int 21h ; get 1 symbol
cmp al,':' ; if ":"
jz endhour
cmp al,'.' ; or "."
jz endhour
cmp al,2fH ; if was pressed enter, backspace etc.
jl endinput
cmp al,3AH ; if was entered not number
jg endinput ;
xor ah,ah ; if all good, then clear ah
sub al,30h ; convert symbol to num
xchg bx,ax ; ax = bx, bx = ax
mov dl,10h
mul dl ;
add bl,al ;
mov [si],bl ; save BCD number in [si]
loop inhour ;
ret ; close program
mov cl,0ffh ; if error while input
ret ; close program
;---display curr time (got from CMOS)
mov ah,2
int 1ah ; get curr time from CMOS
xor ah,ah
mov bl,10h
mov al,ch
mov [hour],ch ;
div bl ; div by 10h
add ax,'00' ;
mov word ptr [hourp],ax ;
xor ah,ah ;
mov al,cl
mov [min],cl ;
div bl ; div by 10h
add ax,'00' ;
mov word ptr [minp],ax ;
xor ah,ah
mov al,dh
div bl ; div by 10h
add ax,'00' ;
mov word ptr [secp],ax
mov ah,9
lea dx,msg ; show curr time msg
int 21h
;---display curr date (04 func, int 1ah)
mov ah,04
int 1ah ; get curr date and further decompose it into components (day, month etc)
xor ah,ah
mov bl,10h
mov al,ch
mov [century],ch ;
div bl ; div by 10h
add ax,'00' ;
mov word ptr [centuryp],ax ;
xor ah,ah
mov al,cl
mov [year],cl
div bl ; div by 10h
add ax,'00' ;
mov word ptr [yearp],ax
xor ah,ah
mov al,dl
mov [day],dl
div bl ; div by 10h
add ax,'00' ;
mov word ptr [dayp],ax
xor ah,ah
mov al,dh
mov [month],dh
div bl ; div by 10h
add ax,'00'
mov word ptr [monthp],ax
mov ah,9
lea dx,msg2 ; display curr date msg
int 21h
msg db 0dh,0ah,'Now time is '; \
hourp db '00:'; curr time msg
minp db '00:'; /
secp db '00',0dh,0ah,'$'
promt db 'Please enter new time in format HH:MM',0dh,0ah,'$' ; enter new time msg
promt2 db 'Please enter new date in format DD.MM.YYYY',0dh,0ah,'$' ; enter new date msg
ertime db 0dh,0ah,'Error in format time or date$' ; error msg
msg2 db 0dh,0ah,'Now date is '; \
dayp db '00.';
monthp db '00.'; curr date msg
centuryp db '00';
yearp db '00',0dh,0ah,'$'; /
hour db ? ; vars to store hours, mins, century, year, month, day
min db ?
century db ?
year db ?
month db ?
day db ?
end start
答案 0 :(得分:0)
设置实时时钟日期不会影响系统日期。这个 是因为在系统启动时读取实时时钟, 更新系统计时器。所有其他对日期的引用都使用该系统 计时器。如果更改了实时时钟日期(通过此 服务)或系统计时器(通过服务01h),另一个 日期不会相应改变。
即使系统使用系统计时器来显示日期信息, 实时时钟和系统定时器都会更新 连续地进行。