我编写了一个函数,其唯一目的是以连续的形式遍历所有表单,从" Owner"中获取名称。字段,然后创建一个仅包含唯一值(没有重复名称)的集合。
ElseIf var = o Then
Private Sub Command39_Click()
Dim intRecordCount As Integer
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim colNames As Collection
Set colNames = New Collection
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
intRecordCount = rs.RecordCount
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
If intRecordCount > 0 Then
Dim thisCol As Collection
Set thisCol = New Collection
'For each record on the form
Do While Not rs.EOF
Dim str As String
Dim o As Variant
str = Me.txtOwners.Value & ""
'If the textbox isn't empty
If Len(str) > 0 Then
'Send the string containing names ("Bob, Cheryl, Jeff, Tim")
Set thisCol = SplitNames(str)
'Loop through all of the names found
For Each o In thisCol
Dim var As Variant
Dim blnFound As Boolean
'Loop through all names in the main collection
For Each var In colNames
'If the collection is empty simply add the first name
If colNames.Count = 0 Then
blnFound = False
'If the collection has items check each one to see if the name is already in the collection
'This line is where the problem lies, I can't find anyway to compare var to o
ElseIf var = o Then
blnFound = True
End If
Next var
'If the name was not found in the collection add it
If Not blnFound Then
colNames.Add (o)
End If
Next o
End If
'Go to the next record in the continuous
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
End If
End Sub
'Accepts the name of the owners to be split
Public Function SplitNames(strNames As String) As Collection
Dim colNames As Collection
Dim strThisName As String
Set colNames = New Collection
'Replaces ("Bob, Cheryl, Jeff, Tim") with ("Bob Cheryl Jeff Tim")
'I realize this isn't really needed simply my OCD requires I do
strNames = Trim(Replace(strNames, ", ", " "))
'Create the collection of names
colNames.Add (Split(strNames, " "))
'Send back the collection
Set SplitNames = colNames
End Function
更新 - 出于某种原因,我需要通过使用var(0)来访问var string propery,所以看起来var变成了自己的数组?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
dict(key) = value
我在此函数中添加了一个可选参数,允许您返回 一个唯一名称的词典,或一个Collection(从Dictionary转换)。未经测试,但我认为它应该有效。如果您遇到任何问题,请告诉我。
Public Function SplitNames(strNames As String, Optional returnCollection as Boolean=False) As Object
'returns a Dictionary of unique names, _
' or a Collection of unique names if optional returnCollection=True
Dim dictNames as Object
Dim strThisName As Variant
Dim coll as Collection
Set dictNames = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Replaces ("Bob, Cheryl, Jeff, Tim") with ("Bob Cheryl Jeff Tim")
'I realize this isn't really needed simply my OCD requires I do
strNames = Trim(Replace(strNames, ", ", " "))
'Create the collection of names
For Each strThisName in Split(strNames, " ")
dictNames(strThisName) = ""
If Not returnCollection Then
Set SplitNames = dictNames
Set coll = New Collection
For each strThisName in dictNames.Keys()
coll.Add strThisName
Set SplitNames = coll
End If
End Function
Private Sub Command39_Click()
Dim intRecordCount As Integer
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim dictNames As Object
Dim collNames as Collection
Dim str As String
Dim o As Variant
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
intRecordCount = rs.RecordCount
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
If intRecordCount > 0 Then
'For each record on the form
Do While Not rs.EOF
str = Me.Controls("Text27").Value & ""
'If the textbox isn't empty
If Len(str) > 0 Then
'Send the string containing names ("Bob, Cheryl, Jeff, Tim")
Set dictNames = SplitNames(str)
'Alternatively, if you want to work with the Collection instead:
Set collNames = SplitNames(str, True)
End If
End If
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Private Sub Command39_Click()
Dim intRecordCount As Integer
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim dictNames As New Collection
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
intRecordCount = rs.RecordCount
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
If intRecordCount > 0 Then
Dim dictTheseNames As New Collection
'For each record on the form
Do While Not rs.EOF
Dim str As String
Dim o As Variant
str = Me.Controls("Text27").Value & ""
'If the textbox isn't empty
If Len(str) > 0 Then
'Send the string containing names ("Bob, Cheryl, Jeff, Tim")
Set dictTheseNames = SplitNames(str)
'Loop through all of the names found
For Each o In dictTheseNames
Dim var As Variant
Dim blnFound As Boolean
blnFound = False
'Loop through all names in the main collection
For Each var In dictNames
'If the collection is empty simply add the first name
If dictNames.Count = 0 Then
dictNames.Add (o)
'If the collection has items check each one to see if the name is already in the collection
'This line is where the problem lies, I can't find anyway to compare var to o
ElseIf o = var Then
blnFound = True
End If
Next var
'If the name was not found in the collection add it
If Not blnFound Then
dictNames.Add (o)
End If
Next o
End If
'Go to the next record in the continuous
If (rs.RecordCount - rs.AbsolutePosition) > 2 Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
End If
End If
End Sub
'Accepts the name of the owners to be split
Public Function SplitNames(strNames As String) As Collection
Dim dictNames As New Collection
Dim strThisName As String
Dim strArray() As String
Set dictNames = New Collection
'Replaces ("Bob, Cheryl, Jeff, Tim") with ("Bob Cheryl Jeff Tim")
'I realize this isn't really needed simply my OCD requires I do
strNames = Trim(Replace(strNames, ", ", " "))
'Create the array of names
strArray = Split(strNames, " ")
Dim o As Variant
For Each o In strArray
dictNames.Add (o)
Next o
'Send back the collection
Set SplitNames = dictNames
End Function