- 与编程语言的语法相关的字符[已由removePunctuation完成]
- 编程语言关键字[已由tm_map(dsc,removeWords,javaKeywords)完成]
- 常见的英语停用词[已由tm_map完成(dsc,removeWords,stopwords(“english”))]
- 词干[已经由tm_map(dsc,stemDocument)完成]
dd = DirSource(pattern = ".java", recursive = TRUE)
javaKeywords = c("abstract","continue","for","new","switch","assert","the","default","package","synchronized","boolean","do","if","private","this","break","double","implements","protected","throw","byte","else","the","null","NULL","TRUE","FALSE","true","false","import","public","throws","case","enum", "instanceof","return","transient","catch","extends","int","short","try","char","final","interface","static","void","class","finally","long","volatile","const","float","native","super","while")
dsc <- Corpus(dd)
dsc <- tm_map(dsc, stripWhitespace)
dsc <- tm_map(dsc, removePunctuation)
dsc <- tm_map(dsc, removeNumbers)
dsc <- tm_map(dsc, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
dsc <- tm_map(dsc, removeWords, javaKeywords)
dsc = tm_map(dsc, stemDocument)
dtm<- DocumentTermMatrix(dsc, control = list(weighting = weightTf, stopwords = FALSE))
答案 0 :(得分:1)
splitCapital <- function(x)
unlist(strsplit(tolower(sub('(.*)([A-Z].*)','\\1 \\2',x)),' '))
[1] "first" "name"
[1] "first" "name" "calculate" "age"
corpus.split <- lapply(dsc,splitCapital)
答案 1 :(得分:1)
=head2 tokenize
Title : tokenize
Usage : tokenize($wordsIn)
Function : Splits words based on camelCase, under_scores, and dot.notation.
: Leaves other words alone.
Returns : $wordsOut => string, the tokenized words
Args : named arguments:
: $wordsIn => string, the white-space delimited words to process
sub tokenize{
my $wordsIn = shift;
my $wordsOut = "";
for my $w (split /\s+/, $wordsIn) {
# Split up camel case: aaA ==> aa A
$w =~ s/([a-z]+)([A-Z])/$1 $2/g;
# Split up camel case: AAa ==> A Aa
# Split up camel case: AAAAa ==> AAA Aa
$w =~ s/([A-Z]{1,100})([A-Z])([a-z]+)/$1 $2$3/g;
# Split up underscores
$w =~ s/_/ /g;
# Split up dots
$w =~ s/([a-zA-Z0-9])\.+([a-zA-Z0-9])/$1 $2/g;
$wordsOut = "$wordsOut $w";
return removeDuplicateSpaces($wordsOut);
答案 2 :(得分:0)
I realize this is an old question and the OP has either solved their problem or moved on, but in case someone else comes across this question and is seeking an identifier splitting package, I would like to offer Spiral ("SPlitters for IdentifieRs: A Library"). It is written in Python but comes with a command-line utility that can read a file of identifiers (one per line) and split each one.
Splitting identifiers is deceptively difficult. It's actually a research-grade problem for which no perfect solution exists today. Even in cases where the input consists of identifiers that follow some convention such as camel case, ambiguities can arise—and of course, things are much harder when source code does not follow a consistent convention.
Spiral implements numerous identifier splitting algorithms, including a novel algorithm called Ronin. It uses a variety of heuristic rules, English dictionaries, and tables of token frequencies obtained from mining source code repositories. Ronin can split identifiers that do not use camel case or other naming conventions, including cases such as splitting J2SEProjectTypeProfiler
into [J2SE
, Project
, Type
, Profiler
], which requires the reader to recognize J2SE
as a unit. Here are some more examples of what Ronin can split:
# spiral mStartCData nonnegativedecimaltype getUtf8Octets GPSmodule savefileas nbrOfbugs
mStartCData: ['m', 'Start', 'C', 'Data']
nonnegativedecimaltype: ['nonnegative', 'decimal', 'type']
getUtf8Octets: ['get', 'Utf8', 'Octets']
GPSmodule: ['GPS', 'module']
savefileas: ['save', 'file', 'as']
nbrOfbugs: ['nbr', 'Of', 'bugs']
If you want simple strict camel-case or other simpler splitters, Spiral offers several of those too. Please see the GitHub page for more information.