在Powershell中,它很容易使用| format-table -autosize包含结果并在PS中显示,但我设法将结果输入电子邮件的唯一方法是使用out-string,无论我如何设置格式,他们都会#39 ;只是一种乱七八糟的混乱。有没有一个很好的方法来清理它?
$msg.body = "Here are the items that need to be returned in the next 30 days:"+"`n"+$results | out-string
function sendMail{
Write-Host "Sending Email"
#SMTP server name
$smtpServer = "mailserver"
#Creating a Mail object
$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
#Creating SMTP server object
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
#Email structure
$msg.From = "me@company.com" #****Change Message Sender
$msg.To.Add("every1else@company.com") #***Add Recipients
$msg.subject = "Lease Returns in Next 30 Days" #***Change subject
$msg.body = "Here are the items that need to be returned in the next 30 days:"+"`n"+$results | out-string
#Sending email