public Representation acceptItem(Representation entity) {
1. get information from entity
2. create new Item
3. setStatus(Status.SUCCESS_CREATED)
4. send POST request of another resource (e.g. orders resource)
ClientResource ordersResource = new ClientResource(ordersURI);
公共类ItemsResource扩展了BaseResource {
* Handle POST requests: create a new item.
public Representation acceptItem(Representation entity) {
Representation result = null;
// Parse the given representation and retrieve pairs of
// "name=value" tokens.
Form form = new Form(entity);
String itemName = form.getFirstValue("name");
String itemDescription = form.getFirstValue("description");
// Register the new item if one is not already registered.
if (!getItems().containsKey(itemName)
&& getItems().putIfAbsent(itemName,
new Item(itemName, itemDescription)) == null) {
// Set the response's status and entity
Representation rep = new StringRepresentation("Item created",
// Indicates where is located the new resource.
rep.setLocationRef(getRequest().getResourceRef().getIdentifier() + "/"
+ itemName);
result = rep;
//**In this POST method, send another POST request on another resource**
ClientResource ordersResource = new ClientResource(
ClientResource orderResource = null;
// Create a new item
Order order = new Order("order1", "this is an order.");
try {
Representation rO = ordersResource.post(getRepresentation(order));
orderResource = new ClientResource(rO.getLocationRef());
} catch (ResourceException e) {
System.out.println("Error status: " + e.getStatus());
System.out.println("Error message: " + e.getMessage());
} else { // Item is already registered.
result = generateErrorRepresentation("Item " + itemName
+ " already exists.", "1");
return result;
Sep 16, 2014 6:57:49 PM org.restlet.engine.component.ClientRouter getNext
WARNING: The protocol used by this request is not declared in the list of client connectors. (HTTP/1.1). In case you are using an instance of the Component class, check its "clients" property.
Not Found (404) - The server has not found anything matching the request URI
如果我将这两行(ClientResource ordersResource = new ClientResource(ordersURI); orderResource.post(info);
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您需要在web.xml中的servlet声明中添加以下init参数。有了这个,您的应用程序将能够进行HTTP HTTPS和FILE协议调用。
<param-value>HTTP HTTPS FILE</param-value>