Change sets:
(0345) ---$User1 "test12"
Component: (0465) "textfiles1"
Modified: 14-Sep-2014 02:17 PM
---c- (0574) /<unresolved>/sha.txt
Work items:
(0466) 90516 "test defect
我想阅读&#34; 90516&#34;即使用perl的工作项的id并将其放在一个数组中。 注意:这是一个条目,文件中可以有多行这样的行。 我想捕获所有这样的工作项ID,并在perl中放置一个数组。 代码
$file = new IO::File;
$file->open("<sha.log") or die "Cannot open sha.log";
@file_list = <$file>;
my %seen;
foreach $line (@file_list) {
#clear the array
undef %seen;
while ( $line =~ m/Work items:/g ) {
@temp = split( /[:|,]/, $1 );
#push the item to array only if no items in temp array i.e. if the occurance is for the first time
next if $seen{ $temp[0] }++;
push @work_items, $temp[0];
答案 0 :(得分:0)
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
#open my $fh, '<', 'sha.log';
my $fh = \*DATA;
my @work_items;
while (<$fh>) {
if ( my $range = /Work items:/ ... !/^\s*\(\d+\) (\d+)/ ) {
push @work_items, $1 if $range > 1 && $range !~ /E/;
print "@work_items\n";
Change sets:
(0345) ---$User1 "test12"
Component: (0465) "textfiles1"
Modified: 14-Sep-2014 02:17 PM
---c- (0574) /<unresolved>/sha.txt
Work items:
(0466) 90516 "test defect
(0467) 90517 "test defect
Change sets:
(0345) ---$User1 "test12"
Component: (0465) "textfiles1"
Modified: 14-Sep-2014 02:17 PM
---c- (0574) /<unresolved>/sha.txt
Work items:
(0468) 90518 "test defect
90516 90517 90518