答案可能很简单 - 我怀疑,我无法提出正确的搜索字词。
代码工作正常,除了在名称中处理撇号的常见问题(" O' Neill,"" O' Brien,"等等)我发现了一个非常简单的撇号处理函数,但是当我尝试在搜索查询中使用该函数时,它仍然会引发3075运行时错误,我不确定原因。它只会在包含撇号的搜索中抛出运行时错误,所以我觉得这个函数可能不是我认为的那样。
Private Sub btnSearchSurname_Click()
Dim frm As Form
Dim strSearch As String
strSearch = "[List_Employees.Surname] like '" & Me.EmpSurname & "*'"
strSearch = strSearch & " AND [CurrentEmployee] = " & True
DoCmd.OpenForm "Employee_Entry_Extended_Certs", , , strSearch, , acHidden
Set frm = Forms("Employee_Entry_Extended_Certs")
If frm.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then
frm.Visible = True
MsgBox ("Employee not found. Try the 'all' button to see if they're inactive. If that doesn't work, please check for typos and try again.")
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Employee_Entry_Extended_Certs"
Call OpenPayrollCloseRest
End If
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Find_An_Employee"
我试图使用this simple public function to handle apostrophes:
Public Function adhHandleQuotes(ByVal varValue As Variant, Optional Delimiter As String = "'") As Variant
' Replace all instances of a string delimiter with TWO instances,
' thereby handling the darned quote issue once and for all. Also,
' surround the string with the delimiter, as well.
' Returns Null if the String was Null, otherwise
' returns the String with all instances of strDelimiter
' replaced with two of each.
adhHandleQuotes = strDelimiter & Replace(varValue, strDelimiter, strDelimiter & strDelimiter) & strDelimiter
End Function
我通过插入三行代替第一个" strSearch ="来修改搜索代码以使用该功能。行:
Dim strSearch As String
Dim strTerm As String
strTerm = adhHandleQuotes(Me.EmpSurname)
strSearch = "[List_Employees.Surname] like '" & strTerm & "*'"
strSearch = strSearch & " AND [CurrentEmployee] = " & True
DoCmd.OpenForm "Employee_Entry_Extended_Certs", , , strSearch, , acHidden
答案 0 :(得分:1)
为什么你甚至需要一个功能?只需简单地加入Double Quotes,我的黑客就是使用Chr(34)。
Private Sub btnSearchSurname_Click()
Dim frm As Form
Dim strSearch As String
strSearch = "[List_Employees.Surname] Like " & Chr(34) & Me.EmpSurname & "*" & Chr(34)
strSearch = strSearch & " AND [CurrentEmployee] = True"
DoCmd.OpenForm "Employee_Entry_Extended_Certs", , , strSearch, , acHidden
Set frm = Forms("Employee_Entry_Extended_Certs")
If frm.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then
frm.Visible = True
MsgBox ("Employee not found. Try the 'all' button to see if they're inactive. If that doesn't work, please check for typos and try again.")
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Employee_Entry_Extended_Certs"
Call OpenPayrollCloseRest
End If
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Find_An_Employee"
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:0)
你可能想试试这个: Access VBA, unescaped single quotes, Replace(), and null