
时间:2014-09-18 05:55:57

标签: r text-mining tm

我正在使用' tm'打包创建语料库。我已经完成了大部分预处理步骤。 剩下的就是删除过于常见的单词(超过80%的文档中出现的术语)。有人可以帮我吗?

dsc <- Corpus(dd)
dsc <- tm_map(dsc, stripWhitespace)
dsc <- tm_map(dsc, removePunctuation)
dsc <- tm_map(dsc, removeNumbers)
dsc <- tm_map(dsc, removeWords, otherWords1)
dsc <- tm_map(dsc, removeWords, otherWords2)
dsc <- tm_map(dsc, removeWords, otherWords3)
dsc <- tm_map(dsc, removeWords, javaKeywords)
dsc <- tm_map(dsc, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
dsc = tm_map(dsc, stemDocument)
dtm<- DocumentTermMatrix(dsc, control = list(weighting = weightTf, 
                         stopwords = FALSE))

dtm = removeSparseTerms(dtm, 0.99) 
# ^-  Removes overly rare words (occur in less than 2% of the documents)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:13)


removeCommonTerms <- function (x, pct) 
    stopifnot(inherits(x, c("DocumentTermMatrix", "TermDocumentMatrix")), 
        is.numeric(pct), pct > 0, pct < 1)
    m <- if (inherits(x, "DocumentTermMatrix")) 
    else x
    t <- table(m$i) < m$ncol * (pct)
    termIndex <- as.numeric(names(t[t]))
    if (inherits(x, "DocumentTermMatrix")) 
        x[, termIndex]
    else x[termIndex, ]

然后,如果您要删除&gt; = 80%的文档中的字词,您可以

dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(crude)
# <<DocumentTermMatrix (documents: 20, terms: 1266)>>
# Non-/sparse entries: 2255/23065
# Sparsity           : 91%
# Maximal term length: 17
# Weighting          : term frequency (tf)

removeCommonTerms(dtm ,.8)
# <<DocumentTermMatrix (documents: 20, terms: 1259)>>
# Non-/sparse entries: 2129/23051
# Sparsity           : 92%
# Maximal term length: 17
# Weighting          : term frequency (tf)

答案 1 :(得分:8)

如果您要使用DocumentTermMatrix,则另一种方法是使用 bounds $ global 控件选项。例如:

ndocs <- length(dcs)
# ignore overly sparse terms (appearing in less than 1% of the documents)
minDocFreq <- ndocs * 0.01
# ignore overly common terms (appearing in more than 80% of the documents)
maxDocFreq <- ndocs * 0.8
dtm<- DocumentTermMatrix(dsc, control = list(bounds = list(global = c(minDocFreq, maxDocFreq)))