PHP Mail函数等待并且不使用foreach循环

时间:2014-09-16 13:49:19

标签: php codeigniter email


        $from = "";
        $subject = "";
        $headers = "";
        $inc = 0;
        foreach($query->result_array() as $row)
            $to = $row['us_email'];
            $to_date = $row['report_date'];
            if($to_date != "0000-00-00")
                $subject = "Hello! (Reports Are Not Created).";

                //begin of HTML message 
                $message = "1 month above you should create reports.";
            else if($to_date == "0000-00-00")
                $subject = "Hello! (Generate Reports).";

                //begin of HTML message 
                $message ="generate reports to get more.";
            $headers  = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
            $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n";
            $headers .= "To: User <".$to.">, Admin <".$from.">" . "\r\n";
            $headers .= "From: Complete Online Marketing <".$from.">" . "\r\n";
            $headers .= "Reply-To: Recipient Name <".$from.">";
            $headers .= "Cc: [email]".$from."[/email]" . "\r\n";
            $headers .= "Bcc: [email]".$from."[/email]" . "\r\n";

            // now lets send the email.
            if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers))
                echo $inc.") ".$row['us_firstname']." ".$row['us_lastname']." - Sending Success...\n";
                $ins = array('report_mail'=>'0');
                $this->db->update('se_user', $ins, array('us_id' => $row['us_id']));
                echo $inc.") ".$row['us_firstname']." ".$row['us_lastname']." - Sending Fail...\n";

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