//constructor to create the initial object. Accepts object and creates new taxCalculation object
function taxCalculation(configuration){
this.superAnnuationPercentage = configuration.superAnnuationPercentage;
this.superAnnuationTaxRate = configuration.superAnnuationTaxRate;
//creating a new object "tax" with taxCalculation constructor
var tax = new taxCalculation({
superAnnuationPercentage: 9.25,
superAnnuationTaxRate: 15
//Defines HECS/HELP repayment brackets
var hecs = [
{from:0, percentage:0},
{from:53346, percentage:4},
{from:59422, percentage:4.5},
{from:65498, percentage:5.0},
{from:68940, percentage:5.5},
{from:74106, percentage:6.0},
{from:80258, percentage:6.5},
{from:84482, percentage:7.0},
{from:92971, percentage:7.5},
{from:99070, percentage:8.0},
//Defines the tax brackets
var taxBracket = [
{from: 0, percentage: 0, baseAmount: 0},
{from: 18201, percentage: 19, over: 18200, baseAmount: 0},
{from: 37001, percentage: 32.5, over: 37000, baseAmount: 3752},
{from: 80001, percentage: 37, over: 80000, baseAmount: 17547},
{from: 180001, percentage: 45, over: 180000, baseAmount: 54547}
//Calculate the super annuation component of grossIncome
taxCalculation.prototype.grossSuperAnnuation = function(income){
return income * this.superAnnuationPercentage / 100;
//Calculates tax on super annuation component
taxCalculation.prototype.superAnnuationTax = function(grossSuper){
return grossSuper * this.superAnnuationTaxRate / 100;
//Calculate gross income
taxCalculation.prototype.grossIncome = function(grossIncome){
return grossIncome - this.grossSuperAnnuation(grossIncome);
//Calculates HECS bracket based on gross income
taxCalculation.prototype.hecsCalculation = function (income){
for (var x = 0; x < hecs.length; x++){
if(income >= hecs[x].from){
var percentage = hecs[x].percentage/100;
return income * percentage;
//Loops through taxBracket object and finds the tax bracket for the post deduction gross income amount
taxCalculation.prototype.taxBracketCalculation = function (grossSuperIncome){
for(var x = 0; x < taxBracket.length; x++){
if(grossSuperIncome <= taxBracket[x].from){
var amountOver = grossSuperIncome - taxBracket[x].over;
var percent = taxBracket[x].percentage / 100;
return taxBracket[x].baseAmount + (amountOver * percent);
//Calculate all of the factors in tax calculation
taxCalculation.prototype.totalTax = function (income){
var taxResult = {
income: income
taxResult.superAnnuation = this.grossSuperAnnuation(income);
taxResult.grossIncome = this.grossIncome(income);
taxResult.taxBase = this.taxBracketCalculation(taxResult.grossIncome);
taxResult.taxSuper = this.superAnnuationTax(taxResult.superAnnuation);
taxResult.hecs = this.hecsCalculation(income);
return taxResult;
var test = tax.totalTax(65000);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
app.service('taxService', function () {
function taxCalculation(configuration) {
this.superAnnuationPercentage = configuration.superAnnuationPercentage;
this.superAnnuationTaxRate = configuration.superAnnuationTaxRate;
//creating a new object "tax" with taxCalculation constructor
var tax = new taxCalculation({
superAnnuationPercentage: 9.25,
superAnnuationTaxRate: 15
//Calculate the super annuation component of grossIncome
this.grossSuperAnnuation = function (income) {
return income * tax.superAnnuationPercentage / 100;
function IncomeController($scope, taxService) {
$scope.tax = "undefined"
$scope.calculate = function () {
$scope.tax = taxService.grossSuperAnnuation($scope.income);
<div ng-controller="IncomeController">
<input ng-model="income" />
<button ng-click="calculate()">Calculate</button>