使用接口将函数作为参数传递给子程序在Plato Fortran 90中不起作用

时间:2014-09-21 05:39:32

标签: function fortran fortran90 subroutine plato

我创建了一个fortran 90程序,我在linux机器上使用并使用gfortran编译。它在gfortran的linux机器上工作正常,但提供了错误

error 327 - In the INTERFACE to SECANTMETHOD (from MODULE SECMETH), the ninth dummy argument (F) was of type REAL(KIND=2) FUNCTION, whereas the actual argument is of type REAL(KIND=2)

使用Plato编译器(FTN95)时。有谁知道我需要如何更改我的代码才能在柏拉图中工作?我试着读一下这个错误,并且有一些提到指针,但是从我尝试的那些不起作用。我已经找到了一些解决方法,但是它们使得子程序不能再接受任何函数作为参数 - 这几乎是无用的。任何帮助将不胜感激。我的代码如下。

!--! A module to define a real number precision.
module types
  integer, parameter :: dp=selected_real_kind(15)
end module types

module secFuncs

  function colebrookWhite(T)
    use types

    real(dp) :: colebrookWhite
    real(dp), intent(in) :: T


  end function colebrookWhite
end module secFuncs

module secMeth

  subroutine secantMethod(xolder,xold,xnew,epsi1,epsi2,maxit,exitFlag,numit,f)
    use types
    use secFuncs
    implicit none

      function f(T)
        use types
        real(dp) :: f
        real(dp), intent(in) :: T
      end function f
    end interface

    real(dp), intent(in) :: epsi1, epsi2
    real(dp), intent(inout) :: xolder, xold
    real(dp), intent(out) :: xnew
    integer, intent(in) :: maxit
    integer, intent(out) :: numit, exitFlag
    real(dp) :: fxold, fxolder, fxnew
    integer :: i

    fxolder = f(xolder)
    fxold = f(xold)

    i = 0

      i = i + 1

      xnew = xold - fxold*(xold-xolder)/(fxold-fxolder)

      fxnew = f(xnew)

      if (i == maxit) then
        exitFlag = 1
        numit = i
      else if (abs(fxnew) < epsi1) then
        exitFlag = 2
        numit = i
      else if (abs(xnew - xold) < epsi2) then
        exitFlag = 3
        numit = i
      end if

      xolder = xold
      xold = xnew
      fxolder = fxold
      fxold = fxnew
    end do
  end subroutine secantMethod

end module secMeth

program secantRoots
  use types
  use secMeth
  use secFuncs
  implicit none

  real(dp) :: x1, x2, xfinal, epsi1, epsi2
  integer :: ioerror, maxit, numit, exitFlag

    write(*,'(A)',advance="no")"Please enter two initial root estimates, 2epsi's, and maxit: "
    read(*,*,iostat=ioerror) x1, x2, epsi1, epsi2, maxit

    if (ioerror /= 0) then
      write(*,*)"Invalid input."
    end if
  end do

  call secantMethod(x1,x2,xfinal,epsi1,epsi2,maxit,exitFlag,numit,colebrookWhite)

  if (exitFlag == 1) then
    write(*,*)"The maximum number of iterations was reached."
  else if (exitFlag == 2) then
    write(*,'(a,f5.3,a,i3,a)')"The root is ", xfinal, ", which was reached in ", numit, " iterations."
  else if (exitFlag == 3) then
    write(*,'(a,i3,a)')"There is slow or no progress at ", numit, " iterations."
  end if

end program secantRoots

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



call secantMethod(x1,x2,xfinal,epsi1,epsi2,maxit,exitFlag,numit,colebrookWhite )
!                                                                             ^

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我最终只是从Plato切换到Geany IDE(我实际上更喜欢Geany WAY,因为我已经使用了几个小时),使用Geany设置gfortran,并且代码适用于该设置。我猜测我得到Plato错误的原因是它的编译器实际上是一个fortran95编译器,而gfortran是一个fortran90编译器。花了一段时间让一切工作,但是一旦我为gfortran下载mingw-w64并将路径用户(非系统)环境变量设置到正确的位置,一切都很好。我仍然有兴趣看看是否有办法让代码与FTN95编译器一起工作,但最后我还是坚持使用gfortran和Geany。