it "doesn't blow up if a user doesn't have billing info" do
user_guid = rand(10000000)
CreateRecurlyTestData.create_account(user_guid, nil, nil)
tax_reconciler = TaxReconciler.new
new_tax_amount = rand(100000)
user = create_test_user(:guid => user_guid)
expect(tax_reconciler.update_tax_amount(user, new_tax_amount)).to_not raise_error
失败/错误:CreateRecurlyTestData.create_account(user_guid,nil,nil) VCR ::错误:: UnhandledHTTPRequestError:
An HTTP request has been made that VCR does not know how to handle:
GET https://2b64d08ef45c446dbba75720a37b7d41:@api.recurly.com/v2/accounts/3276643
VCR is currently using the following cassette:
- /Users/Evan/dish/stallone/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/tax_reconciler/no_method_error.yml
- :record => :once
- :match_requests_on => [:method, :uri]
Under the current configuration VCR can not find a suitable HTTP interaction
to replay and is prevented from recording new requests. There are a few ways
you can deal with this:
* If you're surprised VCR is raising this error
and want insight about how VCR attempted to handle the request,
you can use the debug_logger configuration option to log more details [1].
* You can use the :new_episodes record mode to allow VCR to
record this new request to the existing cassette [2].
* If you want VCR to ignore this request (and others like it), you can
set an `ignore_request` callback [3].
* The current record mode (:once) does not allow new requests to be recorded
to a previously recorded cassette. You can delete the cassette file and re-run
your tests to allow the cassette to be recorded with this request [4].
* The cassette contains 4 HTTP interactions that have not been
played back. If your request is non-deterministic, you may need to
change your :match_requests_on cassette option to be more lenient
or use a custom request matcher to allow it to match [5].
[1] https://www.relishapp.com/vcr/vcr/v/2-9-3/docs/configuration/debug-logging
[2] https://www.relishapp.com/vcr/vcr/v/2-9-3/docs/record-modes/new-episodes
[3] https://www.relishapp.com/vcr/vcr/v/2-9-3/docs/configuration/ignore-request
[4] https://www.relishapp.com/vcr/vcr/v/2-9-3/docs/record-modes/once
[5] https://www.relishapp.com/vcr/vcr/v/2-9-3/docs/request-matching
VCR.configure do |c|
c.cassette_library_dir = 'fixtures/vcr_cassettes'
c.hook_into :webmock # or :fakeweb
答案 0 :(得分:4)
这种模式出现问题的一种常见方法是,如果您删除了磁带并且只运行一个规格,而不是整个套件。 Bingo - 您的磁带已创建,除了该特定规范中的请求之外的所有请求都将无法识别。
此模式的优点是可以捕获虚假请求 - 如果您知道磁带包含所有有效请求,则可以通过使用此模式捕获由于不正确请求而导致的错误。