
时间:2014-09-15 05:37:43

标签: perl sorting


perl Bagwell_Assign_One.plx -r c b a

b a

# Sort and Unsort
#Zak Bagwell
#The purpose of this program is to take strings as command line arguments and sort
#invoke by: perl filename.plx string string string 
# -r will output reverse order sort

use 5.8.8;
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;  # use for the -r reverse sort
use vars qw($opt_r);  # use for the -r reverse sort
use vars qw($opt_reverse); # use for the -reverse sort

getopts('r:');  # use for the -r reverse sort

if ($#ARGV < 1) {  # a test for strings is preformed first
  print "Invalid command line arguments to program. Please supply two or more strings to sort.\n";
  die  "\n";
  } #end if

elsif (defined $opt_r){ # if -r is present, the sort is reversed 

  @ARGV = reverse sort(@ARGV);

elsif (defined $opt_reverse){ # if -reverse is present, the sort is reversed  

  @ARGV = reverse sort(@ARGV);

else {  # if no -r, then normal sort
  @ARGV = sort @ARGV;
  } #end else

# Display output 
print "@ARGV\n";


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下面的冒号告诉Getopt::Std -r标志带有一个参数:

getopts('r:');                # use for the -r reverse sort


getopts('r');                # use for the -r reverse sort



use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long;

    "reverse" => \( my $opt_reverse ),
) or die "Error in command line arguments\n";

die "Invalid command line arguments to program. Please supply two or more strings to sort.\n"
    if @ARGV < 2;

@ARGV = sort @ARGV;
@ARGV = reverse @ARGV if $opt_reverse;

print "@ARGV\n";