
时间:2014-09-16 09:03:43

标签: postgresql transactions go libpq

Go:v 1.3 db:postgres使用lib / pq



func (sitemap *SiteMapData) InsertSiteMap(dbConnection *sql.DB) (int64, error) {

tx, err := dbConnection.Begin()
if err != nil {
    l4g.Error("InsertSiteMap: could not being transaction: %v", err)
    return 0, err
result, err := tx.Exec("INSERT INTO sitemap (url) VALUES($1)", sitemap.Url)

if err != nil {
    if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "duplicate key value violates unique constraint") {
        l4g.Error("sitemapdata.InsertSiteMap: error inserting new sitemap data: %v", err)
    return 0, nil

resultCount, _ := result.RowsAffected()
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
    l4g.Error("InsertSiteMap: could not commit transaction: %v", err)
    return resultCount, err
l4g.Info("InsertSiteMap: Insert with %s completed with count: %d", sitemap.Url, resultCount)
return resultCount, nil


func (sitemap *SiteMapData) PersistSiteMapData(dbConnection *sql.DB) (int64, error) {

baseQuery, execType := sitemap.buildUpdateQuery()

// as the number of parameters in the statement may vary the following logic is needed
var result sql.Result
var execErr error

tx, err := dbConnection.Begin()
if err != nil {
    l4g.Error("PersistSiteMap: could not being transaction: %v", err)
    return 0, err

switch {
case execType == NoExtraDates:
    result, execErr = tx.Exec(baseQuery, sitemap.ConsecutiveFailCount, sitemap.LastAttempt.Time,
        sitemap.Etag.String, sitemap.InternalChecksum.String, sitemap.Id)
case execType == LastGatheredOnly:
    result, execErr = tx.Exec(baseQuery, sitemap.ConsecutiveFailCount, sitemap.LastAttempt.Time,
        sitemap.Etag.String, sitemap.InternalChecksum.String,
        sitemap.LastGathered.Time, sitemap.Id)
case execType == ModifiedHeaderOnly:
    result, execErr = tx.Exec(baseQuery, sitemap.ConsecutiveFailCount, sitemap.LastAttempt.Time,
        sitemap.Etag.String, sitemap.InternalChecksum.String,
        sitemap.ModifiedHeader.Time, sitemap.Id)
case execType == BothDates:
    result, execErr = tx.Exec(baseQuery, sitemap.ConsecutiveFailCount, sitemap.LastAttempt.Time,
        sitemap.Etag.String, sitemap.InternalChecksum.String,
        sitemap.LastGathered.Time, sitemap.ModifiedHeader.Time, sitemap.Id)

if execErr != nil {
    return -1, fmt.Errorf("PersistSiteMapData Error %s: %v", baseQuery, execErr)

resultCount, _ := result.RowsAffected()
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
    l4g.Error("PersistSiteMap: could not commit transaction: %v", err)
    return resultCount, err
l4g.Info("PersistSiteMapData Updated sitemap %s(%d) correctly", sitemap.Url, sitemap.Id)
return resultCount, nil

// buildUpdateQuery returns the update query dependent on the presence of valid datetime fields.
func (sitemap *SiteMapData) buildUpdateQuery() (string, int) {
// note: lastAttempt is not covered here as this is set immediatley prior to the retrieval attempt
nextParam := 5
execType := NoExtraDates
baseQuery := "UPDATE sitemap " +
    "SET " +
    "consecutive_fail_count = $1, last_attempt = $2, etag = $3, internal_checksum = $4"

if sitemap.LastGathered.Valid {
    baseQuery = fmt.Sprintf("%s, last_gathered = $%d", baseQuery, nextParam)
    execType += LastGatheredOnly

if sitemap.ModifiedHeader.Valid {
    baseQuery = fmt.Sprintf("%s, modified_header = $%d", baseQuery, nextParam)
    execType += ModifiedHeaderOnly
baseQuery = fmt.Sprintf("%s WHERE id = $%d", baseQuery, nextParam)

return baseQuery, execType


pq: unexpected transaction status in a failed transaction

通过lib / pq代码跟踪,看起来这是在调用* sql.DB.Begin()并且事务已在运行时发生的。



由于 森

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




所以看来lib / pq并不能很好地处理事务的隔离。
