将结果存储在if / then语句之外

时间:2014-09-16 00:53:31

标签: vb.net




Dim decMonthlyCharge As Decimal
Dim intHours As Integer
Dim decPackageA As Decimal
Dim decPackageB As Decimal
Dim decPackageC As Decimal

    intHours = CInt(txtNumberofHours.Text)

    If radPackageA.Checked = True Then
        If intHours <= 10 Then
            decPackageA = CDec(9.95)
        ElseIf intHours >= 11 Then
            decPackageA = CDec(intHours - 10) * 2 + CDec(9.95)
        End If

        If chkNonProfit.Checked = True Then
            decPackageA = CDec(decPackageA - (decPackageA * 0.2))
        End If

        decMonthlyCharge = decPackageA
    End If


好的,所以我声明包A,B,C的原因是我希望程序存储每个选项的值,然后添加另一个复选框,显示与所选计划相比的节省。 我遇到的麻烦是这些计算只在if语句中完成(取决于我选择的单选按钮)并且我希望它们全部存储,以便我可以编写另一行代码来比较所有这些...



Private Sub btnCalc_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click

    Dim decMonthlyCharge As Decimal
    Dim intHours As Integer
    Private decPackageA As Decimal
    Private decPackageB As Decimal
    Private decPackageC As Decimal

        intHours = CInt(txtNumberofHours.Text)
        If radPackageA.Checked = True Then
            If intHours <= 10 Then
                decPackageA = CDec(9.95)
            ElseIf intHours >= 11 Then
                decPackageA = CDec(intHours - 10) * 2 + CDec(9.95)
            End If
            If chkNonProfit.Checked = True Then
                decPackageA = CDec(decPackageA - (decPackageA * 0.2))
            End If
            decMonthlyCharge = decPackageA
        End If




lblMonthlyCharge.Text = decMonthlyCharge.ToString("c")

        If chkPotentialSavings.Checked = True Then

            lblPotentialSavings.Text = CStr(decPackageA - decPackageB) & " potential savings with package B"
            End If




        If chkPotentialSavings.Checked = True And decMonthlyCharge = decPackageA Then
            lblPotentialSavings.Text = (decPackageA - decPackageB).ToString("C") & " potential savings with package B,  " &
                (decPackageA - decpackagec).ToString("c") & " potential savings with package C"

            'calculate savings with Package B
        ElseIf chkPotentialSavings.Checked = True And decMonthlyCharge = decPackageB Then
            lblPotentialSavings.Text = (decPackageB - decPackageA).ToString("C") & " potential savings with package A,  " &
                (decPackageB - decpackagec).ToString("c") & " potential savings with package C"

            If (decPackageB - decPackageA) <= (0) Then
                lblPotentialSavings.Text = "$0.00 potential savings with package A, " &
                    (decPackageB - decpackagec).ToString("c") & " potential savings with package C"

            End If
            'Calculate savings with Package C
        ElseIf chkPotentialSavings.Checked = True And decMonthlyCharge = decpackagec Then
            lblPotentialSavings.Text = (decpackagec - decPackageA).ToString("C") & " potential savings with package A,  " &
                (decpackagec - decPackageB).ToString("c") & " potential savings with package C "
            If (decpackagec - decPackageA) <= (0) Then
                lblPotentialSavings.Text = "$0.00 potential savings with package A,  " &
                    (decpackagec - decPackageB).ToString("c") & " potential savings with package B "
                If (decpackagec - decPackageB) <= (0) Then
                    lblPotentialSavings.Text = " $0.00 potential savings with package A,  " & " $0.00 potential savings with package B"
                End If

            End If


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


要使变量在整个类中可用,也就是说,在不同的方法中,您需要一个Global变量,该变量声明为Private decPackageA as decimal。请注意,声明应在方法之外完成(在课程开始时,为了更好的可见性)。


    Private _decPackageA As Decimal
    Public Property decPackageA() As Decimal
            Return _decPackageA
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Decimal)
            _decPackageA = value
        End Set
    End Property
