
时间:2014-09-17 16:45:46

标签: c# unity3d dijkstra



public class DijkstraAlgorithm 

    public static Stack<GameObject> Dijkstra(GameObject[] Graph, GameObject source, GameObject target)

        Dictionary<GameObject, float> dist = new Dictionary<GameObject, float>();
        Dictionary<GameObject, GameObject> previous = new Dictionary<GameObject, GameObject>(); //previous NODE to the node that is currently on this script
        List<GameObject> Q = new List<GameObject>();

        foreach(GameObject v in Graph)
            dist[v] = Mathf.Infinity;
            //for all gameobjects (nodes) it will insert it into our dictionary as a key (kind of like a vector in c++)
            previous[v] = null;
            Q.Add (v);


        dist[source] = 0;

        //up until this point we have done what?

        // Grabbed all the nodes via Graph (Graph = all the GameObjects with tag "Node")
        // Grabbed the source which is the closest node to whatever GameObject you're on
        // Grabbed the players closest node via target
        //initializing dist[v] (dist is a dictionary holding a GameObject and a float, we are 
        //accessing the GameObject key of it.) to be positive infinity
        //initializing previous 'key' = GameObject v to null
        //Adding each GameObject v to Q which is a List of GameObjects
        while(Q.Count > 0)
            float shortestDistance = Mathf.Infinity; //init
            GameObject shortestDistanceNode = null; //init
            foreach(GameObject obj in Q)
                if(dist[obj] < shortestDistance) //very complicated if statement that basically finds the shortest distance based on whichever gameobject distance is not infinity.
                    shortestDistance = dist[obj];
                    shortestDistanceNode = obj;

            GameObject u = shortestDistanceNode;
            Q.Remove (u);
            //Up Until Here We Have Done:
            //init shortest distance to positive infinity
            // init shortestdistancenode to null for now
            //looping through list of nodes
            //if the gameobject key's value in the dist dictionary is smaller

            //Check to see if we made it to target
            if(u == target)
                Stack<GameObject> S = new Stack<GameObject>();
                while(previous[u] != null)
                    S.Push (u);
                    u = previous[u];
                return S;

            if(dist[u] == Mathf.Infinity)

            foreach(GameObject v in u.GetComponent<Node>().neighbors)
                float alt = dist[u] + (u.transform.position - v.transform.position).magnitude;

                if (alt < dist[v])
                    dist[v] = alt;
                    previous[v] = u;
        return null;


if(dist[obj] < shortestDistance) //very complicated if statement that basically finds the shortest distance based on whichever gameobject distance is not infinity.


dist[v] = Mathf.Infinity;

我没有看到我们正在改变的其他任何地方,所以这就是我感到困惑的地方。如何将distObject字典中的GameObject键浮点值小于无穷大的shortestDistance。它必须改变吗?我觉得那里有一些我没有得到的东西,因为否则这一切都是有道理的。 shortestDistance是正无穷大所以某处(没有看到哪里)但是在我们初始化为正无穷大之后,dist字典中的GameObject键的值必须改变。

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